The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are some of the best fighters in comics. Each of the Turtles has their strengths, but together, they can be truly unstoppable in the right circumstances. Are they powerful enough to stand against cosmic figures like Darkseid or magical gods like Shazam? No. However, the TMNT have defeated powerful foes before.
Some of DC‘s most recognizable heroes would fall to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Many street-level heroes like Red Hood and the Question would fall to their TMNT’s coordination. Even superpowered heroes like Guy Gardner and Etrigan could be defeated with some improvisation from the TMNT. And, of course, the Turtles would love a rematch against the Dark Knight.

Why Did the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Get Color-Coded Masks?
The Ninja Turtles originally all had red headbands, but the first major TMNT adaptation beyond the comics forever changed them with colored masks.
Guy Gardner Can’t Contain His Rage
Raphael and Guy Gardner may actually get along. That, or the universe would implode after their meeting. Like Raphael, Guy Gardner has a quick temper and rage that isn’t shared with his Green Lantern “brothers.” John Stewart is an architect, Hal Jordan is a natural leader and Kyle Rayner is an artist. Guy is actually a natural Red Lantern of rage.
First Appearance |
Green Lantern (Vol. 2) #59 |
Creators |
John Broome & Gil Kane |
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would simply need to annoy Guy Gardner to throw him off balance. Guy is often his own worst enemy. As long as Mikey keeps up the jokes and Raphael hits Guy just as hard, the TMNT would actually be able to defeat the more powerful Green Lantern.
Static Shock Is An Inexperienced DC Hero

Static and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would actually be great friends if they existed in the same universe. They’re all young superheroes, balancing life as students, heroes and sons. Static may defeat them with his power, but the TMNT could capitalize on his inexperience if they ever come to blows.
First Appearance |
Static #1 |
Creators |
Dwayne McDuffie, Denys Cowan, Christopher Priest, Michael Davis & Derek T. Dingle |
Despite Static’s incredible ability to harness electricity and generate lightning bolts, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been trained from birth by Splinter, one of the best martial artists in the world. A few distractions and decoys could give Leonardo the opening to knock Static out.

Every Team from IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ranked
IDW Publishing has introduced plenty of factions in their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles timeline, but not all of them are as capable as the rest.
Red Hood Is Not As Restrained As His Bat-Family

Unlike the rest of the Bat-Family, Jason Todd isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty as the Red Hood, which may be a strength but could also be his downfall. In the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe, Casey Jones is a similarly aggressive vigilante who usually works outside the law.
First Appearance |
Batman #357 |
Creators |
Gerry Conway & Don Newton |
Now, Casey uses hockey sticks while Red Hood uses pistols, so the Turtles may have a tougher time defeating Red Hood. Still, Jason has experienced a lot of trauma, which has sharpened parts of his mind while dulling others. The Turtles just need an opening of weakness to take Red Hood down.
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) Would Fight The TMNT With Technology

The Golden Age Blue Beetle wore a magical artifact. The modern-day Blue Beetle wears an alien scarab. The Silver and Bronze Age Blue Beetle, a.k.a. Ted Kord, had neither, instead relying on his technological genius and inventive gadgets. While he’s not as skilled a fighter as Batman, Blue Beetle is an above-average martial artist, though his rains would be his greatest strength against the Turtles.
First Appearance |
Captain Atom #83 |
Creators |
Steve Ditko |
Donatello would shine against an opponent like Blue Beetle. Kord could hide behind his gadgets and machines, but Donatello’s technological prowess would allow the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to dismantle Blue Beetle’s resources and easily take him down in hand-to-hand combat.

15 Best TMNT Comic Story Arcs from IDW, Ranked
While fans are ready for IDW’s rebooted take on the TMNT, there are still so many great story arcs for fans of the Heroes in the Half Shell to enjoy.
Cassandra Cain Could Match The TMNT’s Skills
Cassandra Cain is one of the most skilled fighters in DC Comics. Make no mistake, defeating her would be a monumental task for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but it’s not impossible. Yes, Cassandra has served as Batgirl for the Bat-Family. Yes, she’s the daughter of Lady Shiva, DC’s deadliest assassin. But she has a weakness.
First Appearance |
Batman #567 |
Creators |
Kelley Puckett & Damion Scott |
Cassandra Cain can read body language and movements well enough to almost predict attacks and counterattacks. The TMNT are skilled fighters, but they would need to turn their brains off for this fight and move on instinct instead of giving Cassandra anything to “read.”
Etrigan’s Dark Magic Vs. The TMNT

Etrigan is a powerful demon in the DC Universe. Created by Jack Kirby, Etrigan has fought alongside the Justice League Dark and is considered one of the most powerful magic-users. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have battled superpowered foes, from the mutated Rocksteady and Bebop to the Stone Generals in the TMNT animated film to the alien warlord Krang.
First Appearance |
The Demon #1 |
Creators |
Jack Kirby |
Etrigan has a weakness. Despite his magical prowess and physical strength, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would need to arm themselves with holy weapons––katana or staffs dipped in holy water or adorned with holy artifacts. Once properly equipped, the Turtles are trained enough to take the demon down.
The Question Investigates The TMNT

The Question is one of the best detectives in the DC Universe. An enigmatic, mysterious figure, the Question relies less on physicality, leaving the brawls to Batman and more on his investigative skills. The Question would lose a physical fight against the TMNT, but he’d try to defeat them through other means.
First Appearance |
Blue Beetle (Vol. 4) #1 |
Creators |
Steve Ditko |
The Question could discover the Turtles’ secrets, reveal where they live, or leak information to their enemies. Thankfully, the Question and the TMNT are heroes, so he wouldn’t destroy their lives. If their confrontation came down to a fight, Michelangelo is winning with a swift nunchuk to his faceless face.

TMNT: 10 Best The Last Ronin Characters
IDW’s The Last Ronin storyline featured a dark end for the TMNT universe that also introduced new characters who would shape a new hopeful future.
Harley Quinn Is Too Chaotic For The TMNT

Despite her origins as the Joker’s henchwoman and partner, Harley Quinn has become a hero over the past few years, developing an actual loving relationship with Poison Ivy and even teaming up with Batman and the Bat-Family. Despite her heroic change, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could still defeat her.
First Appearance |
Batman: The Animated Series (1992) “Joker’s Favor” |
Creators |
Bruce Timm & Paul Dini |
Harley Quinn is resourceful and a great improviser. She can defeat foes with a simple gun or even an oversized mallet. However, all her improvisation skills couldn’t help her against the trained coordination of the Turtles.
Green Arrow Is Only Affective At Long-Range

Green Arrow and Batman share a lot of strengths and resources. Oliver Queen is rich, thanks to his company, and has created many inventive gadgets, usually deployed in the form of arrowheads. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lost their first fight with Batman in a crossover with DC Comics, but they would definitely defeat Green Arrow.
First Appearance |
More Fun Comics #73 |
Creators |
Mort Weisinger & George Papp |
Unlike Batman, Green Arrow is not one of the best martial artists in the world, capable of defeating Bane and Deathstroke. Green Arrow needs distance for those arrows to work effectively. As soon as the Turtles close the gap, Green Arrow is finished.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have entertained fans for decades, partly because of the unique vehicles that still spark imaginations everywhere.
The Batman Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rematch
DC and IDW Publishing have already released a crossover event involving Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The TMNT finally got their showdown with the Dark Knight… but it didn’t go exactly as planned. Thanks to a miscommunication, Batman thought the TMNT were villains and actually won their first fight.
First Appearance |
Detective Comics #27 |
Creators |
Bob Kane & Bill Finger |
Batman would be a final boss for any hand-to-hand martial arts superhero. The TMNT has a numbers advantage (as long as the rest of the Bat-Family takes a vacation). The Turtles usually regroup and return stronger than before. Given a rematch, on their own terms, with proper preparation, the TMNT could overthrow the Dark Knight.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Brothers Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo and Donatello are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, fighting evil in comics, television, movies and more.
- Created by
Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird
- First TV Show
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- First Episode Air Date
December 14, 1987