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10 Best Designed Super Saiyan Forms in the Dragon Ball Canon, Ranked

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Posted 6 hours ago by inuno.ai

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball has changed since its humble origins. Dragon Ball becomes a progressively more mature story the deeper it gets, especially by Dragon Ball Z. This has coincided with Dragon Ball’s growing obsession with Super Saiyan transformations, which have become an effective shorthand tool to communicate a character’s strength.

The Super Saiyan system was originally fairly direct with a clear trajectory, but the transformation has evolved in interesting ways throughout Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and now Dragon Ball DAIMA. There are more Super Saiyan transformations than ever, some of which go above and beyond when it comes to their style and design.


10 Best Designed Villain Forms in Dragon Ball, Ranked

Dragon Ball is dense with dangerous villains, many of whom have multiple forms, some of which are more memorable than others.


Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan Brings Out Goku’s Killer Instinct

Debut: Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!

Most Dragon Ball Z‘s films are non-canon, which leads to several original transformations and techniques, some of which are never seen again. Goku experiences a fascinating phenomenon during his fight against Super Android 13. While conjuring a Spirit Bomb, Goku suddenly turns Super Saiyan. This causes Goku to absorb the Spirit Bomb’s energy. Goku’s basic Super Saiyan aura takes on an influx of blue color.

As a Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan, Goku gains a more intense aura that seems to actively cause others pain, like when it crumbles Super Android 13’s fist. Goku doesn’t look that different from a standard Super Saiyan, but he adopts a more aggressive demeanor and a slightly more brutish face that makes him look barbaric. Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan’s strength is more impressive than its design, but it still makes a strong impression.


Super Saiyan Second Grade is a Bulkier, More Intimidating Upgrade to a Classic

Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 155, “Super Vegeta”

Goku powers up in his Super Saiyan Second Grade state in Dragon Ball Z.
Image via Toei Animation

While training for the Cell Games, Goku comes up with the idea of maintaining Super Saiyan for as long as possible to help normalize the form and break through to the next level. Before Super Saiyan 2 is discovered, the Saiyans all reach unique mid-stages – Super Saiyan Second and Third Grade.


Every Super Saiyan Form in Dragon Ball & Its Best User

Super Saiyan transformations are practically synonymous with Dragon Ball and each unique form has been mastered by a specific character.

These forms are certainly stronger than the standard Super Saiyan, but they’re also significantly slower to the point the extra strength is irrelevant. Super Saiyan Second Grade is at least usable, but Super Saiyan Third Grade goes way too far and features a comical degree of bulky muscles. Super Saiyan Third Grade looks abhorrent, whereas Super Saiyan Second Grade finds a happy medium. There’s just enough muscle mass for the form to be effective and not look too silly.


Pseudo Super Saiyan Gives a Classic Form a Chaotically Frenzied Design

Debut: Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug

Pseudo Super Saiyan Goku grabs Lord Slug's fist in Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug.
Image via Toei Animation

It’s easy to forget that Pseudo Super Saiyan Goku’s transformation during the climax of Lord Slug is actually the first Super Saiyan transformation of any kind, predating the manga own Super Saiyan debut. As a result, Toei has to jump to some conclusions about what the transformation might look like, which results in this fringe transformation. Pseudo Super Saiyan has more going on in it than the regular Super Saiyan, at least.

PSSJ also has a more sinister energy to it, largely because the individual’s pupils are blanked out, like in Broly’s Legendary Super Saiyan state. Goku’s hair stands up, but it and the rest of his body carry a reddish hue that’s reminiscent of the Kaio-Ken. However, the overall aura is yellow. This makes Pseudo Super Saiyan look like an unusual Kaio-Ken and Super Saiyan hybrid.


Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) Reins in an Extreme Transformation

Debut: Dragon Ball DAIMA, Episode 12, “True Strength”

Vegeta (Mini) becomes Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball DAIMA.
Image via Toei Animation

There were originally concerns Dragon Ball DAIMA wouldn’t feature any substantial transformations for its main characters since the new anime is set between the events of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Surprisingly, Dragon Ball DAIMA throws canon out the window when it features Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta’s canon debut. Curiously, Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) – or Ultra Vegeta 1, as he likes to be called – is more successful than his adult counterpart.

Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) features a slightly different take on the transformation more in line with Toriyama’s initial drafts for the form. Vegeta’s hair is longer, but it still stands upward, rather than reaching such a length that it cascades down his back. This, combined with the exaggerated brow, electric aura, and increased confidence all make this form a winner and one of Dragon Ball DAIMA’s highlights.


Super Saiyan 2 is an Electrifying Improvement on a Fierce Foundation

Debut: Dragon Ball Z, 184, “Cell Juniors Attack!”

Sometimes less is more, which is definitely the case with Super Saiyan 2. Super Saiyan forms take wild swings after Super Saiyan 3’s introduction, but there’s an effective simplicity that helps Super Saiyan 2 shine. Super Saiyan 2 is basically just Super Saiyan, but with slightly longer hair and an electric aura. SSJ2 is an intimidating display that should have been the Super Saiyan baseline from the start.


Every Dragon Ball Saiyan’s Ultimate Form, Ranked

Dragon Ball is rich in iconic transformations for its many Saiyans, but each fighter’s strongest state connects on a different level.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the standard Super Saiyan transformation, but it becomes irrelevant once Super Saiyan 2 enters the picture. Make no mistake, the first Super Saiyan form was groundbreaking and permanently changed Dragon Ball. It would be legendary on its own if it were Dragon Ball’s only transformation, but in a world where Super Saiyan 2 exists, there’s a clearly better version.


Super Saiyan Rage is an Emotionally Transcendent Form

Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 61, “Zamasu’s Ambition The Storied ‘Project 0 Mortals’ Of Terror”

Future Trunks ascends to Super Saiyan Rage mode in Dragon Ball Super.
Image via Toei Animation

Audiences were excited about fan-favorite character Future Trunks returning in Dragon Ball Super, even if his characterization felt slightly off. Future Trunks bravely joins Goku and Vegeta in their strenuous strike against Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Goku and Vegeta bring Vegito out of retirement, with Super Saiyan Blue no less, yet it feels more appropriate that Future Trunks ultimately saves the day. Fused Zamasu’s threats against Future Trunks’ loved ones prompt a terrifying transformation that goes a step beyond Super Saiyan 2 (Enraged) Vegeta’s spectacle against Beerus.

Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks is the fighter at his absolute finest and this triumphant transformation properly celebrates Trunks’ endless power. Super Saiyan Rage features a heightened aura that’s a mix of yellow and blue, that also crackles with electricity. Future Trunks’ eyes are also blanked out, as if he’s tapped into something visceral and primal. The Super Saiyan Rage design is exceptional, but it’s featured in tandem with Future Trunks’ totemic Sword of Hope attack, which makes him look like some godly warrior.


Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken Goku Was Well Worth Years of Wait

Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 39, “A Developed ‘Time Skip’ Counterstrike? Here Comes Goku’s New Move!”

Blue Kaio-Ken Goku defeats Hit in the Tournament of Destroyers in Dragon Ball Super.
Image via Toei Animation

Super Saiyan ostensibly replaces Goku’s Kaio-Ken once it’s introduced. For decades, fan debated if the two abilities could be used in tandem or if the user’s body would just be destroyed by the strenuous pressure. Dragon Ball Super definitively answers this question when Goku introduces Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken as a desperate strategy to outpace Hit’s Time-Skip technique.

Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken Goku was initially developed to defeat Beerus in a hypothetical rematch and there’s a high percentage that it might kill Goku. Pushing himself past his limit in this regard even leaves him disadvantaged with Delayed Onset Ki Disorder. Blue Kaio-Ken delivers phenomenal strength and speed, but it also looks incredible. Goku gets swept up in a cyan and magenta dual aura where the colors beautifully complement each other. SSBKK a simple design, but the soothing combination of these colors while Goku moves at unfathomable speeds is an extremely satisfying sight.


Super Saiyan 4 Breaks Free From Its Predecessors’ Formula

Debut: Dragon Ball GT, Episode 34, “Back In The Game”

Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta scream as they power up in Dragon Ball GT.
Image via Toei Animation

Super Saiyan transformations were stuck on a predictable trajectory until Super Saiyan 4 successfully shook things up. Accordingly, Super Saiyan 4 is one of the more polarizing Super Saiyan designs, but it deserves credit for taking a risk and doing something different. The transformation looks like the perfect stepping stone between a Saiyan’s Great Ape and Super Saiyan forms, which is perhaps appropriate considering that the Golden Great Ape transformation is a prerequisite to the form.


10 Coolest Super Saiyan Forms, Ranked

The Dragon Ball franchise would be nothing without the iconic Super Saiyan transformations & some live up to the hype more so than others.

Another particularly interesting detail about the Super Saiyan 4 form is that there are actually several variations of it based upon who obtains the form. Goku’s fur is pink, for instance, whereas Vegeta’s fur is red. Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta’s hair is also inexplicably red, which works for aesthetic purposes, but doesn’t actually make sense. This trend continues in Dragon Ball DAIMA when the form returns, albeit with slight design changes, like magenta fur and hair in line with the Super Saiyan God aesthetic.


Super Saiyan Rosé Elevates Goku Black to Horrifyingly Beautiful Heights

Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 56, “Rematch With Goku Black! Enter Super Saiyan Rosé”

Goku Black transforms into Super Saiyan Rose in Dragon Ball Super.
Image via Toei Animation

Dragon Ball has gotten a lot of mileage out of the idea of evil Goku doppelgängers, which reaches its terrifying apex in Dragon Ball Super‘s “Future” Trunks Saga. In time, it’s revealed Zamasu – Universe 10’s Supreme Kai apprentice – used the Super Dragon Balls to steal Goku’s body and become the tyrannical dictator, Goku Black. Zamasu, as Goku Black, can still turn Super Saiyan.

That being said, Goku Black’s Super Saiyan energy is channeled into a more malevolent form that further differentiates him from his heroic counterpart. Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black has pinkish magenta hair and a complex aura that covers the spectrum of deep purple, purple, and a fiery red. Super Saiyan Rosé seems to have power comparable to Super Saiyan Blue, but it’s the most striking transformation and it’s unfortunate SSR is around for such a short period of time.


Super Saiyan God Turns Goku into a Living Flame

Debut: Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Gods

Dragon Ball faces a crucial turning point in its post-Z material and it’s ultimately for the best that the franchise chooses to pivot to color-coded godly ki evolutions of the Super Saiyan system. Super Saiyan God doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it’s so aesthetically-pleasing and hard not to love. Goku’s pupils and hair turn red, although the latter doesn’t spike up like it would in a standard Super Saiyan transformation, and his aura becomes very flame-like in nature.

Super Saiyan God Goku reaches such remarkable speeds in this state that, from a distance, it looks like he’s become living fire. It’s a distinct transformation that stays true to the series’ roots, but also pushes Dragon Ball in a confident, new direction. Unfortunately, its successor, Super Saiyan Blue, doesn’t retain the same creative energy.

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