Saint Denis is a sprawling city in Red Dead Redemption 2, and a terrifying bastion of civilization that frightens the spurs of any outlaw from the Van der Linde gang. If Arthur Morgan is to explore Saint Denis, he might stumble across a multitude of random encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2 that are hard to trigger and harder to forget.

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Most Peculiar Points of Interest (& Where to Find Them)
Red Dead Redemption 2 has some disturbing and peculiar sights within its vast open world, and here are the most interesting points of interest.
Most of the encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2 are random to occur, so for players who have yet to see every random encounter in Red Dead Redemption 2, we have found and listed all the ones that are available within Saint Denis.
Alleyway Robbery
A Wealthy Man is Robbed at Knifepoint

Just behind the cathedral, in a nearby alleyway and late at night, players might discover a wealthy man being robbed at knifepoint. Arthur can intervene, which will see the rich man hand over some cash out of gratitude, or, they can just watch the man get robbed and killed.
Anders Helgerson
A Chelonian Preacher

Anders Helgerson is found towards the city’s fountain and garden area, where he will often be preaching about the Chelonian faith. This religious advocate preaches of the Chelonian religion, and even offers Arthur a free pamphlet to learn more about the religion.
Angelo Bronte’s Mobsters
Italian Mobsters Ambush the Van der Linde Gang

After annoying Angelo Bronte at his dinner party, Arthur Morgan might get jumped by his men when he attempts to leave Saint Denis. These Italian gangsters don’t take kindly to the Van der Linde gang, and Arthur will be killed on sight if they find him.
Blind and Fake Blind Beggars
A Series of Beggars Test Arthur’s Morals

There are a multitude of beggars found in Saint Denis, and occasionally, they will give Arthur Morgan a helpful tip about a store robbery or an item that they can use if Arthur is so kind as to give them some cash. There are even some specific beggars, like a blind beggar who fakes his disability, noted by how he responds to a gun pointed at him – and then there’s the real blind beggar, who is none the wiser if players rob him.
Chamberpot Incidents
Human Waste from Above

Often outside the windows of Saint Denis buildings, players can see two strangers conversing, before a woman throws her chamberpot on top of them over the railing. These men, now drenched in stool, will storm off in a rightful strop, which is a gross reminder to maybe not stand outside bathroom windows.
Dorothea Wicklow
A Suffragette Who Protests in Demand for Women’s Voting Rights

Around the central garden area outside of the Saint Denis Tailor, players can find Dorothea Wicklow, a suffragette that beckons and bellows for equality among the sexes. Ms. Wicklow demands to be allowed to vote, and while Arthur is all for women’s rights, he doesn’t seem to care about voting regardless.
French Couple’s Mugging
A Midnight Mugging Results in the Death of a Woman

Wandering the streets at night is never a good idea, and despite the lawful nature of Saint Denis, there are indeed lawless people. One such incident involves a mugger who attempts to rob a French couple, and failing to intervene will see their money stolen and one of them killed.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Shacks You Need to Find
There are some important shacks and cabins in Red Dead Redemption 2 that players should visit for disturbing stories and interesting loot.
Josiah Trelawny’s Family
Trelawny’s Secret Wife and Children

An encounter that can be triggered by being near the area, players can discover the secret family of Josiah Trelawny by venturing to the building just north of the Doctor’s Office and up the stairs. From here, Arthur can eavesdrop on Trelawny’s conversation with his wife and his two sons, and it’s something he will even confront Arthur about if he’s in camp.
Lemoyne Raider Vandals
Destruction of Property and Graffiti in the Night

Late at night, Lemoyne Raiders will sometimes create bombs and throw a Molotov at store windows in the city’s center to disrupt the peace and protest civilization as they grow unrestful in their desires for Lemoyne to be independent of the United States. While the vandals aren’t hostile, they are dangerous.
Norris Forsythe
A Racist Who Preaches Against Race-Mixing

Norris Forsythe is usually found near the cathedral of Saint Denis and the Gunsmith, preaching to himself with psychotic rambles about eugenics and the “impurity” of mixing races. He’s a racist who demands the white race to stay pure, and he’s just in general, a pretty ignorant guy who deserves a bit of a beatdown from Arthur.
Police Brutality
A Police Officer Beats a Thief Who Has Surrendered

Occasionally, players might hear a police officer’s whistle as he charges into an alleyway to confront a thief. What occurs next is a racist attack on a person of color, as the police officer will not only arrest the thief, but beat him unconscious, and tell those who watch to look away and leave or they’ll suffer the same fate.
Public Hangings
Bounty Targets Get Hung in the City Square

In the city’s square, players will be able to watch a public execution from the Police Commissioner against the criminals of Saint Denis. These can be triggered after players deliver Lindsey Wofford alive to the Saint Denis Police Station, or, if players rescue the man just outside of Saint Denis who had his arm cut off by the doctor.
Street Urchin Thieves
Street Rats Try to Rile Up Arthur

Around different alleyways of Saint Denis, Arthur will be beckoned by street urchins, which are just youthful vagabonds that want to stir trouble and evoke a reaction from adults. If Arthur responds to their rude comments, they will run into the alleyway, and following them in will see Arthur robbed by them and their friends.
The Pickpocket
A Pickpocket Bumps into Arthur When Entering Shops

If players wander into stores and saloons, they might bump into someone who is just leaving the building. Upon doing so, players will quickly discover that they’ve been the victim of a pickpocket, and players can chase the man down for their money back, or beat them and rob them for even more cash.

8 Mistakes Everyone Makes On Their First Playthrough Of Red Dead Redemption 2
There are some common mistakes that every player makes in their first time in Red Dead Redemption 2, and these tips might help ease players into 1899.
The Proposal in a Dark Alley
A Man’s Sinister Proposal Results in a Robbery

Near the alleyway to the Jade Dragon Restaurant district is a man who, late at night, will beckon Arthur to listen to him. The stranger tells Arthur that he has a plan to make some quick money, but he needs to follow him into a dark alley to hear it. Following his proposition will see Arthur knocked out and robbed.
The Rats of Doyle’s Tavern
Help Doyle’s Tavern Pass a Health Inspection

The Slums of Saint Denis are not the most attractive areas to venture across, but those who do find themselves within can look to Doyle’s Tavern – a cheap spot for a drink. However, often in Doyle’s Tavern, the owner will beg for Arthur’s help in clearing out his saloon from a rat infestation, which sees Arthur rewarded with a few dollars and bloodied hands as he silently kills rats with a knife.
The Sex Worker of Doyle’s Tavern
A Flirtatious Woman Tries to Get Arthur Killed

After meeting Angelo Bronte, it becomes abruptly obvious that the Italian mobster is not a fan of cowboys and outlaws, which is why a sex worker in Doyle’s Tavern tries to persuade Arthur to meet her in the alleyway. Doing so will see Arthur jumped by some of Bronte’s goons.
The Vampire
A Vampire Feeds on Victims Late at Night

This is the only encounter in Saint Denis that isn’t random, and players actually need to trigger it. There are 5 etched writings that Arthur can study in his journal, after which, a location will be marked between the Gunsmith and the General Store, which contains a vampire feeding on a fresh kill.
Timothy A. Donahue
A Man Who Sells a Get Rich Quick Book

Just outside the Bastille Saloon, players might find themselves conversing with a rather well-dressed individual who is shouting to the heavens about his book: Get Rich Quick. This philanthropist promises that a purchase of his book for $50 can make anyone rich, but open reading it, it becomes obvious that this is just a grift from a Saint Denis local.

- Released
October 26, 2018
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs and Alcohol