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10 Best Episodes of Pokémon Horizons You Can Watch on Netflix Right Now

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Posted 5 hours ago by inuno.ai

Pokémon Horizons is one of the most popular new anime adaptions of the Pokémon Franchise. The popular franchise recently debuted its second season on Netflix. While every episode of the new season is a masterclass in all things Pokémon, certain instances are far more interesting. Episodes like “Showdown! The Paldean Elite Four!” will probably be remembered positively for years to come. Both Roy and Dot prove they are just as qualified as Liko to be the series’ protagonists.

While the newer adaption attempts to differ from previous iterations, it does so overly positively. The season two episodes highlight the upcoming focus on each main character and their Pokémon. This is showed in highly rated episodes like “Hatenna and the Otherworldy”. Pokémon Horizons’ new season has more engaging episodes than the previous, but certain episodes are better than others.


Liko Finally Begins To Grow As a Trainer Under Katy’s Instruction

Pokémon Horizons, Season 2, Episode 2, “Put Your Heart Into It!”

Pokémon Horizons Season 2’s second episode immediately throws the audience into the action. Liko meets the talented baker and Gym Leader, Katy, who is too busy to take on multiple opponents. She has Liko and Coral take part in a baking battle to determine how well the trainers can work with their Pokémon. Unsurprisingly, Liko and Floragato produce a lovely green cake that looks simply delectable. Yet, they do not fare so well during their Tera Training Basic Test.


10 Pokémon Trainers Who Could Easily Win a Cooking Battle

Pokémon trainers do more than battle—some become artists, entertainers, or skilled chefs, working with their Pokémon to create delicious dishes.

Liko might not be the most proficient battler in the series, but she has one of the deepest connections to her Pokémon. Liko’s feelings and inhibitions are often reflected in her partner. Katy, who is impressed with Liko’s overall skills despite her defeat, even noted this. Because of Liko’s overall great performance in the battle, she’s given permission to continue her Tera Training. Yet, the episode feels like it’s missing something as Murdock is the only adult Rising Volt Tackler to share in this victory.


The Flower Tower Demonstrates Many of Liko’s Greatest Flaws

“Pokémon Horizons, Season 2, Episode 6, “The Flower Tower”

Floragato in Pokemon Horizons Episode 6 : The Flower Tower
Image via Netflix

Liko and Floragato are exceptionally close, but they often get into minor arguments. This is only elevated when Liko takes on several new Pokémon, including Hatenna and Terapagos. Terapagos often gets into trouble and sneaks away. Since Liko is constantly forced to watch Terapagos, she pays less attention to her other Pokémon. Floragato becomes enraged at the lack of attention and attempts to leave the group for a time.

Thankfully, Floragato changes its mind and comes to Liko’s aid against the Tentacool. The duo watch the Flower Tower together, an event that is supposed to make them friends forever. While Liko might not apologize for her inadequacies directly, she pays more attention to Floragato. The episode is filled with many of Liko’s worst moments as a Pokémon trainer, by far.


Dot Must Reconcile Her Two Conflicting Personalities

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 4, “Dot and Nidothing”

Dot's Fear in Pokemon Horizons
Image via Netflix

Dot’s character arc is the most interesting in Pokémon Horizons. She doesn’t have a direct tangible goal and is instead trying to merge both of her prevalent personalities. She can be extremely eccentric and is very popular with most people. Except, Dot can only maintain this level of engagement as her character, Nidothing. Dot’s struggle with Iono during the episode beautifully highlights Dot’s inner conflict.

Because of her introverted nature, Dot misses out on many adventures from the early episodes. She fears no one will want to hear what Dot has to say if she’s not wearing the costume. The showrunners expertly use this episode to highlight the anxiety going through Dot’s inner monologue. While this causes her to be rude towards her friends, she later apologizes. The episode ends with Dot unsure if she can truly take part in the Basic Tera Test as herself.


Dot Takes a Bold Step and Finally Appears On Camera as Herself

Dot Battling Iono
Image via Netflix

Building on Dot’s character development from the previous episodes, she battles Iono as herself. Even Iono is shocked to see Dot take the stage against her electrifying combatant. While Dot has an overall disadvantage against the Electric-Type Gym Leader, she puts up a great fight. Dot uses her knowledge from her Nidothing videos in her battling strategy, making her a frightening opponent.

Overall, Dot has some of the best character development in the entire series. The focus of her character isn’t about growing stronger physically, it’s about being true to herself. Through Iono’s challenge, Dot finally faces the cameras as Dot instead of her created character. Quaxly becomes elated to see Dot battling so excitedly as her true self.


Hatenna Evolves Just in Time to Protect Liko Trainer from Raging Annihilape

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 8, “Hatenna and the Otherworldly”

Hatenna is one of Liko’s most useful Pokémon. However, Liko previously hasn’t used Hatenna in any official battle. The young Rising Volt Tacklers end up relying on Hatenna during one of the closest calls of their journey. When exploring the Paldean forests for their field research, the Rising Volt Tacklers come across an enraged group of Mankey and Primeape. The group is led by an Annihilape who suddenly targets the protagonists.


Netflix Has an Exciting Update for Pokémon Anime Fans

Netflix announces a major update for the anime series Pokémon Horizons: The Search For Laqua, Part 1 of which debuted earlier this year.

The young heroes momentarily get the raging Pokémon settled before they are angered once again. This time, Hatenna steps in to handle the situation as there are now three angry Annihilape. Hatenna attempts to calm the Annihilape through its usual methods, but they are ineffective. Surprisingly, Hatenna evolves into Hattrem and defeats each Annihilape using Brutal Swing.


Roy and Fuecoco Finally Sync Up in This Art-Themed Episode

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 3, “Sparkle! The Glow of Flame and Art!”

Roy’s relationship with Fuecoco is one of the most interesting aspects of Pokémon Horizons. Roy is the first trainer to truly understand Fuecoco and their partnership is remarkable. Yet, Brassius helps them take their partnership to the next level. The dynamic Pokémon duo have often had the same goals but tripped over each other when trying to accomplish them. Brassius shows the trainer how to operate with his Pokémon instead of simply commanding it.

Brassius instructs Roy and Fuecoco to build a sculpture together. They build an homage to Fuecoco’s inspiration, Charizard. Brassius sees their dream of becoming stronger and helps them accomplish it. Although Fuecoco and Roy do not beat Brassius during their Basic Tera Test, they ultimately pass to the next section.


Roy Puts It All on the Line for His New Pokémon Friend

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 7, “Wattrel’s High Wind Warning”

Roy's Killowattrel
Image via Netflix

Like Liko and Floragato, Roy often has a problem ignoring one of his Pokémon, but it’s not Fuecoco. Despite catching Wattrel, it remains absent from much of the series. Roy typically only relies on Wattrel if Fuecoco is busy or incapacitated. This misuse bothers Wattrel, who is the focal point of the episode. However, Wattrel does something truly amazing to grab Roy’s attention once and for all.


Roy Not Catching Capsakid is Still Pokémon Horizons’ Biggest Mistake

Roy’s refusal to capture Capsakid highlights one of the newest adaptions’ greatest mistakes.

Roy spends most of the episode focusing on the interesting Capsakid, and he largely leaves Wattrel to the wayside. Yet, when Roy nearly falls to his death, Wattrel evolves to save his trainer. Wattrel evolves into Kilowattrel and is the only one of the main protagonist’s Pokémon to technically be fully evolved.


Roy and Dot Prove Their Growth Against the Paldean Elite Four

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 10, “Showdown! The Paldea Elite Four”

Roy and Brassius vs Hassel
Image via Netflix

One of the most engaging parts of Pokémon Horizon’s Terra Training is the battles against the Paldean Gym Leaders. Each of the protagonists is partnered with the Gym Leader who ran their Basic Test and is tasked with defeating one of the Elite Four Member’s Pokémon. Yet, this proves to be easier said than done. Dot only takes out one of Poppy’s Pokémon because of Iono’s ingenious strategy.

Sadly, Roy does not have the same level of success. Hassel finds his performance particularly moving, but it is not enough to secure victory. Nonetheless, Brassius assures Roy that he has come a long way. Roy might not be ready to battle the shiny Rayquaza, but he has become a competent trainer.


Captain Pikachu and the Rising Volt Tacklers Finally Get Their Moment

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 9, “The Treasure of Eternity”

Friede and Orla During Season 2
Image via Netflix

One of the biggest critiques of Pokémon Horizons Season 2 is that the larger cast is noticeably missing. Friede and Captain Pikachu, two of the most popular characters, are mostly mentioned in passing. That makes the episode where they storm into their old lab so fantastic. Many fans were thrilled to see the best new trainer and Pikachu duo back in action.


Every Current Member of Pokémon Horizon’s Rising Volt Tacklers

Every member of The Rising Volt Tacklers serves a different role, yet some of the organization’s members are much stronger battlers than others.

This thrilling episode also provides necessary insight into their enemies, The Explorers. Although it is one of the best moments of the entire season, it makes fans realize that Friede and Pikachu carry the Netflix series. Hopefully, they make more appearances in Season 2 Part 2.


Liko Shows Her Potential as a Future Powerhouse in Battle Against Rika

Pokémon Horizons Season 2, Episode 11, “Liko vs. Rika! Toward the Battle’s End”

While the other Rising Volt Tacklers are given plenty of opportunities to shine, Liko is the series’ main character. Although she loses her battle against Rika, she puts up a great effort. She’s more emotional after the loss than during most of the series. This episode proves Liko has the potential to reach Laqua.

Liko is always neglecting her feelings in favor of others. This makes her shocking display of emotion so interesting. Liko is never one to get emotional, especially after a loss. Yet she and many fans couldn’t help but shed a tear after her amazing duel against Rika of the Elite Four.

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