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10 Best Age Of Sigmar Chaos Models

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Posted 2 hours ago by inuno.ai



  • Servants of Dark Gods in AoS hold power, the unique models tell stories.
  • Claws Of Karanak embody the most bestial Khorne worshippers.
  • Myrmidesh Painbringers focus on Slaanesh’s pride.

As opposed to their counterparts in Warhammer 40,000, and Warhammer Fantasy, arguably the origin of the Grimdark Fantasy genre, the servants of the Dark Gods in Age Of Sigmar are the ones in control. Having ruled most of the Mortal Realms since the Age Of Chaos, and are only now being pushed back by the servants of Sigmar and his allies.


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The multitude of cultures and civilisations that have risen in service to the ruinous powers have meant that many of the models available to the Chaos factions are unique and tell a story all of their own. They have everything from ethereal cults, shards of gods, to horsemen of the apocalypse.


Claws Of Karanak

Let Slip The Dogs Of War

Claws Of Karanak
Games Workshop

Feral worshippers of the blood god, Khorne, the Claws Of Karanak are a scourge upon the mortal realms and part of one of the strongest factions in the setting. They style themselves after the bestial Khorne Flesh Hounds, daemons of Khorne dedicated to hunting down his foes. Embracing their inner beast to its fullest extent.

As models, the Claws of Karanak really sell the bestial, savage nature of Flesh Hounds. Wearing furs and masks styled to look like the beasts that inspire them. The serrated axes, poses and snarling faces add tons of character to the models, appearing brutally insane even across the tabletop.


Myrmidesh Painbringers

Shimmering Knights Of The Dark Prince

myrmidesh painbringers
Games Workshop

For those who wish to focus on the prideful aspect of Slaanesh rather than the depraved, the Myrmidesh are perfect. Dedicated to their perfection above all else, the Myrmidesh join blade sects where they fully dedicate themselves to a chosen fighting style, excelling in it above all else.

The models are the perfect counterweight to the more lurid, disturbingly sexual models in the Slaanesh range. Alien and Daemonic yet still stylish and simple, the models feel like the perfect Slaaneshi knights.



Khornes Favoured Children

Games Workshop

For fans of the Dawn Of War franchise, the Bloodthirster is still as Iconic as it was twenty years ago. The greater daemons of the Blood God, each Bloodthirster is a walking, flying avatar of war and death. They can easily lay waste to hordes of lesser beings and can give even the greatest heroes pause.



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As a model, the Bloodthirster oozes that traditional demonic aesthetic. A bestial head flanked by colossal batwings, roaring as it tears its way into reality from the flames below. Khorne has always most closely embodied the traditional look of demons and hell, and the Bloodthirster is the pinnacle of that.



Three Brothers, One Model

Games Workshop

The Glottkin are the greatest scions of Nurgle, born before the fall of the Old World but returned to service in the Age Of Sigmar by the plague god. They were the sons of two missionaries who originally wished to spread their faith to the chaotic peoples of Norsca, unfortunately for them, the Empire of Man didn’t discriminate when they invaded to cull the Norscan raiders, killing the missionaries and leaving their sons to search for the strength to avenge their parents. Strength they found with Grandfather Nurgle.

The models are imposing across the table and display the character of each brother in perfect clarity. The mutated bestial colossus that was Ghurk is barely recognisable as human anymore. Otto has climbed to the top, clutching a scythe in one hand, and his own entrails in the other. Meanwhile, Ethrac prepares some horrific spell to spread Nurgles’ gift to another batch of hapless mortals.



Talon Of Slaanesh

Games Workshop

Dexcessa was created during an ill-fated attempt by the ever scheming Morathi to siphon off the captive Prince of Pleasure’s power. In doing so, she accidentally severed part of the gods essence which splintered into two new, incredibly powerful Keepers Of Secrets, one being Dexcessa themself.

As opposed to their near identical twin, Synessa, Dexcessa is a violent and brutal being. Embodying the sadism and excessive thrill of close quarters combat, Dexcessa tears through anyone unfortunate enough to get near them. All the while appearing artistic and graceful in their slaughter.


Gaunt Summoner

Eyes Everywhere

Gaunt Summoner
Games Workshop

Daemon Sorcerers of Tzeentch. The Gaunt Summoners are slaves of the Everchosen himself, captured during the Age Of Chaos. They watch over the towers that connect the mortal realms and the realms of chaos, making them some of the most prized captives of Archaeon. Their defeat was a feat unto itself as they’re some of the most powerful wizards in the god of sorcery’s repertoire.


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The Gaunt summoner is brilliantly eldritch. Appearing both somewhat human and completely unlike anything else in the setting. The multiple sets of eyes clinging to some kind of metal horns, the pose almost suggesting the lack of any legs, the warpflame jetting from the book in its hand. It’s the perfect expression of Tzeentch’s power.


Vizzik Skour

Skaven Yes-Yes

Games Workshop

The Skaven are an incredibly dangerous faction despite their diminutive stature. The hordes of ratmen are unnumbered and can easily overwhelm most armies that try to face them. Vizzik, high priest of the great horned rat and Lord of the Gnaw, makes them even more dangerous, his mere presence driving the hordes of the under-empire into a zealous, frothing frenzy. He is a worthy successor to the much beloved Skaven of the Old World.

The model is both disgusting and awe-inspiring. The rat-like features across Vizzik’s body are twisted and warped into even more disgusting shapes, while the crown of misshapen horns sitting atop his head are a reminder of his position as chosen of the vermin god.


Harbinger Of Decay

The Reaper Cometh

Games Workshop

The Harbingers Of Decay are the chosen priests of the plague god among his mortal followers. They ride half dead steeds into battle, watching the servants of the Grandfather as though they were his own paternal gaze. The hosts of Nurgle fight all the harder under their watch, desperate for Nurgle’s eyes to witness their devotion and reward them. It would be nice to see them join the Nurgle faction in Total War: Warhammer 3 at some point.

The Harbinger Of Decay embodies the rarer darker side of Nurgle as opposed to the more cheerful nurglings and jolly fat warriors. It’s grim, disgusting and embodies death, with the right paint job it could appear almost as the Biblical Horseman Of Disease. One shudders to think what hides underneath that helmet.



The Everchosen

Games Workshop

The mightiest mortal to ever grace the realms, or the old world for that matter. Archaon is Everchosen by his will alone, simply too strong to deny. He has no taste for the gods he supposedly serves, and wishes to see them and Sigmar laid low under his blade. And, given his track record, that is a very real possibility. He led the Warriors Of Chaos to destroy the Old World in Warhammer Fantasy and now he plans to use them to tear down the gods that rule over the mortal realms.


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Warhammer 40K isn’t a cheap hobby, but these incredible figures take that to a new, expensive height.

Atop his daemonic steed Dorghar, a mighty creature itself that has now consumed three of the Chaos Gods’ own greater daemons, Archaon rides to battle. While an action pose of Archaon on the ground akin to his Warhammer Fantasy model would be welcome, especially for fans of Total War: Warhammer, this is the only way to really sell just how imposing he really is. A colossal model for one of the greatest villains in the entire Warhammer franchise.



The Dark Master

Games Workshop

Be’lakor is the only Daemon prince to have ever been given the favour of all four gods, affording him free will. A schemer to the end, he intends to upend Archaon and crown himself as the Everchosen once again. He’s also one of the only characters to appear in both Age Of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. But his model rocks in both.

The model is perfect for anyone who wants that colossal behemoth to cast a shadow across the battlefield. Be’lakor’s model is the perfect antithesis to the mortal leaders of chaos. A colossal flaming sword and chained, dragon-like wings extended, it almost resembles Satan himself coming to claim some unlucky models.


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