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10 Forgotten Classic Monsters Digimon Fans Can’t Wait to See Again

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Posted 3 hours ago by inuno.ai

The Digimon franchise has introduced countless digital monsters over the years, from the highly-recognizable Agumon to the white-knight inspired Omnimon. Thanks to its ever-increasing world expanding through new anime series, video games and other media, the Digital World’s inhabitants are constantly growing, with new Digimon introduced. As such, with an evolving roster of Digimon, some of the more classic Digimon — like Gatomon or Gabumon — remain increasingly popular while other, lesser known Digimon tend to fade into obscurity.

Yet despite their absence from more current anime series, some of the more classic Digimon still hold a special place in the hearts of the earlier fans, with those same fans eager awaiting a comeback from these largely forgotten monsters. From the rock-headed Gotsumon to the creepy Bakemon, these Digimon deserve a second chance to shine once again.


Gomamon Was the After-Thought of the Original DigiDestined Partner Digimon

More Emphasis Was Given to the Main Heroes Like Agumon or Gabumon

Gomamon served as one of the original partner Digimon of the original Digidestined, working alongside and protecting the reliable Joe Kido. Gomamon’s playful and carefree attitude served as a counterweight to Joe’s more nervous and anxious nature, making the two a balanced pair that complimented each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Gomamon’s ability to Digivolve into Ikkakumon and later, the hammer-wielding Zudomon, served the DigiDestined party well, all while offering a reassuring presence for Joe during difficult times.

Fans of the original Digimon Adventure loved Gomamon for his lighthearted and mischievous nature, especially as his antics exasperated the straight-laced Joe. His unique, aquatic design made him a standout feature among the Digimon partners from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Yet despite his charm and engaging individuality, Gomamon has since been underutilized in later anime series. Many fans would enjoy seeing Gomamon have his comeback moment, where his humorous personality could shine once again.


Gotsumon’s DigiVolution Lines Tend to All Look the Same

A Change of Color Shows Gotsumon’s Progression Through Digivolution Levels

A group of Gotsumon look to something offscreen
Image via Toei Animation

Often relegated to the role of a mischievous trickster, Gotsumon is a rock-based Digimon that has appeared multiple times throughout the Digimon franchise, especially in the earlier anime series. His stony exterior and carefree personality make him a standout among other Rookie level Digimon. When originally introduced, Gotsumon served as a soft antagonist alongside Pumpkinmon to the DigiDestined, but later became a staunch ally and supporter as he came to know the heroes more closely.

Back during the beginnings of the Digimon franchise, fans came to appreciate Gotsumon for his rebellious nature and earthy tones. His playful nature, as well as his heel-turn character arc, made him a memorable character, with his place in their hearts solidified thanks to his noble sacrifice and tragic fate. Given his distinct look, emotional weight and potential thanks to his Digivolution line that made no sense in the context of the series, Gotsumon would make for a stellar Digimon to be reintroduced and given more development.


Otamamon Possesses Unwavering Loyalty & Dedication

These Characteristics Make Otamamon a Prime Contender for Being a Partner Digimon

A Pair of Otamamon crying as they plead with someone off camera in Digimon Adventures
Image via Toei Animation

The tadpole-like Otamamon was first introduced in the original Digimon Adventure as a minor character alongside Gesomon, its next Digivolution stage, as they requested that Mimi and the other DigiDestined children sing a song to wake up the slumbering ShogunGekomon. As a Rookie level Amphibian Digimon, Otamamon boasts a simple yet charming design with its large eyes and rounded body. His fierce loyalty to ShogunGekomon — as seen when the request to the DigiDestined to wake him up and then again when the DigiDestined fought against the Dark Masters — speaks to his partner-worthy character.


10 Best Digimon Designs From Digimon Ghost Game, Ranked

Digimon Ghost Game goes creepy with the concept of Hologram Ghosts, with these top designs stealing the spotlight thanks to their quirkiness.

The anime series introduced Otamamon in an ancillary capacity, but the kernels of potential given to the Digimon make it a prime candidate to appear later on in future Digimon anime series. Unlike more typically powerful Rookie Digimon — such as Agumon or Gabumon — Otamamon’s strength lies in its unwavering dedication, providing the Digimon franchise a chance to explore the internal aspects of strength more closely.


Mushroomon Gives a Rotted Twisted to the Typical Flowery Digimon Designs

This Unique Spin Would Make Mushroomon a Good Choice for a Partner Digimon

A Trio of Mushroomon leap into the air
Image via Toei Animation

As one of the most underrated classic Digimon, Mushroomon sports a unique, fungal design, with the Digimon resembling a walking, mischievous mushroom. In the earlier Digimon anime series, Mushroomon was often depicted as a minor antagonist, usually causing trouble for the protagonists before being confronted with the error of its ways and repenting. While it isn’t as widely known as other plant Digimon, such as Palmon, the mushroom angle sets Mushroomon apart from the more flower-based and traditional monsters from the Digital World.

Many fans of the series, especially those who grew up with Digimon Adventure, have fond memories of Mushroomon thanks to its quirky design and its penchant for causing trouble. Its various potential Digivolution paths, such as Cherrymon or Argomon, make it an interesting Digimon to flesh out further as it shies away from the typical beauty of plant Digimon and instead opts for a more rotted, ominous aesthetic instead. If brought back into the franchise, and given more time in the spotlight, Mushroom could easily become a fan-favorite Digimon.


Armadillomon Tended to get Shuffled Out of the Spotlight

More Screen Time Was Given to Veemon or Patamon Instead

Armadillomon from Digimon looking excited
Image via Toei Animation

Armadillomon served as the partner for Cody Hida in Digimon Adventure 02, showcasing a strong yet laid-back personality. Yet his slow and relaxed demeanor helped to shuffle him out of the spotlight, with the more fight-prone Digimon, like Veemon, getting more of the attention or his partner DNA Digimon, like Patamon, getting more focus thanks to Patamon’s unique Digivolutions. However, his easygoing and breezy attitude, paired with his defensively-minded Digivolutions, such as Ankylomon, make him a truly versatile and intriguing Digimon.


10 Best Digimon Main Characters From All the Anime, Ranked

Whether it’s the Goggleheads or their rivals, nearly every main character in the Digimon anime is a captivating fan-favorite.

Fans remember Armadillomon fondly for his southern-accent drawl in the English dub and his strong, almost mentorly bond with young Cody. His armored designs were a welcome contrast to the powerful brawlers and cuter Digimon typically seen in the series up to that point. Yet for his inclusion among the DigiDestined partner Digimon in Digimon Adventure 02, Armadillomon’s inclusion in other subsequent anime series has declined, leaving fans eager to see him return to the storyline in a major way.


LadyDevimon Served as a Dark Foil to Angewomon

LadyDevimon’s Sinister Persona Could Make Her a Villain in Her Own Right

LadyDevimon smirking at the camera in Digimon Adventures
Image via Toei Animation

LadyDevimon stands as the sinister, gothic foil to the celestial Angewomon, as she aligns herself with the villains in the series whereas Angewomon stands with the heroes. First introduced as a rival Fallen Angel type to Angewomon’s Archangel type in Digimon Adventure, she’s since gained a strong fan base and has made a smattering of appearances throughout the franchise.

LadyDevimon’s villainous persona, dark charisma and uniquely baleful aesthetic make her one of the most memorable female-inclined Digimon. Her potential for new storylines, especially if she were given a redemption arc or had her lore and backstory expanded upon, is intriguing. Many fans of the Digimon franchise would love to see LadyDevimon take on a greater role in a future Digimon anime series, possibly even as a central character or main villain in her own right.


Bakemon Forgoes the Cuteness & Coolness of More Mainstream Digimon

Bakemon Connects to the Supernatural Elements of the Digital World

Sora Surrounded By Bakemon in Digimon Adventure
Image via Toei Animation

The eerie, ghost-like Bakemon is known for its creepy design and antics, with its foreboding presence connecting it to the dark and supernatural elements of the Digital World. It appeared early on in Digimon Adventure, but never truly received much depth as a character, instead serving as a villain-of-the-day type antagonist instead while it served under stronger villains. Despite its simple, ghostly design, Bakemon’s haunting presence resonated with fans, making it a classic digital monster from the original series.


10 Best Classic Monsters in Digimon, Ranked

From the rebellious Ogremon to the celestial Angemon, these classic Digimon monsters possess brilliant designs and amazing characterizations.

Given that Bakemon shies away from the usual cute, strong or cool aesthetic given to more prominent Digimon, Bakemon’s potential as a Digimon included in a future anime series, especially in a more central role, could offer a unique twist on the franchise. A Digimon based on ghost stories and lore has so many narrative possibilities, whether as a hero or villain. Bringing Bakemon back with a unique story arc could easily turn this fan-favorite Digimon into an unforgettable star in a modern Digimon anime.


Kiwimon’s Potential as an Underdog Would be Best Explored in Future Digimon Anime Series

Kiwimon Sports a Highly Unusual Design as a Flightless Bird

Mimi riding a Kiwimon in Digimon Adventures 2020
Image via Toei Animation

Kiwimon’s distinctive round body, long beak and single, leafy sprout make it truly one of the more unusually designed Digimon from the franchise. First introduced in Digimon Adventure, Kiwimon’s roles have always been in a supportive capacity, such as when it served Puppetmon of the Dark Masters, which could easily be considered among the most evil Digimon in the franchise. Unlike other bird Digimon, which use their wings and speed in combat, the flightless Kiwimon — based on the kiwi bird — makes it a standout star among other avian Digimon, one who built its fanbase on its memorable and awkward appearance.

As a bird without the ability to fly, Kiwimon has the potential to thrive as an underdog in future Digimon anime series. Its limited appearance over the years have left its slate relatively untouched, which could allow future Digimon anime series the opportunity to expand upon Kiwimon in an interesting and engaging way. A reimagined Digivolution path, or even an expanded role as a partner Digimon, could catapult Kiwimon from obscurity to stardom.


Elecmon Raises & Trains Baby Digimon to Help Them Digivolve

Elecmon Serves as the Caretaker of Digi-Eggs

TK speaking with Elecmon
Image via Toei Animation

Elecmon first appeared in Digimon Adventure, serving as the guardian of Primary Village, where baby Digimon are hatched from their Digi-Egg and then raised to Digivolve into their In-Training or Rookie levels before setting out on their own. With its fox-like appearance and bright red fur, Elecmon was both an adorable yet fiercely protective inclusion into the Digital World, one with its potential tied in closely to its role and responsibilities as a caretaker.


10 Messed Up Things Everyone Forgets About The Digimon Anime

The Digimon Digital World is a harsh, ever-changing realm where danger lurks in both the environment and its inhabitants.

While it initially clashed with the DigiDestined, it eventually became a staunch ally and good friend, one worthy of its own expanded screen time in a subsequent Digimon anime series. Its kind-hearted but stubborn nature gave it a distinct personality, and its Digivolution pathway that leads to Leomon could make for an interesting journey from young guardian to valiant protector. Seeing Elecmon take on a more prominent role in a new Digimon series would be a worthwhile way to reintroduce newer fans to this classic digital monster.


Deramon’s Potential as a Reluctant Hero Would Make for a Prime Story in a Future Digimon Anime Series

Deramon Has a Haughty Personality That Could Make for an Engaging Character Arc

Deramon and Floramon looking confused while looking at the camera in Digimon Adventure
Image via Toei Animation

Sporting an aristocratic demeanor thanks to its resemblance to a regal peacock — albeit with a berry bush where its fan of tail feathers should be — Deramon stands proudly as a unique bird-type Digimon. It made notable appearances in earlier Digimon series, such as in Digimon Adventure, where it worked alongside Floramon to help sneak the DigiDestined into Puppetmon’s mansion. Despite its formal, almost pompous air, Deramon is shown to be a capable fighter and resourceful Digimon.

Fans drawn to the Digimon franchise thanks to the unusual and creative monsters will find a worthy Digimon in Deramon. Its distinct design, haughty behavior and potential for special Digivolutions make it a true contender to be reintroduced in later Digimon anime series. Its potential as a reluctant ally or even an unexpected hero, or even as a main Digimon partner, hint at its vast, untapped prospects, with this avian Digimon deserving of a grand reappearance in the Digital World.

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Akiyoshi Hongo

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