The Switch Axe is an excellent weapon for players who want to pick up a hyper-aggressive playstyle in Monster Hunter Wilds. It lets users lunge with wild flurries of blows while also providing defensive options via counterattacks, making this weapon perfect for hunters who just want to keep swinging.
The following is a general Switch Axe build for Monster Hunter Wilds that aims to make the most out of its core playstyle, taking advantage of Sword mode’s counter stance and axe mode’s Offset Attack to trigger multiple buffs that feed Full Release Slash’s power.

8 Largest Monsters In Monster Hunter Wilds, Ranked
If there’s one thing that sets Monster Hunter games apart, it’s their roster of giant monsters to fight. Monster Hunter Wilds is no different.
Endgame Switch Axe Build in MH Wilds

This build uses a variety of attack-boosting skills with a particular focus Sword mode’s counter stance, making the Switch Axe play like the Long Sword to a certain degree. When using this build, players will want to stay in Sword mode for as long as possible, and only switch to Axe mode to recharge the Switch Gauge and to counter incoming attacks with an Offset Attack.
These armor pieces and decorations together result in the following total skills:
- Weakness Exploit 5
- Agitator 5
- Counterstrike 3
- Constitution 2
- Antivirus 3
- Flinch Free 1
Weakness Exploit and Agitator combined provides players with a massive damage boost when hitting an enraged monster’s weakspots. Uptime for both skills is very high, and when you add Counterstrike to the mix (which you can activate via Offset Attacks or Sword mode’s counters), you’ll end up with a huge raw attack buff.
Feel free to use any level 1 jewel for your gauntlet slots. Quick Sheathe and Speed Eating are great quality of life skills that players should try out on at least one of their builds.
This build works well with both raw and elemental Switch Axes, so what you choose all boils down to personal preference. An R8 Artian Switch Axe with Paralysis is a great all-rounder, but if you don’t have the materials to craft and upgrade Artian Weapons, the Lala Barina Switch Axe is a great alternative.
As for weapon skills, consider the following:
- Critical Boost
- Attack Boost
- Elemental Boost
- Rapid Morph
- Handicraft
- Master’s Touch
- Razor Sharp
Rapid Morph is decent for both Switch Axes and Charge Blades since it speeds up the weapons’ transformation animations. However, while it does provide bonus damage to transform attacks, it won’t be of much use when you’re using the regular Swaxe combos.
Handicraft, Razor Sharp, and Master’s Touch are great for keeping your weapon’s sharpness high, and they’re excellent alternatives to Rapid Morph. Keep in mind that your melee weapons will deal more damage if their sharpness levels are white.

- Released
February 28, 2025
- Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer, Online Co-Op
- Engine
RE Engine
T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor
- Steam Deck Compatibility
- X|S Optimized
- Number of Players
- OpenCritic Rating
- Cross Save
- Cross-Platform Play
Yes, all platforms
- PC Release Date
February 28, 2025
- PS5 Release Date
February 28, 2025
- Xbox Series X|S Release Date
February 28, 2025