Throughout the five main Dragon Ball anime, there have been countless battles. These include fights to the death, tournament matches, and grandiose clashes to determine the fate of the universe. Dragon Ball‘s fights aren’t all created equal, though, and while some are lackluster, others rank among the best fights in shonen anime.
Thanks to its stunning animation, Dragon Ball DAIMA features fights worthy of being honored alongside the best DBZ and Dragon Ball Super had to offer. Across the board, the determining factors of a fight’s quality are how well they tell their story, their animation, their direction and choreography, and the “hype” moments they feature. Most of Dragon Ball‘s greatest fights center around Goku, but Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Frieza, and Android 17 are also recurring fighters in the franchise’s most exciting brawls.
Gogeta vs. Broly Is the Single Best Animated Dragon Ball Fight
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Makes the Most of its Crisp, Modern Animation

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is entirely based around a series of fights against its eponymous antagonist. Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza’s battles against Broly are all memorable, but the final clash between Gogeta and Broly tops them all. The film not only one-ups its canonization of Broly with the shocking first canon appearance of Gogeta, but it does so with the greatest presentation possible.
The direction, cinematography, and animation of Gogeta vs. Broly are on another level compared to every other fight in the franchise. It is a vivid, gorgeous melee filled with hype moments, like the debut of Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta. If only the narrative of the battle was as strong as the characters involved in it, it would be untouchable.
Piccolo vs. 17 Is the Best-Looking Fight in Dragon Ball Z
Piccolo & 17’s Brief Clash Is Endlessly Re-Watchable

Dragon Ball Z infamously suffers from less than consistent art and animation, and most of the anime’s fights can’t hold a candle visually to the best of the modern era. The most notable exception to this is the scuffle between Piccolo and Android 17 during the Cell Saga. Their battle may be brief, and it may not contribute much to the story, but it’s more energetic and fluid than any other fight of its era.
In an arc so heavily dominated by Super Saiyans, it’s refreshing to see Piccolo take charge of a situation and to hold his own against Android 17. The Hellzone Grenade technique he debuts here is one of the coolest in the franchise, and Android 17 looks equally stylish with his Android Barrier. Most of the fighting involves pure fisticuffs, though, and with how over-the-top the blows they deliver to each other get, viewers are made to feel every single one.
Everyone vs. Gomah Is a Near-Perfect Climax for Dragon Ball DAIMA
Super Saiyan 4 Goku & His Friends Make an Off-Beat Last Stand Against the Supreme Demon King
Especially when viewed as a whole, and not broken up into smaller parts, the fight against Gomah at the end of Dragon Ball DAIMA is a masterpiece. Lasting approximately three episodes, this all-out battle for the fate of the Demon Realm includes Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Glorio, Nahare, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, and Tamagami 1’s united assault on Gomah, Super Saiyan 4 Mini Goku and Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta’s respective attempts at beating Gomah, and the final clash between Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Gomah. While the latter is the clear highlight, there’s never a dull moment throughout the entire climax.

10 Signs Dragon Ball DAIMA’s Story Was Clearly Made Up Along The Way
While Dragon Ball DAIMA was a fun ride, there are lots of signs Akira Toriyama & his team were just making the anime up was they went along.
Numerous memorable moments are packed into this battle, including multiple spectacular beam struggles, Majin Duu’s brief use of Super Saiyan 3, and Majin Kuu being the one to ultimately defeat the Evil Third Eye. Of course, the biggest highlights are the canon debuts of Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta and Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and their respective showcases. This fight gives most of DAIMA‘s main cast major roles to play, including the non-combatants. Everyone vs. Gomah has as much quirky charm as it does exciting action, and it features the most beautiful animation Dragon Ball has ever had on television.
Goku vs. Krillin Is 1 of the Most Emotional Battles in the Dragon Ball Franchise
Krillin Gives His All in a Fun Fight Against His Best Friend

Goku and Krillin’s semi-finals bout during the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament isn’t especially exciting, but that’s not what it aims to be. The Turtle School students both enter the ring knowing full-well that Krillin doesn’t stand a chance, but that doesn’t keep them from having the time of their lives, both giving it their all against their best friend. For his part, Krillin holds his own exceptionally well, using a Kamehameha for the first time, using his head to nearly come up with a winning strategy against Goku, and engaging with his friend in some of Dragon Ball‘s most well-choreographed martial arts combat.
Goku and Krillin’s duel is elevated by a warm atmosphere and by the conversation that occurs during it. As the boys fight, Master Roshi retires from being a martial artist, content in the knowledge that his students will never stop seeking greater heights. Dragon Ball rarely implements storytelling like this, but it works incredibly well here.
Goku vs. Beerus Sparked the Resurgence of Dragon Ball
Goku’s First Fight With Beerus Can Only Truly Be Enjoyed in the Battle of Gods Movie

There are two distinctly different depictions of Goku’s battle against Beerus, but the only one that matters is found at the climax of Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. Having finally unlocked his Super Saiyan God form, Goku’s new power is put to the test against the God of Destruction, and what follows is absolutely spectacular. The direction, cinematography, and the animation are all miles beyond anything DBZ or its ’90s movies were capable of achieving. “HERO ~ Song of Hope” blasting in the background adds to the excitement tenfold.
Seeing Super Saiyan God in action for the first time is a sight to behold. The choreography is superb, and the constantly changing landscapes keep the fight fresh, no matter how fast-paced it gets. On a narrative level, the titular battle of gods is superior to the fights in any Dragon Ball movie before or since, as it questions the meaning of strength and pushes Goku to abandon his new form because it isn’t a power he gained on his own.
Goku vs. Frieza Is the Most Iconic Anime Battle of All Time
Goku & Frieza Trade Blows for an Infamous 19 Episodes
The fight between Goku and Frieza on Namek is absolutely legendary. Fueled by the intensity and sense of dread built up by Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin’s prior struggle against the Emperor of the Universe, Dragon Ball Z is able to pit two men against each other who’ve never met before, and who share no personal connection, and make them into the most iconic archenemies in anime. While it’s somewhat padded and overly long, the fight wouldn’t be able to get as much done, or flow as well as it does, if it wasn’t.

10 Loose Threads Dragon Ball DAIMA Left Hanging
Despite ending the main story with Episode 20, the Dragon Ball DAIMA anime left quite a few plot points unresolved.
The early parts of Goku vs. Frieza, with the two feeling each other out and challenging each other in different ways, are great in their own right, but more serve as an appetizer for the flurry of events that follow them. Goku once again uses the Spirit Bomb and once again fails with it, Krillin is shockingly killed, Goku becomes a Super Saiyan for the first time, and Super Saiyan Goku humiliates and breaks Frieza as Namek burns around them. This fight re-defined not only Dragon Ball but also shonen anime in general, and it wouldn’t have been able to do that if it weren’t stupendous.
Goku, Android 17, & Frieza vs. Jiren Is a Jaw-Dropping Finale for Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super’s Climax Is Perfect From Start to Finish
Heart-racing as Goku’s two uses of Ultra Instinct against Jiren are, the best fight in Dragon Ball Super only comes after Goku has burnt himself out. With both he and Jiren having already shown each other their full potential, Goku is no longer able to keep up on his own. Thus, with the fate of all of Universe 7 on the line, he’s forced to put his trust in his worst enemy, Frieza, and a practical stranger, Android 17. Together, this unlikely trio wind up being one of the greatest teams in the entire franchise.
With the desperation felt by all the fighters palpable, Goku, Frieza, and 17 launch a combined assault on Jiren. This sequence sports the most amazing animation in all of Dragon Ball Super, as well as a reprise of the endlessly catchy, “Ka Ka Kachi Daze,” to make things feel as climactic as possible. Android 17 winding up the winner of the Tournament of Power is a complete shock, and Goku and Frieza fighting side-by-side represents the arc’s themes of trust perfectly.
Goku vs. Piccolo Jr. Is a Nearly Flawless Climax for the Original Dragon Ball
Goku & Piccolo’s First Fight Walks the Line Between the Style of Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z

Although the stakes are relatively low, the match between Goku and Piccolo Jr. in the finals of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament is one of the most intense in the franchise. Determined to both save the world and finally win a World Martial Arts Tournament, Adult Goku goes all-out for the first time as he engages the evil and vicious son of King Piccolo in a brutal, bloody brawl. The animation is the most detailed in the original Dragon Ball, the fight is paced perfectly, and both Goku and Piccolo have enough new tricks to keep things interesting.
Goku’s desperation to finally win a tournament, after barely losing twice, works its way into the fight, as he refuses to go out of bounds, no matter how dire the situation gets. This leads to one of the most painful experiences Goku has ever endured, as Piccolo outright tortures him. However, because of the hilarious fact that Piccolo failed to hit any of Goku’s vital organs with his attacks, Goku is able to come back swinging and claim one of his most cathartic wins.
Goku vs. Tien Shinhan Round 1 Represents the Height of Dragon Ball’s Martial Arts Action
Tien’s Character Arc & Goku’s Defeat Are Blended Into the Themes of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament Saga

The first fight between Goku and Tien Shinhan during the finals of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament isn’t the best at anything it strives to be, but it excels in every category nonetheless. The combat itself includes some of the most gorgeous animation in the original series, fast-paced and gripping martial arts, and plenty of cool, original techniques, mostly courtesy of Goku’s three-eyed rival. Outstanding as the fighting between these two true equals is, though, it’s the story and writing that carry it to greatness.

Modern Dragon Ball Has a Golden Frieza, a Red Cell, & Now a Green Buu – Who’s Next?
The trend of old Dragon Ball villains making returns with fancy new forms raises some interesting questions about what former foe might be next.
At the heart of this fight is Tien’s character arc, with him choosing the path of the martial artist over the path of the assassin. While Roshi was able to begin his path to redemption previously, it’s the joy he gets pushing himself against Goku and the resentment he feels at Master Shen and Chiaotzu cheating for him that finally give him the push he needs. Tien’s desire to fairly prove himself the strongest man in the world is then solidified by the fight’s twist ending, as Goku only loses because, of all things, he gets hit by a car, robbing him of the satisfaction of victory.
Goku, Gohan, Krillin, & Yajirobe vs. Vegeta Remains 1 of the All-Time Great Shonen Anime Fights
The Climax of the Saiyan Saga Is Everything a Shonen Battle Should Strive to Be
The fight between the surviving Earthlings and Vegeta at the climax of the Saiyan Saga is absolute perfection. It represents the peak of Dragon Ball‘s storytelling and thematic richness, it’s filled with iconic and exciting moments, it’s unpredictable and dynamic, and while its art and animation aren’t as spectacular as the peaks of modern Dragon Ball, all the most important cuts are rendered gloriously. The fight also compensates for its less consistent visuals with just how brutal it is, its characters all being visually destroyed by the time the battle is done.
In only a handful of episodes, the fight against Vegeta weaves together a brilliant story about nature vs. nurture, class, and teamwork. The Z-Warriors are also each given unique roles, and they’re all necessary to bring down the unstoppable monster that is Vegeta. Goku handles the bulk of the fighting, barely keeping up with his Kaio-Ken, Krillin launches the Spirit Bomb, Yajirobe cuts off Great Ape Vegeta’s tail, and Gohan takes over for his dad after he’s removed from the action. The Saiyan Saga is equal parts Goku and Gohan’s story, and it’s fitting that they play equally large roles in beating Vegeta. Likewise, Vegeta being defeated by Great Ape Gohan, a problem he created for himself out of pettiness and a symbol of the Saiyan pride he holds so dear, is the most satisfying end to any Dragon Ball fight ever.
Dragon Ball DAIMA
- Release Date
October 11, 2024
- Writers
Akira Toriyama