10 Best Green Lantern Wars

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Posted on 4 hours ago by inuno.ai

The Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force that defends the DC Universe from threats. With thousands of members, the Corps has often faced challengers on cosmic scales, leading to some of the greatest wars in DC Comics history.

Earth’s Green Lanterns, such as Hal Jordan and John Stewart, usually lead the rest of the Green Lanterns against their most powerful foes, such as Nekron in Blackest Night or Parallax. They also serve as field commanders when repelling attacks from forces rivaling the Corps in scope and scale, such as the Sinestro Corps, the Darkstars, or even the Green Lantern Corps.


The Most Powerful Green Lanterns, Ranked By Willpower

The Green Lantern Corps is powered by the emerald energy of will, making willpower the true standard for membership held by GLs like Hal Jordan.


Hal Jordan Vs. The Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern (Vol. 3) “Emerald Twilight”

“Emerald Twilight” didn’t contain a war on the scale most would think of, but it did depict Hal Jordan’s one-man war on the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe. Pushed to the brink after the destruction of his home, Coast City, Hal Jordan (unbeknownst to either him or readers at the time, thanks to later retcons) succumbed to Parallax’s influence and attacked his former teammates.


Ron Marz, Bill Willingham, Fred Haynes, Darryl Banks, Romeo Tanghal, Robert Campanella, Dennis Cramer & Steve Mattsson

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Green Lantern Corps, Parallax, Guardians of the Universe

Hal’s fall into the role of Parallax was heartbreaking to watch, and the battles with his fellow Green Lanterns were brutal. The storyline culminated in a furious Hal, wielding many Green Lantern rings, snapping Sinestro’s neck and embracing his dark new role.


Larfleeze Invades Oa & The Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern (Vol. 5) “Dark Days Ahead”

Larfleeze controls a Guardian of the Universe
Image via DC Comics

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps successfully stop the rise of the Third Army and defeated Volthoom, the First Lantern. After Geoff Johns’s legendary nine-year run on the Green Lantern title, Robert Vendetti took over the series’ writer, opening his run with a bang.


Robert Venditti, Billy Tan, Richard Friend, Alex Sinclair & Tony Aviña

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kilowog, Salakk, Larfleeze, Relic

Just as Hal settles into his role as the new leader of the Green Lantern Corps following the deaths of the former Guardians, Larfleeze invades Oa… and he’s not alone. The singular Orange Lantern of Avarice has created an army from the souls of those he’s killed with his ring, somehow matching the power of an entire Corps.


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Hal Jordan Returns To Stop Sinestro & Parallax

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps “Sinestro’s Law”

Hal Jordan with the Green Lantern Corps in the background in DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Hal Jordan lived the past several years as a renegade, running from the law and even the Green Lantern Corps, but he’s forced to return to his duties and defeat a Sinestro who has officially merged with the power of Parallax.


Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona & Tomeu Morey

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Sinestro, the Lost Army, Soranik Natu, Parallax, Lyssa Drak

The “Sinestro’s Law” arc opened the Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps series with an exciting battle on multiple fronts. The Sinestro Corps has secured the center of the universe, establishing a home base in Oa’s stead, but Hal Jordan and the Lost Lanterns return to reclaim their roles as protectors of the DC Universe.


The Darkstars Dwarf The Green Lantern Corps

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps “Darkstars Rising”

Green Lantern Hal Jordan vs Darkstars
Image via DC Comics

The Darkstars added a lot to Green Lantern mythology through their creators, the Controllers. These ancient aliens are somewhat cousins to the Guardians of the Universe, using their own powers to create the Darkstar army, finally rivaling the Green Lanterns in power and numbers.


Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey, Clayton Henry, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Eber Ferreira & Jason Wright

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Darkstars, Guardians of the Universe, General Zod, Arkillo, Hector Hammond, the Controllers

In the exciting conclusion to the Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps book, the Darkstars challenge the Green Lanterns, becoming the universe’s new, lethal law enforcers, forcing Hal to turn to surprising allies like Hector Hammond and even General Zod.


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The Guardians Of The Universe & The Forgotten Manhunters


A pair of Manhunters fly through space towards the reader
Image via DC Comics

The Millennium limited series saw the return of the Manhunters, the Guardians’ first attempt at creating an intergalactic peacekeeping force. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Manhunters gained knowledge of Earth and the universe, returning to take revenge on the Green Lanterns and the Justice League, who previously destroyed them.


Steve Englehart, Joe Staton, Ian Gibson & Carl Gafford

Main Characters

Justice League International, Green Lantern Corps, New Guardians, the Manhunters, Guardians of the Universe, Zamarons

With the inclusion of a lost Guardian, a Zamaron, and new heroes chosen to take over as Guardians of the Universe, Millennium is an exciting event that builds off the devastating history of the Manhunters and how they betrayed the universe centuries earlier.


The Green Lantern Corps Vs. The New Gods

Green Lantern (Vol. 5) “Godhead”

The Green Lanterns and the New Gods clashed when Highfather sought a way to destroy Darkseid forever. “Godhead” was a fascinating event, pitting two heroic teams against each other while building off their values and morals. Both the New Gods and Green Lanterns want to protect the universe, but their methods and the lengths they’ll go to are vastly different.


Van Jensen, Justin Jordan, Robert Venditti, Charles Soule, Cullen Bunn & more

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Highfather, Green Lantern Corps, New Gods, White Lantern

After learning that one of the Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner, holds the Life Equation, fighting as the sole White Lantern, Highfather commands his New Gods to retrieve it, defeating any Lantern who stands in their way. What ensues is a battle that would impress even the forces of Apokolips.


The Best New Gods Characters, Ranked

From Highfather to Big Barda, these are the best New Gods characters in DC Comics history.


Earth’s Green Lanterns Wear New Rings

Green Lantern (Vol. 4) “War of the Green Lanterns”

war of the green lanterns 2 to 1
Image via DC Comics

“War” is literally in the title of the “War of the Green Lanterns” arc. Krona, an ancient Guardian who glimpsed the birth of the universe, has returned, taking control of both the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps. Earth’s Lanterns, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, are forced to flee and, surprisingly, don rings from other Corps.


Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard, Peter Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Tyler Kirkham & Fernando Pasarin

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Kilowog, Ganthet, Krona

Armed with new power, good and bad, the Earth’s Green Lanterns systematically destroy Krona’s hold on the Green Lanterns and battle the forces of the Emotional Spectrum. “War of the Green Lanterns” was a monumental conclusion to Green Lantern (vol. 5) and remains a highlight of Geoff Johns’s run.


The Sinestro Corps & Green Lanterns End Their Partnership

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps “Fracture”

Soranik Natu and the Sinestro Corps vs. Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns
Image via DC Comics

After Sinestro’s apparent death, his daughter, Soranik Natu, took over as the new leader of the Sinestro Corps. Using her experience as a Green Lantern and peacekeeper, Soranik rebuilt the Sinestro Corps into protectors, allying them with John Stewart and the Green Lanterns.


Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey, Ethan Van Sciver & Jason Wright

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Soranik Natu, Arkillo

However, such an alliance was not meant to last, and fractures began to form. Soon, the Yellow Lanterns betrayed their Green Lantern allies and yet another war between the Green Lanterns and the Sinestro Corps began. Compared to their latest battles, this one felt more personal, with friendships and partnerships broken during a broken treaty.


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The Dead Shall Rise In The Blackest Night Prophecy

Blackest Night

Green Lantern battles the other Corps in Blackest Night from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

The Book of Oa predicted the Blackest Night and even Abin Sur died with the knowledge of imminent war––the largest war in the universe, born of the Emotional Spectrum, forcing Lanterns of every color and Corps to work together to combat literal death in the form of Nekron, Black Hand and the Black Lanterns.


Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert & Alex Sinclair

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Star Sapphire, the Flash, Black Hand, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker, the Atom, Mera, Nekron

Blackest Night is one of the best DC comic events ever, resurrecting characters from the dead, such as Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and Earth-Two Superman. It also focused on revived heroes such as Hal Jordan and Barry Allen’s Flash. This war took over the DC Comics line, involving every corner of the DC Universe.


The DC Universe Fears Sinestro

Green Lantern (Vol. 4) “Sinestro Corps War”

Blackest Night may have been the biggest war in Green Lantern comics, but it wasn’t the best. Sinestro Corps War holds that title, published just a couple of years before Blackest Night. Sinestro finally created a Corps of his own, powerful enough to challenge the Guardians and Green Lantern Corps, housing members such as Cyborg Superman, Warworld, Superboy-Prime and even the Anti-Monitor.


Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Peter Tomasi, Ron Marz, Alan Burnett, Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason & more

Main Characters

Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Sodam Yat, Guy Gardner, Cyborg Superman, Superboy-Prime, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner

But beneath all the grand battles between literal planets and beings of the Emotional Spectrum, Sinestro, Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner fight as the heart and soul of this story––powerless, rings out of charge, wrestling on rooftops. All while the universe goes to war right above their heads. From the dirt to the stars, Sinestro Corps War is both bombastic and exciting, character-driven and personal.

The Justice League, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, pose together on the Justice League of America Vol. 1 comic cover.

DC Comics

DC Comics follow the adventures of iconic superheroes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and more.

Created by

Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson

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