The Fighter is one of the oldest classes in RPG history, and they first appeared in the early Dungeons & Dragons books in the 1970s. They’re also present in other games, even if referred to by different names like Warrior or Soldier, but the template of a physical damage class is generally the same.

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Fighters can take ranged or melee roles, and there are options to give them magical abilities with Feats and subclasses, aside from the choices a player gets from multiclassing. There are some fun overpowered D&D Fighter builds that can make a simple class more unique. Keep in mind that Fighters have the opportunity to increase their ability scores seven times during the progression process, and whether they choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution depends on the build.
Hardened Defender
Make The Tank A Force Of Nature
- Focus on AC instead of weapons and offensive abilities.
The Defender is a basic, everyday build that is great for beginners and experienced players alike, but don’t be complacent about the character that takes such an essential role. Focus on improving Strength and Constitution as opposed to Dexterity.
Any species that gets a bonus for Strength or Constitution is ideal. The following choices are all from The Player’s Handbook.
- Half-Orc. Strength +2 and Constitution at +1, and the Relentless Endurance ability ensures that this Fighter can stay on their feet even if their hit points fall to zero.
- Dwarf. +2 to Constitution, and Dwarven Resilience gives this character resistance to Poison. Fighters who are more interested in a Strength buff can take the Mountain Dwarf subrace.
- Dragonborne. Strength +2 and Charisma +1, plus an innate magic ability based on the color they choose.
Martial Archetype
These are the subclasses that usually make the best Defenders, but creative players can also follow their own path.
- Banneret. Inspire, rally, and support the whole party with abilities like Bulwark, Royal Envoy, Inspiring Surge, and Rallying Cry.
- Champion. Smash any opponent with an increased critical hit chance and an extra Fighting Style at level 10.
There are several other Feats the Fighter will be able to choose from, but these are the most crucial for this specific build.
- Durable. +1 to Constitution, hit point recovery is based on this Fighter’s Constitution modifier.
- Heavy Armor Master. Increase Strength by +1, and all physical damage is reduced by 3.
- Sentinel. Enemies can’t escape Opportunity Attacks even if they Disengage, hitting an enemy with an OA stuns them for a turn, and Fighters can intervene to protect an ally that doesn’t have this Feat.
- Inspiring Leader. Only for Fighters with a Charisma of 13 or higher, an ability that inspires the whole party for 10 minutes.
Fighting Style – Defense
Fighters using this style get a +1 bonus to their AC, making them more effective defenders. A decent second choice would be Protection, which gives the Fighter with a shield the ability to defend an ally.

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Finesse Weapon Master
Elegant And Deadly
- Use a versatile, two-handed blade to deal even more damage.
Dexterity and Constitution are more important than Strength to this build, which focuses on lighter weapons anyway. This build takes a melee DPS role and often assists the defender on the battlefield.
It’s not just about being light on their feet. This type of Fighter also needs to be highly skilled with their weapon of choice.
- Half-Elf. +2 to Charisma, which isn’t worth much to a Fighter, but players can choose two other stats to increase by 1.
- Zariel Tiefling. This subrace gets a Strength bonus along with the Thaumaturgy cantrip and level 2 Searing Smite.
- Human. A basic build is an ideal match with D&D‘s most versatile race, being Human bumps every ability score up by 1.
Martial Archetype
This build is more about strategic advantage and finesse as opposed to other fighting builds that are simply hack, slash, and destroy.
- Cavalier. This Fighter is a master equestrian in addition to being a top strategist and party leader, with skills like Hold The Line and Vigilant Defender.
- Samurai. It’s all about precision for this Archetype, with skills like Rapid Strike and Elegant Courtier. An elegant Fighter that always strikes true.
When choosing Feats for this build, focus on anything that improves movement and Initiative.
- Athlete. Increase Strength and Dexterity by +1, less recovery time for the Prone condition, climbing doesn’t require extra movement, only half the distance is required for a running jump.
- Charger. The Dash action gives this Fighter the ability to Shove a target using a Bonus Action, and if they move at least 10 feet their attack roll gets a +5 damage bonus.
- Alert. This Fighter can’t be surprised and gains a +5 bonus to Initiative, and invisible creatures don’t have an Advantage on attacks.
- Defensive Duelist. This requires a Dexterity of 13 or higher and a finesse weapon. It allows the Fighter to use a Reaction to boost their AC when hit by n enemy attack.
Fighting Style – Dueling
This is the best choice for any Fighter who uses a weapon that doesn’t require a shield. It gives this Fighter a +2 to all of their damage rolls.

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An Impressive Eldritch Knight
Casting Prowess Without Multiclassing
- Use a subclass and specific Feats for this fearsome caster and melee or ranged Fighter.
Dexterity is important to this build because it helps with the casting and choice of lighter, possibly ranged weapons. The main spellcasting modifier is still Intelligence, so it’s best to make sure this is 13 or higher. This Fighter build can use melee or ranged weapons, giving this build yet another variation.
Given how versatile this build is, there are plenty of good choices, and these are just a few examples.
- Ravenite Dragonborn. Available in the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount module, Strength +2 and Constitution +1, plus the ability Vengeful Assault.
- Levistus Tiefling. +1 to Constitution plus the innate ability to cast Ray of Frost and Armor of Agathys.
- Dwarf. Constitution increases by +2, resistance to Poison attacks.
Martial Archetype
It used to be that a spellcasting Fighter wasn’t really an option outside multiclassing, but some newer subclasses have changed that.
- Eldritch Knight. These Fighters get a repertoire of spells from the Abjuration and Conjuration schools at the third level. They also have handy abilities like Wepon Bond and War Magic.
- Rune Knight. Learn how to use Smith’s Tools, create Runes that augment chosen ability scores, and gain fluency in Giant.
For the most part, these choices are about augmenting the spellcasting abilities of the Fighter, but players should also think about Feats when it comes to the weapons and armor included in the build.
- Eldritch Adept. This gives the Fighter the ability to cast certain spells from the Warlock class, and they can choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as their casting modifier.
- Elemental Adept. Choose an element and the spells the Fighter casts ignore any resistances to that type of damage.
- Ritual Caster. For even more spellcasting power, take a choice between two second-level spells from any class. Wizard is the best choice because of the Intelligence modifier.
- Aberrant Dragonmark. Available for those playing adventures from Eberron – Rising from the Last War, this gives the Fighter a catrip from the Sorcerer spell list.
Fighting Style – Superior Technique, Precision Attack
This is a style that’s borrowed from the Battle Master Archetype, and it’s one of the few parts of this build that isn’t dedicated to spellcasting. It allows the Fighter to add a superiority dice to their attacks before or after their actual attack roll.

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Ranged Sniper Build
Precision Damage And High DPS
- Build a ranged Fighter who uses bows, crossbows, or thrown weapons
Dexterity is the stat that often applies to ranged weapons, making this an obvious choice, but spellcasting is also important for this build. Constitution is also important for a build that often wears lighter armor and needs to move throughout the battlefield.
Anything that boosts Archery, mobility, or ranged physical damage abilities is ideal for the Fighter Archer. Here are a few examples.
- Elf. The innate powers of the Fey connect to the innate Arcane abilities of this build along with a natural proficiency with bows.
- Halfling. A boost of +2 to Dexterity, and the innate Lucky feature gives this character a boost to their attack rolls. Stout Halfings also get a +1 to Constitution.
- Mark of Passage Human. This is a race only found in the Eberron: Rising from the Last War module. It grants +2 to Dexterity and spells that improve mobility, like Blink and Misty Step.
Martial Archetype
Focus on anything that contributes to ranged damage, which can include thrown weapons along with bows.
- Archery. This Archetype gives +2 to all ranged attacks, building on whatever other bonuses the Fighter already has.
- Close Quarters Shooter. For those Archers that get into melee range every so often, this removes the Disadvantage archers usually have when attacking in melee range.
Choose anything to improve mobility, ranged weapon proficiencies, and ranged weapon damage.
- Crossbow Expert. Not every archery build has to involve bows. This Feat negates the need to load crossbows, removes the Disadvantage for close-range attacks, and grants to ability to make a Bonus Attack with a hand crossbow.
- Piercer. Increase Strength or Dexterity by +1, re-roll piercing attacks, and critical hits with piercing weapons can use an additional damage dice.
- Durable. Something for the defensive side of this build, adds +1 to Constitution and allows the Fighter to add their Consitution modifier when they roll to regain hit points.
Fighting Style – Arcane Archer
The obvious choice, Arcane Archer gives the Fighter the ability to cast either the Prestidigitation or Druidcraft and the ability of Arcane Shot, which can vary depending on the level. Magic Arrow and Curvng Shot give this archery build supernatural powers to use magical damage and disregard line-of-sight.

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Secret Agent
Lay Waste With This Artificer Multiclass
- Combine the DPS of an Artificer with the AC and weapon skills of a Fighter.
Dexterity and Strength are the most important skills in this multiclass build, which includes a Fighter that makes or augments their own weapons. Go as far as 3rd level with the Artificer, a class that focuses on Intelligence, to choose a Specialist category and progress the Fighter from there.
- Variant Tiefling. Intelligence increases by +1, Dexterity by +2, and this Fighter also has wings in addition to the ability to cast Vicious Mockery, Charm Person, and Enthrall.
- Gnome. Forest or Rock, depending on whether the builder wants extra Dexterity or Constitution. Gnome Cunning gives this Fighter better chances on their saving throws against magic.
- Astral Elf. A choice that only exists in the Spelljammer module, plays can increase one ability score by 2, and another by 1, or increase three scores by 1. They also know one cantrip of the player’s choice; Dancing Lights, Light, or Sacred Flame.
Martial Archetype
This type of Fighter uses stealth and strategy to get in position before a devastating strike. For those who want to go in guns blazing, Battle Master is also a decent option.
- Echo Knight. This Fighter summons a variety of shades, or “echoes” from the ethereal plane to assist them in battle. Special abilities include Manifest Shade and Unleash Incarnation.
- Psi Warrior. Use Telekinesis and Psionic Power to give this Fighter an advantage before the target even sees them.
Ready, aim, and roll for Initiative, so this Fighter can clear the field without even setting foot on it.
- Keen Mind. Increase Intelligence by +1, have a memory that recalls the details of everything seen or heard in the past month, and always know which way is north and the number of hours left before sunset or sunrise.
- Sharpshooter. All ranged weapons ignore 75% of cover, attacks at long range don’t have Disadvantage, and players have the option to add +10 to their damage if they choose to take a -5 to their initial attack roll.
- Dungeon Delver. Resistance to trap damage, improved Wisdom and Intelligence checks for detecting traps and secret doors, and no penalty to Wisdom checks when traveling quickly.
- Gunner. Increase Dexterity by +1, firearms proficiency which means loading is also not required, and no Disadvantage on close-range attacks.
Fighting Style – Blind Fighting
Blind Fighting is ideal for a Fighter build that mixes a variety of AoE abilities with melee weapon skills. It allows this Fighter to see everything within a range of 10 feet even if obscured by spells like Darkness or Stinking Cloud. That includes figures obscured in the area unless they succeed in hiding.

Dungeons & Dragons
- Created by
E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson
- Movie
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves