Some gamers may have seen them quacking around on their favorite gamer channel on YouTube or Twitch. Others may even have a couple dozen of these quacky duckies ready to invade the nearest bathtub. One thing is certain: fans of all kinds can appreciate these TUBBZ vinyl ducks as a fun new way to experience and adore their favorite characters.

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From Sonic the Hedgehog and The Lord of the Rings to just about every franchise in between, fans can rest assured that there’s a cute ducky out there cosplaying as one of their favorite characters. Simply put, TUBBZ is a growing horde of vinyl collectible ducks that seem to be flying into every franchise known to humankind.
Without further ado, let’s give these rubbery duck friends our undivided attention and see which video game franchises they’ve managed to invade so far.

In case you’ve been thinking of ways to defeat Alduin during your next replay of Skyrim, the challenge has never been easier. There’s nothing like having the creator and destroyer of worlds compacted into the body of a charming little vinyl duck. Although, this time around Alduin might as well just defeat you with all its cuteness. The boxed edition of TUBBZ Alduin from the beloved TES franchise is definitely a hit among some fans. If your cousin’s out there fighting dragons and all you get is guard duty, having a little TUBBZ duck buddy by your side, inspiring you in all the replaying you have yet to do in The Elder Scrolls series, might just ease your pain.
It’s understanable, though, if the mighty Alduin isn’t your idea of the dragon duck of nightmares and dreams. If that’s your case, fear not, Dragonborn, for TUBBZ is certainly working on more ducks to include in their slowly but surely growing list of favorites from The Elder Scrolls series. For now, TES fans can loot the digital tombs of TUBBZ ducks and snag a ducky version of Jarl Balgruuf, Ulfric Stormcloak, and Dovakiin.

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TUBBZ: Doom – Doom Slayer

The Hellwalker. The Beast. The Unchained Predator. There are many names for one capable of unmatched carnage. For all the Doom fans out there rejoicing in the latest update of classic Doom games, TUBBZ Doom Slayer is certainly an unusual take on the legendary demon hunter that is hard to overlook. One can only wonder what the ducky version of the famous Doom Marine is capable of besides winning the hearts of many Doom fans with its undeniable cuteness. Let the rubber duck versions of demons tremble before him.
No doubt, watching the Doom Slayer vinyl duck battling against the rubber duck version of Marauder, just like their video game counterparts in Doom Eternal, would certainly be a thing to remember. It will hardly be a surprise if some fans develop a taste for this pure duck cuteness and go look for the duck versions of other Doom franchise favorites right away.
TUBBZ: DC Universe – Batman

From good old comic books and video games to movies and TV shows, the DC Universe is vast, and the collection of TUBBZ ducks inspired by it is just as diverse. While DC fans certainly have their favorites, it’s hard to resist the charm of the dark “Caped Crusader” of Gotham when he visits us in the form of a tiny vinyl duck. It makes for a refreshing change after all the stereotypically bold portrayals of Batman on the silver screen. The best part is that the TUBBZ Batman is just one of the many in the DC Universe TUBBZ duck collection.
For DC fans and collectors alike, these ducks might be a fun new way to keep their favorite heroes close, as some may find the ducky versions of Superman, Martian Man Hunter, Peacemaker, Wonder Woman, and The Flash to be worthwhile keepsakes.
Nevertheless, heroes aren’t the only ones from DC Universe that DC fans can find among TUBBZ duckies. Some of the most popular DC antagonists are included in the collection as well. TUBBZ Joker, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, and the morally ambiguous Catwoman are a few to keep an eye out for too.

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TUBBZ: Fallout – Nuka-Cola Pin-Up Girl

The Fallout franchise is an all-time favorite among gamers. It’s little wonder that TUBBZ is slowly expanding its collections into the wastelands of Fallout. From the Nuka-Cola Pin-Up Girl to the iconic Vault Boy and Vault Girl from the video game series, Fallout fans can put some of their bottle caps to good use and get themselves a Vault-Tec approved vinyl ducky.
In addition to its own creative take on the omnipresent Nuka-Cola theme in the Fallout series and the standard game icons, TUBBZ has also prepared a couple of their ducks to be fully capable of handling the perilous radioactive wastelands. TUBBZ T-51 and TUBBZ Nuka-Cola T-51 vinyl ducks are armed and ready to lay waste on any mutants, radscorps, and everything else in their way.
TUBBZ: The Lord of the Rings – Sauron

While it’s definitely far more famous for the books and movies, The Lord of the Rings has made some decent video games and tabletop games too, with some particularly delightful LOTR tabletop games worth giving a try. To recognize the depth of this franchise and to show some love for the LOTR universe, TUBBZ has made a vast vinyl duck collection of just about every one of Tolkien’s beloved characters.
The TUBBZ Sauron vinyl duck might not be every LOTR fan’s favorite, but TUBBZ Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, and Galadriel are some of the many options that LOTR fans can root and loot for. TUBBZ has not forgotten the Hobbits either, as Frodo, Samwise, Merry, and Pippin can now journey as their own dedicated vinyl duck versions.
TUBBZ: Sonic the Hedgehog – Sonic

Sonic the Hedgehog, a Nintendo classic, is a name any gamer can recognize, and it has gathered a fan base that is just as diverse as the TUBBZ Sonic the Hedgehog vinyl duck collection. Sonic the Hedgehog, in all of his speedy blue glory, is an obvious choice for any beginner looking to start their collection. Besides this iconic character, TUBBZ offers plenty of other ducky renditions of fan favorites from the franchise as well, which includes some curious characters in Sonic the Hedgehog.
TUBBZ has many other cosplaying ducks that are well worth checking out. In fact, fans, collectors, and gamers of all kinds may even find their favorite franchises among TUBBZ creations that are cute enough to loot too.

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