Anime fans love power-scaling debates. It is nearly impossible to venture into an online anime space without seeing at least one debate that pits various characters against one another to see who is the mightiest. In the eyes of many fans, Dragon Ball‘s Goku is the ultimate yardstick for power. To be considered truly powerful, a character must be able to stand a chance against the legendary Super Saiyan and his immense number of forms and moves.
It’s easy to see why Goku has attained this status, as only a handful of Dragon Ball characters have been able to put Goku down. However, the list’s length grows dramatically if you include non-canon characters from Dragon Ball’s various sequels and spin-offs. But of this rogue’s gallery of Goku-killers, who is the strongest?
Dragon Ball Z’s Lord Slug Forces Goku’s Friends To Help
Lord Slug Beats Goku Senseless, Though It’s Too Early To Be Impressive
Lord Slug, who first appeared in 1991’s Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, is a Namekian who turned evil and became a planet-conquering warlord. When Lord Slug sets his sights on Earth, Goku and his friends naturally try to resist his takeover attempts. However, Lord Slug soon outclasses them. After this, Lord Slug easily beats Goku up, absorbing most of his attacks and throwing him around without resistance.

A Forgotten Akira Toriyama Detail Explains Why Vegeta is So Much Stronger Than Goku in Dragon Ball Z
Akira Toriyama always meant for Vegeta to be younger than Goku, and this makes sense when comparing their power levels.
While Goku does some damage thanks to his sudden Pseudo Super Saiyan power-up, Lord Slug quickly regenerates his body, resetting the fight’s status quo. In fact, the difference in power is so vast that Piccolo, Gohan, and Goku are forced to pool their resources to take Lord Slug down. While this is a fantastic feat, it should be noted that this film is set before Goku learns many of his most famous forms and attacks, making the win much less impressive.
Turles Gets A Win Over Early Goku in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
Turles Is One Of Goku’s Earliest Non-Canon Losses

Debuting in the 1990s Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might movie, Turles is a Saiyan who used to be a member of the Frieza Force until he went into business for himself. Turles arrives on Earth aiming to drain its energy and grow a Tree of Might so he can eat the tree’s fruit and grow even more powerful. Near the film’s end, Turles and Goku finally clash one-on-one.
Alas, Goku quickly learns that, because of the Tree of Might’s fruit, Turles is dramatically more powerful than him. Turles quickly beats Goku to the brink of death, but rather than finishing the job, he gloats and eats another fruit from the Tree of Might, allowing Goku to kill Turles with a last-ditch, all-or-nothing Spirit Bomb. However, despite Goku pulling out a last-minute victory, Turles would have killed Goku if he kept his ego under control.
Dragon Ball GT’s Omega Shenron Proves That Goku Can Be Beaten
Omega Shenron Is A Fitting Foe To Round Out Dragon Ball GT

Syn Shenron is the final boss of Dragon Ball GT. Fittingly, he pushes Goku to his limit, coming close to ending the Saiyan once and for all. While Goku holds his own against Syn Shenron, things turn dark when the Shadow Dragon absorbs the Dragon Balls, transforming into Omega Shenron. After this transformation, Omega Shenron dominates Goku, even overpowering his Super Saiyan 4 form.
While Goku hits Omega Shenron with his Dragon Hammer, this doesn’t slow the dragon down. After this strike, Omega Shenron quickly retaliates by slamming Goku into the ground, leaving the Saiyan unable to stand. Goku is so desperate that he plans to self-destruct, hoping he can take Omega Shenron down with him, but he backs out of this plan when Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta arrives on the scene. While Goku and Vegeta would eventually turn the tide and take down Omega Shenron, it’s clear that if Vegeta didn’t turn up, Goku would have lost the battle.
Janemba’s Reality Warping Powers Give Goku Trouble in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn
Janemba’s Unique Powerset Pushes Goku To His Limit

Janemba is one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved non-canon characters. The main reason for his elevated status is that he debuted in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, one of the most well-known and beloved Dragon Ball Z movies. In this movie, Janemba is created when the Soul Cleansing Machine overflows, causing all the evil energy to be released at once. This energy coalesces to form a giant and powerful creature called Janemba.

Every Plot Hole Dragon Ball DAIMA Invented
Despite Dragon Ball DAIMA’s excellence, the anime created many plot holes that fans are still trying to decipher.
Eventually, Janemba transforms into a smaller but more powerful form dubbed Super Janemba. While in this form, Janemba dominates Goku and swats away Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta. This beating is so bad that Goku and Vegeta realize they can’t win and decide to retreat. After pulling themselves together, Goku talks Vegeta into fusion despite the Saiyan prince’s reservations about the idea, proving that both men realize that none of their forms can defeat Janemba.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes’ Hearts Taps Into Almighty Power And Takes Down Goku
Hearts Starts Strong And Only Grows Stronger With Time

Hearts is one of Super Dragon Ball Heroes’ most prominent characters, playing a role in basically all the show’s sagas. However, despite appearing frequently, Hearts didn’t claim victory over Goku until the Universal Conflict Saga. In the final part of this saga, Hearts fuses with the Universe Seed, powering him up and allowing him to enter his Ultimate Godslayer form.
This form allows Hearts to overpower everyone present. Hearts instantly disintegrates Fused Zamasu before making quick work of Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Piccolo, Android 17, Jiren, and Hit. Goku tries to respond with Super Saiyan Blue form, but this isn’t enough to tip the scales as Hearts uses his Gravity Finale attack to knock the gathered heroes straight back down again. This beating is so immense that Goku quickly talks the usually dismissive Vegeta into forming Gogeta, showing that both Saiyans realize they can’t win this fight.
Dragon Ball GT’s Super Baby Vegeta 2 Comes Close To Killing Goku
Baby Vegeta 2 is Dragon Ball GT’s Most Memorable Villain

Despite its non-canon status, Dragon Ball GT introduced many powerful villains to the franchise, many of whom have cemented themselves as fan-favorite characters and spin-off staples. Baby Vegeta is one such character. Baby Vegeta is formed when Baby the Tuffle possesses Vegeta’s body, giving him access to the Saiyan prince’s immense power and Saiyan biology. Naturally, Baby’s rage and Vegeta’s physique make for a deadly combination, something proved in Dragon Ball GT’s 29th episode, “The Fall of the Saiyans.”

Dragon Ball DAIMA Character Designer Teases Super Saiyan 4 Goku Can Beat Super Saiyan Blue
Dragon Ball settles the power-level debate between Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Goku in a recent Daima interview.
This episode sees Goku going toe-to-toe with Baby Vegeta. However, despite transforming into Super Saiyan 3 form, Goku can’t take down Baby. This only worsens when Baby absorbs negative energy, allowing him to transform into Super Baby Vegeta and then Super Baby Vegeta 2, further increasing the power gap between the two. This battle ends with Baby firing his Revenge Death Ball at Goku, causing him to vanish, leading everyone (including Baby) to presume Goku is dead.
Towa Kills Goku (Technically) in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes Manga
While It Has An Asterisk, Towa Does Something Few Villains Have.

Towa is one of the most well-known and beloved non-canon modern Dragon Ball characters, playing a massive role in both Dragon Ball Online and Dragon Ball Xenoverse. However, in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga, she pulls off a stunning feat that few other villains have been able to do. In “The Fifth Demon God a Man Known as the Grim Reaper,” the seventh chapter of the Dark Empire Saga, Towa and Shroom travel to Age 774 to hunt down Xeno Majin Buu.
When they arrive, they quickly learn that Xeno Majin Buu has gone to Hell, so Towa heads there, only to find herself in the middle of the battle between Goku and Xeno Janemba. However, this battle has taken a strange turn, as Xeno Janemba has the Five-Star Dark Dragon Ball embedded in his chest, massively boosting his power. To make retrieving the Dark Dragon Ball easier, Towa turns to Goku and instantly kills the mighty Saiyan with a magic spell. While this is technically an alternative version of Goku and not the one fans know and love, this doesn’t make Towa’s victory any less impressive.
Broly Would Have Killed Goku in Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan If It Wasn’t For A Massive Ki Infusion
The Original Broly Made an Instant Impact

It’s easy to see why Broly became one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved characters despite starting life in a non-canon movie, as the writers went all out to establish him as a massive and deadly threat. The best example is the final scenes of 1993’s Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan. After Broly’s backstory is revealed, he goes on a rampage, tearing through the landscape and holding off the combined efforts of Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and Piccolo.

Dragon Ball Z Character Designer Who Created Bardock Shares Feelings on Akira Toriyama’s Remake
Dragon Ball Z’s character designer, credited with Bardock, opens up about Akira Toriyama’s controversial portrayal of Goku’s barbaric Saiyan father.
By the end of the sequence, Broly has beaten Goku to a pulp. He spends several minutes throwing the mighty Saiyan around like a rag doll while repeatedly punching him in the face, with Goku unable to mount even a basic defense. Eventually, Piccolo convinces everyone to lend Goku their Ki, allowing him to channel it into one massive punch that takes Broly down. However, it’s clear that without this last-minute power infusion, Goku would not have taken Broly down.
Cooler Was Strong In Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge, But Stronger In Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Super Dragon Ball Heroes Gives Cooler A Massive Power Boost

Frieza’s older brother, Cooler, is initially introduced in 1991’s Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge movie. Cooler’s Revenge quickly establishes Cooler as a massive threat. Not only does he nearly kill Goku with a single energy blast near the middle of the film, but during the pair’s final battle, Cooler utterly dominates Goku for the majority. Goku only turns the tables when his rage overflows, allowing him to transform into Super Saiyan form.
When Cooler later reappears in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Prison Planet Saga, he reveals his new form: Golden Cooler. While Goku is initially unphased by this, Cooler quickly proves that his version of this form is mightier than Frieza’s by taking Goku out with a single punch, a feat few characters have ever accomplished. Because of this, Cooler is one of the strongest non-canon foes in Dragon Ball history.
Demigra Is One Of Super Dragon Ball Heroes’ Most Powerful Foes
The Demon God Requires A Team Effort To Take Down
Demigra is most known for his role in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. However, he plays a massive role in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, even acting as the main villain during the Supreme Kai of Time Saga. In the latter half of the arc, Demigra invades the Time Nest, forcing Goku, Chronoa, and Aeos to put aside their differences to fight the grander threat.
Goku attempts to fight Demigra in his Super Saiyan Blue form but is easily overwhelmed. Demigra effortlessly deflects Goku’s Kamehameha back at him, showcasing his superior power. After this, Goku keeps trying to fight back, but every time he tries, Demigra knocks him back down because of the sheer power of his Dark King form. Thankfully, just as Goku’s death seems inevitable, Vegeta turns up and unleashes a Final Flash that distracts Demigra, allowing Goku to retreat and regroup.
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball tells the tale of a young warrior by the name of Son Goku, a young peculiar boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns of the Dragon Balls, when, once all 7 are gathered, grant any wish of choice.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
- Release Date
July 1, 2018