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10 Most Powerful Moonlight-Based Attacks in Sailor Moon, Ranked

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Posted 3 hours ago by inuno.ai

Most of the heroes’ abilities and attacks in Sailor Moon have elemental and celestial themes. The Inner Sailor Guardians have fire, water, thunder, and light abilities. Sailor Moon’s strongest abilities have a celestial theme, as she wields moonlight and stardust to destroy, to heal, and to purify.

Since a warrior’s powers align with the celestial body they come from, Sailor Chibi Moon also has moonlight-based powers. She doesn’t have many lunar attacks, seemingly because she’s still a young princess of the Moon Kingdom’s line, but it seems that she will follow in her mother’s footsteps. Together, they channel the pure light of the moon as they battle their enemies.


Moon Tiara Stardust Only Appears in the ’90s Anime

The Attack Is the Healing Version of Moon Tiara Action

Sailor Moon in her Moon Tiara Magic sequence in Sailor Moon.
Image via Toei Animation

Sailor Moon uses Moon Tiara Stardust only once in the series, and only in the original anime. It’s an evolution of one of her first main attacks, Moon Tiara Action. Where Moon Tiara Action is a disc- and energy-based attack, Moon Tiara Stardust channels starlight to heal its target.

Moon Tiara Stardust appears in the episode, “Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love.” When Sailor Moon throws her tiara for this attack, it doesn’t cut through its target but instead circles over it, raining down stardust. The one time Sailor Moon uses the ability, the stardust heals Chanela’s victims, who she has turned into zombie-like creatures.


Sailor Moon Uses Moon Crystal Power to Heal the Spectre Sisters

The Ability Heals by Channeling the Light of the Moon

Sailor Moon and the Inner Guardians facing the Spectre Sisters.
Image via Toei Animation.

Sailor Moon uses her Moon Crystal Power ability to channel the light of the Silver Crystal. The Silver Crystal is directly tied to the Moon Kingdom, the Serenity line, and the Moon, itself. It’s what helps the subjects of the Moon Kingdom enjoy long lives, and Sailor Moon uses it several times to heal throughout the series.

In the original anime, Sailor Moon successfully heals the Spectre Sisters, and she uses Moon Crystal Power to heal them in the episode, “Battle of the Flames of Love! Mars vs. Koan.” Moon Crystal Power is very effective when combined with other attacks. Sailor Chibi Moon also uses Moon Crystal Power to add more fuel to Sailor Moon’s Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.


Moon Princess Halation Requires the Cutie Moon Rod

The Attack Channels the Holy Light of the Night Sky

Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon are surprised to have summoned the Cutie Moon Rod in Sailor Moon Crystal.
Image via Toei Animation

Sailor Moon unlocks one of her upgraded artifacts, the Cutie Moon Rod, in the second season of the original anime, and in the second Black Moon arc chapter in Sailor Moon Crystal. She uses the Cutie Moon Rod to activate the moonlight-based attack, Moon Princess Halation. In the manga and in Sailor Moon Crystal, Sailor Moon first uses the attack to finish off one of the strongest Spectre Sisters, Koan.


10 Most Powerful Weapons in Sailor Moon, Ranked

Sailor Moon is full of legendary weapons and artifacts from wands powered by the power of the moon and death-summoning scepters.

Sailor Chibi Moon can also use Moon Princess Halation alongside Sailor Moon. It’s an attack that all in the Serenity line may use. The word “Halation” from the title is a photography term describing a halo of light in a photograph. In the context of Princess Serenity’s powers, it also indicates that Princess Serenity is channeling the holy light of the moon.


Sailor Moon Annihilates Daimons With Moon Spiral Heart Attack

Moon Spiral Heart Attack Requires Another Upgraded Moon Wand

Sailor Moon uses Moon Spiral Heart Attack against Professor Tomoe’s Daimons in the Infinity/Mugen Academy arc. Daimons are rather difficult creatures to destroy, as they are scientifically augmented youma-like monsters. To use the attack to destroy them, Sailor Moon needs to unlock the next upgrade to her moon stick, the Spiral Heart Moon Rod.

While Moon Spiral Heart Attack can be useful, it quickly becomes obsolete. The villains in Sailor Moon become more threatening with each new story arc, requiring swifter growth from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians. Moon Spiral Heart Attack doesn’t stand up well against mid-tier villains, like Eudial and Hawk’s Eye.


Sailor Moon Summons Moonlight & the Spectrum of Light in Rainbow Moon Heartache

Rainbow Moon Heartache Is Effective Against Daimons

Sailor Moon holding the Spiral Heart Moon Rod in Sailor Moon.
Image via Toei Animation.

When Sailor Moon evolves into her Super Sailor Moon form, she can use the rainbow- and moonlight-based attack, Rainbow Moon Heartache. It’s even more effective against Daimons and mid-tier villains than Moon Spiral Heart Attack. Super Sailor Moon only uses Rainbow Moon Heartache in the third season, because, like the lesser version of the attack, she swiftly needs higher caliber attacks when new villains appear in the fourth season.

Rainbow Moon Heartache is effective against Daimons, and henchmen like Tellu and Viluy. When Super Sailor Moon with Super Chibi Moon, the attack becomes even more powerful. The combined-user version of Rainbow Moon Heartache is Rainbow Double Moon Heartache.


Moon Healing Escalation Is Significant Throughout the Dark Kingdom Arc

The Attack Combines Healing & Purifying Moonlight

Princess Serenity wields the Moon Stick in the Dark Kingdom in Sailor Moon.
Image via Toei Animation

Moon Healing Escalation is Sailor Moon’s strongest consistent attack in the Dark Kingdom arc. She uses it against Queen Beryl and her minions often in the first season. The ability is a purifying one, combining healing and a battle attack. Sailor Moon can use this attack readily without too great a cost to herself.


These 10/10 Anime Filler Arcs Are Just As Good As The Canon Sagas

Filler in older anime often stalled for pacing, but some arcs surprised fans by enriching the story, becoming as essential as the main plot.

Moon Healing Escalation is particularly useful against the Seven Great Youma. The Seven Great Youma is a mini filler arc, canon only in the ’90s anime. The Seven each carry a special rainbow crystal, and must be restored by the light of the moon. Sailor Moon also uses Moon Healing Escalation in combination with Moon Prism Power to defeat Super Beryl in the season finale.


The Conditions Must Be Perfect to Use Moon Gorgeous Meditation

Sailor Chibi Moon & Pegasus Help Sailor Moon Use the Mirror & Light Attack

Sailor Moon uses Moon Gorgeous Meditation in the Dream arc, and in the third Sailor Moon movie, Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie, Black Dream Hole. Moon Gorgeous Meditation successfully defeats the movie’s dark queen antagonist, Queen Badiane, and it destroys the Black Dream Hole before it can swallow the world and place it under Badiane’s control.

Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon activate Moon Gorgeous Meditation together. They unlock the ability when Super Sailor Chibi Moon summons Pegasus, the High Priest of Elysion, with her Twinkle Yell ability. Pegasus’ Golden Crystal empowers Super Sailor Moon with the new attack. Moon Gorgeous Meditation is a moonlight- and mirror-based attack, and Super Sailor Moon channels the attack through the Moon Kaleido Scope.


Moon Prism Power Helps Defeat Super Beryl in the ’90s Anime

Moon Prism Power Is a Powerful Combined Attack

Sailor Moon uses Moon Prism Power solely in the ’90s anime, channeling lunar energy through her Moon Stick and the Silver Crystal. Using this ability requires many combined powers, and using it comes at an immense cost. Sailor Moon uses it in her Princess Serenity form, with the help of the souls of the dead Inner Guardians, to finally defeat Queen Beryl in her Super Beryl form.


10 Most Tragic Magical Girls

Whether they have a sad backstory or an unhappy ending, some magical girls’ lives are surprisingly filled with tragedy.

The ricochet from Moon Prism Power has tragic consequences, and it takes the lives of Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion. It would have taken the Inner Guardians, as well, if they weren’t already dead. The attack echoes the consequences of Earth’s war on the Moon Kingdom, but this time Princess Serenity is successful in stopping Beryl and Metalia. The Silver Crystal has some kind of sentience, and, activated by Moon Prism Power, it responds to Sailor Moon’s wishes to be reborn with her loved ones to get another chance at life together on Earth.


Eternal Sailor Moon Uses Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss

The Moonlight-Based Attack Has a Powerful Upgrade

Sailor Moon’s highest evolution in the events of the anime is Eternal Sailor Moon. In the future, of which there are glimpses in the anime, Sailor Moon has even stronger forms. As Eternal Sailor Moon, she can use one of her strongest moonlight-based attacks, Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss requires the Eternal Tiare, an upgraded form of her Moon Stick. Eternal Sailor Moon uses the attack, along with the amplifying power of Tuxedo Mask and her fellow Sailor Guardians, to defeat Queen Nehelenia. Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss has purifying and curse-breaking abilities. Eternal Sailor Moon also uses the attack with Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon, upgrading the ability to Starlight Honeymoon Double Therapy Kiss.


Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss Can Stand Up to Sailor Galaxia

Sailor Galaxia Is the Strongest Sailor Guardian in the Milky Way Galaxy

Sailor Moon and Sailor Galaxia fighting in Sailor Moon Cosmos.
Image via Toei Animation and Studio Deen

Sailor Galaxia is widely regarded as one of the most brutal and threatening villains in Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal. She is the series’ last villain because she is the hardest to defeat, and she shows how even a person as good as Sailor Moon could be taken advantage of and corrupted, if she ever makes the wrong tactical decision. Sailor Galaxia is the strongest Sailor Guardian in the Milky Way Galaxy, and as an antagonist, she’s even stronger because she’s being manipulated by the primeval source of all evil, Chaos.

Eternal Sailor Moon’s attack, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss successfully nullifies one of Galaxia’s direct attacks. For any other opponent, Galaxia’s direct attacks are unavoidable, and fatal. Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss is channeled through Eternal Sailor Moon’s wand, the Eternal Tiare.

Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mercury are smiling on the poster for the Sailor Moon anime.

Sailor Moon

Release Date

March 7, 1992


Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara

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