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10 Most Influential The Legend of Korra Characters Who Changed the World

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Posted 10 hours ago by inuno.ai

Some characters in The Legend of Korra are definitely more powerful benders or martial artists than others, but sheer combat power alone isn’t enough to reshape the world or make an impact on society. It’s also important for certain characters to have a great deal of influence, having the right charisma, leadership, ideas, and/or authority to convince other people to do things their way. Some characters use their influence to benefit society, while others use their influence for selfish or destructive goals.

The most influential characters in The Legend of Korra are the ones who had the biggest impact on the plot, using their leadership and charisma to command armies or businesses to make a difference in the world. Some of the most influential characters also knew what to say to convince other individuals to change their ways or accept dangerous missions, which lends a whole different kind of strength to these people — the strength of will and charisma.


Tenzin Helped Korra Become a Wiser Avatar

Debut Episode: “Welcome to Republic City”

As the sole airbender master in The Legend of Korra, Tenzin had enormous influence in his reborn nation as more Airbenders joined after Harmonic Convergence. The students didn’t like Tenzin’s tough methods, but they still followed his directions and made an effort in their training, which says a lot about Tenzin’s forceful yet undeniable influence.

Tenzin also had some influence in Republic City during the days of the council as a member of that group, even if Tarrlok tended to get his way. Most of all, Tenzin was hugely influential to Avatar Korra as both her mentor and as Korra’s good friend. Tenzin helped reshape Korra into a wiser, more patient Avatar who was ready to uphold the peace and not just fight people on a whim.


Zaheer Led the Red Lotus to a Partial Victory in the Earth Kingdom

Debut Episode: “A Breath of Fresh Air”

Zaheer talks confidently against a cloudy sky.
Image via Nickelodeon

Zaheer may not have founded the Red Lotus, but he did lead that group for a number of years, and his influential leadership was uncontested the entire time. Even after 13 years, Zaheer’s followers were ready to rejoin Zaheer and fight by his side once freed, proving the strength of Zaheer’s leadership as an anarchist on a mission to destabilize the world.


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Avatar Korra experienced humiliating defeats for all to see, personal woes, and even losing her powers now and then, which is worse than Aang endured.

With sheer force and destructive acts, Zaheer reshaped Ba Sing Se, influencing the city’s criminals and downtrodden masses to tear the city apart in the name of freedom. No matter Zaheer’s eventual defeat and capture, he still left a big mark on the ruined Earth Kingdom and influenced countless people to take their lives into their own hands — no matter who had to pay the price for it.


Suyin Inspired the People of Zaofu to Be More Like Her

Debut Episode: “The Metal Clan”

Suyin Beifong talks at the table.
Image via Avatar Studios

Lin Beifong had some influence as the police of Republic City’s police force, but her half-sister Suyin had even more influence on the world. Lin merely protected the world as it was, while Suyin made major change by founding the all-metal city of Zaofu. More importantly, Suyin influenced how all the people lived there.

With Suyin setting an example, everyone in Zaofu embraced many hobbies and skills to get the most out of life, an optimistic comment on human potential. What is more, Suyin had an influence on Avatar Korra, convincing the Avatar to expand her mind to the possibilities by bending metal. Thanks to Suyin’s training and positive example, Korra became the first Avatar to bend metal.


Asami Played a Big Role in Republic City as the CEO of Future Industries

Debut Episode: “The Voice in the Night”

Asami Sato makes a regretful look.
Image by Nickelodeon.

Much of Asami Sato’s influence was implied, with her being the new CEO of a powerful and reputable company like Future Industries. It was clear she was well-respected and connected, and she also convinced Varrick to work with her. Most importantly of all, Asami had some influence on Korra herself, who isn’t easy to influence.

Asami was the one who persuaded Korra to both understand and appreciate modern technology, most of all cars. Korra had no interest in cars, but Asami influenced her to learn to drive anyway, even if Korra didn’t need to learn that particular skill. No matter her iffy driving, Korra learned to like driving around Republic City, and Asami would sometimes ride shotgun with her during day trips.


Tonraq Rallied His People to Rebel Against Unalaq’s Occupation Force

Debut Episode: “Welcome to Republic City”

Avatar Korra's father Tonraq is poised to fight.
Image via Avatar Studios

Tonraq was the chief of the Southern Water Tribe, giving him a great deal of influence and power in his homeland. Given his popularity and upstanding personality, it’s evident Tonraq never abused his considerable influence, who no doubt helped set a good example for his Avatar daughter. Tonraq needed all that influence when his brother Unalaq invaded the South.


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Adult viewers of The Legend of Korra will see many more layers in the narrative that younger viewers will either not fully understand or care about.

No matter the danger, many of the South’s Waterbenders gladly joined Tonraq when the latter formed a resistance movement to free the South. Korra had failed to bring peace between the two halves of the Water Tribe, but her father did have the influence to at least try and win back freedom with force. Tonraq failed in the end, but the fact he got that far as a warrior chief is still impressive.


Tarrlok Had the Entire Council in the Palm of His Hand

Debut Episode: “The Voice in the Night”

tarrlok makes a serious face
Image by Nickelodeon.

Councilman Tarrlok definitely had more influence than Tenzin did, making it easy for him to persuade the other three councilors to agree to whatever new law or proposition he had in mind. Unfortunately, Tarrlok tended to abuse that influence to recklessly give himself more power, from creating a task force to enforcing a curfew for all of the city’s non-benders.

Tarrlok went that far not just to fight the Equalist movement, but also to build up enough influence and legal power to take over the city for himself. Despite hating his father Yakone, Tarrlok had gotten a few ideas from his criminal father on how to seize power with both influence and bloodbending. However, that only made him a target for his equalist brother Amon, who couldn’t tolerate Tarrlok’s power grabs as a bender.

Debut Episode: “Rebel Spirit”

Varrick from The Legend Of Korra is looking to the side.
Image by Nickelodeon.

Like Asami, Varrick is highly influential in the business world, and he boasts more ideas, more experience, and more flashy showmanship than Asami does. Varrick can easily turn heads at any event just by being there, such as when he invented movies and showed them off in Republic City. If Varrick wanted to entertain the masses, he could get everyone’s attention with just a film reel and boastful words.

Varrick is another The Legend of Korra character who often misused his influence for selfish or even destructive ends, such as using his propaganda movies to pour oil on the fire of the Water Tribe civil war. However, Varrick was striving not to protect his home but to profit from an escalation in the conflict, and Mako was the only one who realized it.


Avatar Korra Weighed in on Many Important Decisions

Debut Episode: “Welcome to Republic City”

Korra speaks in the water tribe street.
Image via Nickelodeon

Over time, Avatar Korra became an ever more influential person, since influencing the world with diplomacy and idealism is part of the Avatar Cycle’s duties. Korra tended to inspire or motivate people with strong words and willpower, such as convincing Opal to go to the Northern Air Temple to train, and she also inspired Mako, Bolin, and Asami to form a team with her.


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Korra, like Aang before her, relied on strong allies for support, guidance, and battle, proving the power of friendship in The Legend of Korra.

Korra’s influence sometimes failed, such as her effort to prevent the escalation of tension in her Water Tribe home, but at least Korra tried. Korra also had a bit of an influence on Tenzin, inspiring him to turn to Bumi for advice on how to train the airbenders, which showed how Korra and Tenzin started to become equals as bender heroes over time while Korra grew into her role.


Amon Enjoyed Massive Populist Support as the Equalist Leader

Debut Episode: “Welcome to Republic City”

Amon looks down with his eyes slightly visible in the mask holes.
Image by Nickelodeon.

By the time Amon was ready to strike in Republic City, his influence among the city’s non-benders had become truly enormous. He relied on populist support to rally the city’s masses, pushing them to become violent radicals determined to tear down the bending establishment. Amon’s message had a kernel of truth about benders’ position of power, but even so, it’s not just any leader who could sway so many people to fight back.

Amon often won crucial victories just with words and orders over the radio or in rallies, influencing his thousands of devotees to resist the Avatar and destabilize bender society. Only when his bloodbender nature was revealed did Amon lose his support, outing himself as the very thing the Equalists despised so much.


Kuvira Reshaped the Earth Kingdom’s Society & Future With Her Empire

Debut Episode: “The Metal Clan”

In the wake of Earth Queen Hou-Ting’s assassination, Kuvira stepped up as the leader who would unify the fragmented Earth Kingdom with a combination of force and influence. Some world leaders wanted Suyin to handle that job, and given her own influence and idealism, Suyin might have done well in that role. But Suyin refused, giving Kuvira her chance to seize power and never let it go.

With her armies, stern leadership, and practical ways, Kuvira quickly garnered a great deal of influence on the ruined Earth Kingdom, hailed as the great uniter who stood against both anarchy and the rigid traditions of the past. Almost everyone sided with Kuvira over Prince Wu, and even if fans count what a juvenile fool Wu was at the time, it’s still impressive Kuvira convinced everyone to abandon the time-honored monarchy like that.

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