What do the Pokémon series and the Godzilla series have in common? Firstly, they’re two of Japan’s media juggernauts that are known on a global level and have been for years. Additionally, they are based on unique creatures with interesting designs. In fact, some monsters in both franchises share similarities when it comes to their design.
This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with both universes. Many Pokémon are known to be inspired by kaiju. Satoshi Taijri, Pokémon’s creator, has stated that the Godzilla franchise was a major inspiration for his work, alongside Ultraman. It’s still interesting to see how this 70-year-old franchise inspired Pokémon.
Updated on March 19, 2025 by Mayra Garcia: Pokémon and Godzilla are two of the most important media franchises in Japan, so it makes sense for them to have a close relationship. This list has been updated to include more Pokémon who look a lot like some of the most powerful kaiju as well as to comply with CBR’s current publication standards.

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Megaguirus & Yanmega Create Shock Waves With Their Wings
Megaguirus is the Queen of a Race of Insect-Like Monsters That Look Like Yanmega
Yanmega, the bug/flying type Pokémon evolves from Yanma gaining amazing abilities, like a powerful jaw, capable of biting foes even at high speed or wings so powerful it can dislodge trees when taking off in flight. This Pokémon, introduced in the fourth Pokémon generation, is inspired by a dragonfly. However, it looks way tougher than this insect. Just like Megaguirus.
This kaiju was actually inspired by a Meganeura, a firefly species that went extinct millions of years ago. Yanmega is likely inspired by Megaguirus. Like the kaiju, this Pokémon can flap its wings so hard, they become a weapon since they create a horrendous noise that overpowers any rival. Besides, both creatures’ wings create electric waves that can end up maiming or killing.
Rodan & Aerodactyl Are Surprisingly Not Inspired By The Same Creature
Both Characters Are Based On Toothless Dinosaurs, Despite Their Fangs

Aerodactyl is a rock/flying fossil Pokémon from the first generation. It does not have any evolution besides the Mega Evolution, so it’s quite powerful even in its first levels. This Pokémon’s main weapon is its serrated fangs, which can rip through any Pokémon — including Steel-type ones. Aerodactyl is inspired by a dinosaur, but fans have noticed it also looks a lot like Rodan the Kaiju — although this monster is more adept at using its claws to kill its prey.
Funnily enough, even though they are very similar, Rodan and Aerodactyl aren’t inspired by the same dinosaur. Rodan’s name comes from the Pterasaur genus, Pteranodon, while Aerodactly’s name comes from Pterodactylus, which is a completely different genus. Regardless of these scientific inaccuracies, both the Pokémon and the kaiju strike fear on their enemies just by extending their wings.
Drednaw Is Like A Small Anguirus
Drednaw Only Reachings Kaiju-Sizes During Gigantamax Evolutions

When reaching level 22, the adorable Chewtle evolves into Drednaw, a water/rock-type Pokémon. Resembling a turtle, this Pokémon looks a bit slow, but it can be quite savage. Thanks to their sharp fangs and well-developed neck muscles, Drednaw can capture prey in no time. Besides, although Drednaw looks like it carries a heavy shell, this Pokémon is strong enough to carry it with no problem.
Drednaw may be small compared to other gigantic Pokémon like Tyranitar, but it still gives huge kaiju vibes, especially when comparing it to Anguirus, the Ankylosaurus kaiju. Especially their Gigamax version, which has a big horn and is also covered in a hard shell with spikes that prevent other creatures from biting into it. Between the powerful teeth and this protecting shell, the only big difference between these two is that Drednaw is smaller than a kaiju for sure.
Aggron Is Based On The Korean Kaiju, Pulgasari
Pulgasari Was Created by Tōhō, Even Though It’s Origins Are Korean

Aggron, the steel/rock Pokémon was introduced in Generation III. It evolves from Lairon at level 42, who evolves from Aron. Everything on Aggron’s design screams steel/rock. These Pokémon are bipedal dinosaurs with a gray exoskeleton that protects them in battle since they also have silver armor plates. Aggron is inspired by a unique kaiju: Pulgasari.
Japan wasn’t the only country making great kaiju films. Korea dabbed in this genre too, creating Pulgasari in 1985. Fans will notice the similarities soon enough. Like Aggron, Pulgasari has long horns and a metal plate on his chest. Of course, his armor isn’t as sophisticated as Aggron’s but it’s definitely the inspiration for the modern creature.
The Similarities Between Zigra & Skarmory Are Undeniable
Even Though Zigra Is Obviously a Fish, While Skarmory Is Clearly a Bird

Skarmory is a steel/flying Pokémon from the second generation. It doesn’t have an evolution nor evolves from any creature as far as fans know up until now. This bird-like Pokémon has a solid steel-like skin with feathers as sharp as blades. In fact, these are sharper than any man-made weapon.
Skarmory looks a lot like Zigra, which is strange considering they aren’t that alike. In fact, while Skarmory is a steely bird, Zigra is an alien fish. However, they are both similar physically. First in color, but also, they both have that armor-like skin full of spiky ends that make them look as dangerous as they are.
Mothra & Volcarona Share More Than The Moth Aspect
Both of These Monsters Have Been Raised to Godhood By Some Cultures

Volcarona is a bug/fire-type Pokémon from the fifth generation that evolves from Larvesta at level 59, gaining some amazing abilities in this form. Volcarona can flap its wings and let loose burning scales that can produce a small sea of fire. These burning scales can replace the sun in darkness and ancient people worshipped it as a god, calling it the “rage of the sun.”

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Both Volcarona and Mothra are inspired by moths, but their similarities go beyond their species. They share pretty much the same color palette, but this isn’t the end. Volcarona shares its fire abilities with Mothra, whose adult version can blast fire energy beams. Besides, both creatures are regarded as deities by ancient civilizations.
Duraludon & Mechagodzilla Are Both Robotic Reptiles
Duraludon & Mechagodzilla Are the Primary Enemies of Tyranitar and Godzilla

The steel/dragon-type Pokémon Duraludon made its first appearance in generation VIII of the series. This large and chunky monster is a dinosaur-like creature that has a body made of an incredibly strong metallic alloy. This leads to easy rusting, which is why the creature lives in caves to hide from the rain.
While its backstory doesn’t resemble Mechagodzilla at all, Duraludon’s design will remind viewers of this powerful kaiju a lot. They’re both robotic dinosaurs with a long neck and even a small red detail on their heads. The most important similarity between them is the fact that Duraludon has a complicated rivalry with Tyranitar, just like Mechagodzilla has one with Godzilla.
Haxorus’s Features Remind Fans Of Destoroyah
Haxorus Also Looks Similar to Gigan, Another Powerful Kaiju

Haxorus is another dragon-type Pokémon appearing on the list and is the final form of Axew, evolving from its middle form, Fraxure at level 48. This Pokémon is a bipedal creature with reptile-like features, covered in a yellowish-green armor. They’re very dangerous Pokémon as well, which is shown by their appearance, territorial nature, and blade-like tusks on their face.
While they don’t look exactly alike, Destoroyah and Haxorus do share some strong visual similarities. For instance, their armor covers the same spots on their body. Additionally, Haxorus’ tusks resemble the wing-like pieces attached to Destoroyah’s face. Although they don’t share a backstory, the Pokémon is definitely inspired by this kaiju.
Manda & Rayquaza Are Based On Japanese Dragons
Both Creatures Look a Lot Like the Mythical Yamata-no-Orochi
Rayquaza is one of the most iconic Pokémon in the series’ entire library of pocket monsters. This dragon/flying type legendary Pokémon appeared in the third generation of the Pokémon series and is also the mascot of the game from that generation, Pokemon Emerald. It is the master of the legendary weather trio which consists of Rayquaza, Kyogre, and Groudon.
Manda from the Godzilla series doesn’t share the iconic status that Rayquaza has in Pokémon — although the Muans used it to punish their enemies, by offering them as a sacrifice. Regardless, these two creatures are simply too similar. They’re huge, green sea serpents with four horns on their heads. They’re clearly both inspired by the image of a traditional Japanese dragon.
Omanyte Is a Tiny Version of Gezora
Gezora Was Small Like Omantye, but Transformed Into a Monster

The rock/water Pokémon Omanyte is one of the cutest in the Pokémon world. Unlike most Pokémon in the series, this Pokémon must be resurrected from a fossil to come into existence. This small ammonite Pokémon was considered extinct with only a helix fossil of it remaining in the world. However, through technology, they can wander the world again.
Much like Gezora, Omanyte is a mollusk and whether it was on purpose or not, it had a great resemblance to the Kaiju enemy of Godzilla as well. This is mostly due to their general appearance, more specifically, their eyes sitting right under their shells with their tentacles placed right under. Of course, Gezora is huge while Omanyte is as small as a companion animal.
Jet Jaguar & Bisharp Are Humanoids Among Quadrupeds
Jet Jaguar Is an Actual Robot, but Bisharp is an Organic Creature

The dark/steel Pokémon Bisharp is one of the coolest-looking creatures in the series. It is also one of the most humanoid Pokémon. The design of these Pokémon resembles a suit of armor fitted with a helmet. Many pieces of their metallic bodies make them perfect for combat.

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Although the Pokémon franchise is great for fans of any age, many of the storylines present in the anime can be rather gruesome.
Bisharp has a slight resemblance to one of Godzilla’s most loyal allies: Jet Jaguar. While the two don’t look exactly like each other, they do share a few features, mostly their color schemes, somewhat similar headpiece designs, and unchanging expressions. What’s more, they’re humanoids coexisting with dozens of animal-like creatures, which makes them immediately stand out among the bunch.
Nidoking & Baragon Share Features & Fighting Styles
Nidoking Was Actually Based on Baragon, According to its Creator

Earliest Pokémon fans don’t need an introduction to this large purple creature. Nidoking is a poison/ground type that evolves from the middle form of the male Nidoran and Nidorino. It has a venomous horn on its forehead and uses it and its mighty claws to bring its enemies down.
These battle features, as well as the general appearance of Nidoking, heavily resemble the Kaiju, Baragon. Not only does this creature look just like Nidoking , sharing the same ears, forehead horn, and ambiguous reptile/mammal, but it battles in the same fashion as well: using its claws as its main weapon.
Palkia Is A Modern-Looking Space Godzilla
Palkia Can Warp Reality, While Space Godzilla Can Use Telekineses and Energy Manipulation

Palkia is the mascot of the fourth generation Pokémon game, Pokémon Pearl. It is a member of the Pokemon creation trio which consists of it, Dialga, and Giratina. This water/dragon type Pokémon represents space and can warp it as well. This leads it to being able to create alternate realities at will.
Palkia was probably not fully inspired by Space Godzilla, but no one can deny the similarities are there. This Pokémon and Space Godzilla both, of course, have a connection to space, they have crystals they use to battle in with their shoulders, and spikey protrusions that obstruct their faces making them look super dangerous. If anything, Palkia is a more modern version of the kaiju, since the pocket monster was created many decades later.
Hydreigon & King Ghidorah Are Three-Headed Menaces
Both of These Creatures Are Bad Luck Omens In Their Respective Franchises

Introduced in Gen V, Hydreigon is a dark/dragon-type Pokémon, evolving from Zweilous at level 64. This pocket monster is a brutal creature. It’s incredibly violent, using its three heads to keep track of its prey at any moment and then rip it apart with its three mouths.

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Despite being known as the “Evil-type” in Japanese, Dark-type Pokémon are cute just as often as they are menacing.
It’s almost too easy to realize who Hydreigon resembles from the Godzilla universe. This three-headed Pokémon is one of the most violent in the world of these battling creatures and attacks just about anything that moves. It has gone as far as to destroy entire villages. Not only design-wise does it resemble King Ghidorah featuring three heads, no arms, and wings, but Hydreigon also shares Ghidorah’s horrible attitude and destructive nature.
Tyranitar Was Actually Inspired By Godzilla
Tyranitar Japanese name actually references Godzilla
Tyranitar is a dark/rock pseudo-legendary Pokémon and is a very powerful one at that. It ignores enemies if it doesn’t think they’re worth the time and he’s also able to start monstrous earthquakes with a simple stomp. It has a very rude nature much like another large T-Rex-like creature everyone knows and loves: Godzilla.
The King of Monsters is the actual direct inspiration for Tyranitar, so the Pokémon acts like Godzilla in many ways. They’re both bipedal reptiles with spikes on their backs and a fierce look, especially when they’re in battle. Although Tyranitar doesn’t rise from the sea before destroying cities, it’s obvious the most famous kaiju of them all is its long-lost twin.

- Created by
Satoshi Tajiri
- First Film
Pokemon: The First Movie
- Latest Film
Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle
- First TV Show