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10 Times Goku Treated His “Friends” Like Absolute Garbage

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Posted January 15, 2025 by inuno.ai


One of the biggest reasons that fans have continued to celebrate Dragon Ball for four decades is because its main character and ultimate hero – Goku – is such an inspirational individual. Audiences have watched Goku mature from a curious boy into a proud grandfather, all while he bravely defends Earth from destruction. Goku has grown in unbelievable ways, yet he’s never managed to become more cynical. Goku retains his child-like wonder and innocence, which has helped him become an unforgettable anime role model.

Goku trains and battles out of a genuine love for the craft and a desire to be challenged. This has helped Goku reach incredible heights and become someone who the universe can always depend on. Goku’s courage and heroism is never in question, but this doesn’t mean that Goku isn’t without his faults. Goku’s zest for combat occasionally causes him to turn a blind eye to the people that really matter in his life – his friends and family. There may be no malice in Goku’s actions, but this doesn’t change the fact that some of the people who are closest to Goku are occasionally left feeling dejected and disregarded.


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Carelessness Almost Takes Goku’s Life

Future Trunks travels through time to warn the Z-Fighters of the past about the Androids’ upcoming invasion, but he comes bearing a crucial cure for Goku’s debilitating heart virus. It’s this heart virus which kills Goku in Future Trunks’ timeline, but he’s able to prevent the past from suffering the same dark fate. Goku is grateful to receive this medicine, but he seems even more excited that there’s another powerful Super Saiyan in the mix that he can spar against.

Goku’s cavalier nature with this coveted medicine nearly costs him his life and dooms his timeline in the process. Goku doesn’t rush to take this medicine and he only does it once he starts to experience symptoms during his fight against Android 19. It’s almost too late for Goku at this point and Chi-Chi has to help nurse Goku back to health. All this could be avoided if he just immediately took the medicine and appreciated the severity of his illness. He’s lucky he’s still able to stop the virus, but the moments when he’s bedridden are unnecessarily stressful for his family.


Goku Chooses To Stay Dead & Refuses To Come Back To Life Like His Friends Want

Goku’s Seemingly Selfless Action Causes Unnecessary Heartbreak

Goku with the inflated Cell in Dragon Ball Z "A Hero's Farewell."

Image via Toei Animation

Dragon Ball often reflects how it’s not easy to play the role of hero and difficult decisions need to be made for the greater good. Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga is an important transitory period for the characters, since it concludes with Goku sacrificing himself to save the Earth from Cell’s self-destruct technique. Later on, Goku’s friends attempt to revive him with the Dragon Balls, but he refuses this wish. Goku’s rationale here is that his presence on Earth simply opens the planet up to greater dangers, plus Gohan is now strong enough to take on any evil threat that arrives. There are sweet intentions behind this act, but it ultimately becomes irrelevant when he returns to Earth seven years later and sticks around.


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There’s a lot of sadness experienced during the seven years Goku has been gone in Other World, especially within his own family. Gohan prioritizes a normal life as a teenager over steady training, which leaves him vulnerable and out of practice when evil does finally strike. Goku’s farewell creates an illusion of peace, so many characters regress without him around to guide them. Not for nothing, but there are many parties and celebrations Goku inadvertently ruins when villains crash these festivities. Beerus, Abo and Kado, Gomah, and Broly are all events that might have been avoided if Goku heeded his own advice and kept a lower profile after being brought back to life.


Goku Offers Bulma’s Body Up As Collateral To Old Kai

Goku Uses Bulma As a Bargaining Chip In Front Of Vegeta

Vegeta yells at Goku and Old Kai in Dragon Ball Z.

Image via Toei Animation

Bulma is Goku’s oldest friend and they’ve experienced so much together. That said, Goku’s relationship with Bulma is oddly skewed and he doesn’t have any qualms treating her like a prize to others. There’s a particularly alarming moment when the prospect of using the Namekian Dragon Balls to revive the Earth is discussed. Old Kai says a wish of this magnitude could disrupt the universe’s natural order. Goku, in an attempt to win over Old Kai, offers Bulma to him as an incentive. The exact conditions of this bribe differ depending on which version of Dragon Ball Z is in discussion.

Some have Goku offering Old Kai a kiss from Bulma, while others have Goku willing to provide Old Kai with lewd pictures of his friend. Regardless of the circumstances, these deals are made without Bulma’s consent and they understandably aggravate Vegeta. Vegeta yells at Goku for not offering up Chi-Chi instead of Bulma, only for Goku to deflect and say that it’s a compliment because Bulma is the more attractive of the two. It’s a problematic sequence all around and possible Goku can’t help but view Bulma in a transactional light because of how Roshi treated her during their youth. Goku is used to Bulma’s body being a bartering tool.


Goku Is Such An Absentee Grandfather, He Forgets Pan’s Name

Goku Takes His Relationship With His Granddaughter For Granted

Goku blocks Pan's kick in Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103.

Image via Shueisha

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103, “A Legacy Toward the Future,” features some very sweet moments between Goku and Gohan. Unfortunately, their bond is briefly ruined when Goku casually admits he’s forgotten the name of his granddaughter. Everyone – even Vegeta – is horrified to learn Goku doesn’t remember her name. Goku spends so much time away training it’s easy for him to take his relationships for granted.

It’s clear Goku has tremendous love for Pan and would do anything for her, but it’s still extremely embarrassing he’s been absent enough he can’t even remember her name. There’s even a bit of combative energy when Goku and Pan reunite, as if Pan doesn’t remember her grandfather either and believes that he’s some sort of threat. It’s more than a little sad Piccolo has a stronger relationship with Pan than Goku does.


Goku Leaves His Family & Friends Behind To Train Uub

Goku’s Excitement Over An Exciting Sparring Partner Trumps Personal Bonds

Goku’s victory over Kid Buu is followed up with a ten-year time-skip epilogue where everyone reunites at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. A lot has changed over the past decade and there’s even some resentment towards Goku from some of his friends – like Bulma – since he hasn’t seen them in years. Nevertheless, Goku participates in the World Tournament with his friends and family, only to be quickly impressed by a young martial artist. Goku identifies Uub’s ki signature as being the same as Kid Buu and deduces that this boy is actually the reincarnation of his past enemy.


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Dragon Ball is full of inspirational redemption stories, but some of the anime’s best heroes made a greater impact a vicious villains.

Goku is genuinely excited about facing someone who can fight at his level, let alone whose martial arts skills are still in their infancy. Goku, on a whim, pledges to help Uub hone his skills and train him to be Earth’s next great hero. Dragon Ball Z ends with Goku abruptly leaving his family and friends behind – some who he hasn’t seen for years – in favor of training a complete stranger. It’s an impulsive turn of events that disrespects the people who are most important to Goku. As a point of comparison, Dragon Ball GT’s final episode has Goku leaving behind his family and friends, but he at least takes the time to give them all a special farewell and make them feel valued and important.


Goku Misses Goten’s Birth & Never Really Connects With Him

Goku Is Content To Distance Himself From Family While In Other World

Goten is nervous when meeting Goku for the first time in Dragon Ball Z.

Image via Toei Animation

Some very big changes take place in the seven years following Goku’s death in the Cell Games. When Dragon Ball Z picks back up in the Buu Saga, Gohan now has a younger brother, Goten. DBZ reveals Goku understandably missed Goten’s birth, since he was still in Other World, but he never checks in on his new son. Goten is very shy with Goku when they meet at the 25th World Tournament and it comes to light this is Goten’s first encounter with his father. Goku is able to make contact from Other World with the help of King Kai’s telepathy, however.

With this knowledge, it’s actually quite negligent he doesn’t take advantage of this to communicate with Chi-Chi while she’s in labor or, at least, wish Goten a happy birthday over the years. The whole reason Goku stays in Other World is to prevent the Earth from greater danger, but he doesn’t have to cut his family out in the process. Goku even admits in Dragon Ball DAIMA he’s not the best parent and could be more involved in raising his kids. Goku communicates from Other World under much more casual circumstances, so he shouldn’t neglect his family during these moments of need.


Goku Abuses Super Saiyan 3 & Wastes His 24 Hours On Earth

Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 3 for the first time in Dragon Ball Z.

Image via Toei Animation

Goku is given the incredible privilege of returning to Earth for 24 hours to spend some time with his friends and family at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Unbeknownst to Goku, this turns into one of the most volatile days in history as he gets roped into a bitter battle against Majin Buu. Goku eventually reveals that he learned Super Saiyan 3 during his seven years in Other World. Goku uses this transformation against Buu, but it exerts such incredible power, it ultimately shortens his time left on Earth.

Goku doesn’t defeat Buu in this heightened state and it’s merely a way to stall time so the heroes can strengthen their resources. All this happens during the height of chaos and Goku’s actions are perhaps understandable on some level. At the same time, one could argue that Goku could have instead gotten the most out of his time on Earth and used it to properly support his loved ones. Goku is later given Old Kai’s life and returns to Earth, but he has no idea this is possible. It’s fitting Goku would spend his final moments locked in combat, doing whatever he can to hold back evil, but it’s not the most friend-forward strategy.


Goku Risks His Son’s Life At The Cell Games

Goku Keeps His Son In The Dark About His Master Plan

 Piccolo gives Goku a deserved earful about how he's been handling Gohan during the Cell Games Saga in Dragon Ball Z.

Image via Toei Animation

Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga features a subversive change of pace where Goku accepts that he’s not strong enough to defeat Cell and instead banks on Gohan surpassing his limits as their key to victory. Goku could fight harder, but he intentionally steps down and even gives Cell a Senzu Bean to recover his stamina so Gohan faces him at peak performance. Gohan struggles against Cell and it’s not until Android 16’s death when he snaps and turns Super Saiyan 2.


Dragon Ball DAIMA EP 1 English Dub Review: The Series’ Best Dub Yet Has One Small Catch

Dragon Ball DAIMA’s English dub is off to a great start, but it has one major problem.

Goku’s plan pays off, but for a while, there’s confusion over what he’s doing and why he’s being so reckless with his son. Many chastise Goku for his decision and Gohan’s epiphany still involves him experiencing incredible pain in order to transform. Goku’s actions ultimately lead to his own death, along with Future Trunks’ murder. Goku should have been more open about his intentions and why Gohan was Earth’s best shot at defeating Cell, so others could help him realize this goal with less ensuing heartbreak.


Goku Spends More Time Training Than With His Wife

Goku Frequently Chooses Martial Arts Over Chi-Chi

ChiChi crying Dragon Ball

The original Dragon Ball ends with the heartwarming image of Goku surrounded by his friends as he marries Chi-Chi. This is a strong place to start Dragon Ball Z, yet Goku has seemingly turned his back on a simple domestic life. In fact, Goku often sneaks out of his home and avoids Chi-Chi in order to sneak in some extra training or head into a life-or-death battle.

Even when there’s a sense of normalcy in the world, Goku seems to spend more time on King Kai’s Planet or Beerus’ home where he pushes his limits and trains to become stronger. It’s clear Goku finds greater satisfaction in training than simple moments with his family. Some of Goku and Gohan’s most tender moments are when they train together for the Cell Games. This unity fades afterward and Goku either trains alone, or with Vegeta, seldom including his family in the experience. Goten, in particular, would benefit from steady training with his father.


Goku Puts A Hit On Himself For Fun

Goku’s Controversial Strategy Terrifies His Loved Ones

Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power is a battle royale between the strongest fighters in the multiverse where failure means erasure. It’s never been more important for Goku and company prepare themselves for a tournament, so Goku resorts to a highly controversial strategy. Hit is an assassin from Universe 6 who pushed Goku to his limits during the Tournament of Destroyers, so Goku hires Hit to assassinate himself. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding who’s hired Hit to take Goku out so he can’t be a part of the competition, at first.

In the end, Goku explains he put the hit on himself since he knew that Hit wouldn’t hold back and would force him to become stronger. Hit does actually complete his assignment and kill Goku, but Goku launches an energy attack into the air which hits him on the way down and restarts his heart. Goku’s friends and family mourn his corpse before he’s brought back to life and explains this was all part of his plan. This is a risky strategy where a lot could go wrong, but there’s also no reason for Goku to keep his friends in the dark about this. He needlessly traumatizes them.

The cast of Dragon Ball Z, including characters such as Son Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo, among others, leaps towards the camera in the poster for the show.

Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball tells the tale of a young warrior by the name of Son Goku, a young peculiar boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns of the Dragon Balls, when, once all 7 are gathered, grant any wish of choice.

Created by

Akira Toriyama

First TV Show

Dragon Ball

First Episode Air Date

April 26, 1989

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