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10 Best Final Fantasy Character Appearances, Ranked

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Posted 3 hours ago by inuno.ai

While Square Enix’s most iconic franchise over the years has been Final Fantasy, the highly influential developers have left their mark on the JRPG genre with numerous games and other series. Their most abstract series by far is Kingdom Hearts, a zany franchise that is positioned as a crossover with Disney characters that is as full of heart as it is confusing. Over the years, Square Enix has released several games in the Kingdom Hearts series, each of them of varying quality and occasionally a differing genre from the last. Some of the most intriguing parts of these games are the Final Fantasy characters that appear in them, and some of these characters are crucial to the plot.

The main characters of the Kingdom Hearts series are significantly more lighthearted than their Final Fantasy counterparts, which can make the more brooding characters feel a bit out of place in the iconic Disney crossover. However, many of these characters leave a massive mark on the franchise, and these faces are nearly as iconic in Kingdom Hearts ​​​​​​as they are in their original franchise.


Wakka is a Light-Hearted Team Leader

Introduced in Final Fantasy X

Kingdom Hearts Sora and Wakka
Image via Square Enix

The Kingdom Hearts franchise is full of light-hearted characters who like to joke around to keep their spirits up. Because of this, the highly energetic Wakka fits right in when he appears in the first Kingdom Hearts title. While some fans of his original game (Final Fantasy X) are not fans of Blitzball, it is Wakka’s sport of choice, and the ball is also the weapon that he is most commonly seen with.


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Like some of the other Final Fantasy characters throughout the series, players can also fight Wakka if they choose to. Wakka uses the Bliztball as his primary weapon, and to win the fight, players need to knock the ball back at him to deal damage. Unfortunately, Wakka’s importance shrinks in the series after his appearance on Destiny Island at the beginning of the first entry, but his kind-hearted cheer is still a welcome inclusion in the Kingdom Hearts series.


Setzer’s Personality Shift Makes Him an Intimidating Foe

Introduced in Final Fantasy VI

Setzer Cropped
Image via Square Enix

A few of the Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts act quite differently than they do in their original games because these characters are used to fulfill a plot purpose in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Perhaps the most notable instance of these changes occurs with Setzer Gabbiana (Final Fantasy VI) in Kingdom Hearts II. While Setzer is a free-spirited character in both iterations, his Kingdom Hearts version comes off as aloof and uncaring whereas his Final Fantasy version grows into his role as a royal friend who wants to go on massive adventures.

In Kingdom Hearts II, Setzer functions as one of the bosses in the Struggle Fight tutorial section of the game. His demeanor is quite overbearing at times, as he is filled with a sense of greed and entitlement, but his sense of style is unchanged, as his design from his original title has been added to with clothes that look more traditional for Kingdom Hearts. Overall, Setzer is an intriguing addition to the Kingdom Hearts series, but his screen time is cut short by more pressing plot matters.


Tifa Lockhart is a Skilled Fighter and a Loyal Friend

Introduced in Final Fantasy VII

While her outfit is drastically different in Kingdom Hearts, Tifa Lockhart is still the same strong-willed individual that she is in Final Fantasy VII, and she is among the franchise’s most endearing crossover characters. Square Enix utilizes her Advent Children look to perfection, but her importance in the plot in Hollow Bastion throughout Kingdom Hearts has stoked discussion among fans of the franchise for years. Much like Sephiroth, Tifa’s appearance in Kingdom Hearts is symbolic of Cloud’s light, thus adding to the series’ well-known confusing aspects.

Unlike some of the other Final Fantasy characters in the series, Tifa does not appear as a boss encounter, instead vowing to help the player on their journey throughout Hollow Bastion. Overall, Tifa is among the most beloved characters in the Final Fantasy franchise, and her appearance in Kingdom Hearts is appreciated by fans of both series.


Tidus’ Heroism Pairs Well With Sora’s Ambitious Dreams

Introduced in Final Fantasy X

Tidus KH Cropped
Image via Square Enix

While Tidus’ importance in the Kingdom Hearts franchise fades away after his appearance on Destiny Island at the beginning of the game’s first entry, he is still one of the most beloved Final Fantasy characters to appear in the series. Tidus is a heroic character who fights fiercely for those who he loves to save the world from a dark and mysterious figure known as Sin. This is similar to his goals in the Kingdom hearts series as he wants to help Sora leave Destiny Island and explore the world while fighting off the darkness.

Unfortunately, much like his Final Fantasy counterpart, Tidus leaves the series after one entry, but his impact is felt by multiple characters as the story progresses. As one of Sora’s closest friends in his early life, Tidus is an amazing character, and fans are hopeful that the heroic goofball can appear at some point later in the series with a triumphant return.


Vivi is a Somber Character With a Touching Backstory

Introduced in Final Fantasy IX

Vivi KH Cropped
Image via Square Enix

Vivi is the epitome of Black Mage character design, and his visual design has become the standard for what a Black Mage looks like in the Final Fantasy franchise. Furthermore, he is also one of the most tragic characters in the franchise, and his discovery of the fate of Black Mages in Final Fantasy IX is heartbreaking. Because of this, Vivi’s appearance in a Kingdom Hearts game was almost inevitable, and he is an amazing inclusion in the series.

Vivi only has a small role in Kingdom Hearts II as a member of Seifer’s gang, but he is far more kind than the other characters in that group, often going out of his way to be kind to Roxas. Therefore, the phenomenal Black Mage comes off as endearing and lighthearted, making him one of the most intriguing cameos in Kingdom Hearts II.


Cid Highwind is a Stern But Loyal Ally

Introduced in Final Fantasy VII

Cid KH
Image via Square Enix

Cid is a repeated character in the Final Fantasy franchise, but there is a different version of the character in each entry. Some versions of Cid are not memorable, but others (i.e. Cidolfus Telamon and Cid Highwind) leave a lasting impact on the franchise. Cid Highwind appears in most entries of the Kingdom Hearts series and his stern and logical approach to life is perfectly exemplified by each entry in the crossover franchise.


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Cid Highwind comes off as a grumpy man with little joy, but this is merely an outward expression of his logical approach towards life. Throughout the games, Cid is a positive influence on Sora, as he makes him reconsider countless foolish ambitions. While Cid’s ideals might not always be correct, and they sometimes hinder progress, he is still a loyal friend who wants to do what is best for those he cares about.


Squall Leonhart is a Mysterious Hero With a Troubled Past

Introduced in Final Fantasy VIII

Squall Leonhart is one of Final Fantasy‘s most mysterious characters, and his original game is home to one of the most iconic fan theories in the history of gaming. In the Kingdom Hearts series, the influential gun-blade wielder goes by a completely different name, as he now calls himself Leon while he attempts to take responsibility for the Darkness that destroyed his world.

Throughout the Kingdom Hearts series, Squall is a brooding character who has a difficult time opening up to Sora, Donald and Goofy. Squall is crucial throughout Sora’s quest, and he helps the Keyblade wielder take down a variety of enemies throughout the franchise’s first entry. While Squall might be outwardly cold, he is a crucial ally and players are thankful to have them on their side.


Sephiroth is Gaming’s Most Iconic Secret Boss

Introduced in Final Fantasy VII

Sephiroth prepares to draw his sword in Olympus Coliseum in the first Kingdom Hearts game.
Image via Square Enix

Few names strike fear into the hearts of JRPG players quite like the name of the One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth, the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth is not a playable character in the Kingdom Hearts series, and finding him is not required to complete the game. However, Sephiroth is one of the most challenging bosses in the franchise, and he is arguably the most iconic secret boss in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

Sephiroth’s demeanor is perfectly captured in Kingdom Hearts, as he is cold and intimidating while always appearing in control of a situation. Furthermore, his abilities are perfectly translated in the game as well, as he knows some of his strongest techniques from Final Fantasy VII. Overall, Sephiroth is one of gaming’s most intimidating villains, and his appearance in Kingdom Hearts will live on in gaming lore forever.


Auron Foils Multiple Villains’ Plans

Introduced in Final Fantasy X

Auron KH Cropped
Image via Square Enix

Out of the crossover characters in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, Auron’s story is arguably the most well-written, and he is the most engaging Final Fantasy character in the franchise. Auron has always fought for his own ideals without letting others sway him, and this character trait is shown expertly in Kingdom Hearts II, as he turns down an offer from Hades to escape the Underworld if he takes down Hercules for him.

Auron’s ideals lead him to offer his help to Sora and his friends as they attempt to take down Hades. While Auron eventually returns to the Underworld after Hades is defeated, the skilled swordsman vows to make his own story and never again let anyone control him, thus concluding the best character arc for any Final Fantasy character in the Kingdom Hearts series.


Cloud Strife is the Most Iconic Crossover Character in Kingdom Hearts

Introduced in Final Fantasy VII

Cloud Strife is arguably the most iconic character in the Final Fantasy franchise, and he has left his mark on numerous franchises outside the Square Enix brand. However, his largest crossover role was in Kingdom Hearts, and he is a crucial part of the story that takes place in the Colosseum. Initially, Cloud was not going to be the choice for this role, as Vincent Valentine was discussed before the game was released, which is why Cloud has parts of his design in Kingdom Hearts.


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Cloud is perfectly at home with the other characters as he provides a necessary contrast from their zany antics while also showing how much of a threat Sephiroth can be in the Kingdom Hearts world. Overall, Cloud Strife is the most influential crossover character to appear in the Kingdom Hearts series, and fans are thankful that he appeared in the series’ first entry.


Kingdom Hearts


September 17, 2002


E for Everyone: Violence

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