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Blizzard Intervening After World of Warcraft DDoS Controversy

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Posted 11 hours ago by inuno.ai



  • Blizzard will resurrect Hardcore WoW characters lost in a DDoS attack, offering hope to affected players.
  • OnlyFangs, a guild of streamers, shut down due to DDoS attacks causing irreversible character deaths.
  • This decision gives players a second chance, signals possible rule flexibility, and may attract new players to WoW Hardcore.

Blizzard is resurrecting World of Warcraft Hardcore characters that died in a recent massive DDoS attack, which wiped out members of OnlyFangs and forced the popular streamer guild to shut down. World of Warcraft Hardcore doesn’t forgive any mistake, as death is permanent in this game mode. With this decision, Blizzard is giving OnlyFangs another chance and offering hope to players who lost progress due to these DDoS attacks.

OnlyFangs, a guild made of popular streamers fighting their way through the permadeath mode of WoW Hardcore, had to shut down because of relentless DDoS attacks. A DDoS attack, short for Distributed Denial of Service, floods servers with excessive traffic, leading to severe lag or disconnections, which in WoW Hardcore can result in irreversible character death. Recent attacks overwhelmed Blizzard’s servers, causing several players to randomly disconnect and wiping out key members of OnlyFangs. In the aftermath of this attack, guild leader Sodapoppin announced the end of OnlyFangs, stating that “it’s a terrible ending, but that’s the ending we got.”


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In response to the fallout, Blizzard has decided to resurrect WoW Hardcore characters that died as a result of the DDoS attack. Blizzard explained in an official forum post that it may revive Hardcore characters that died in “a mass event which [they] deem inconsistent with the integrity of the game, such as a DDoS attack.” While Blizzard is now prepared to reverse deaths caused by DDoS incidents, Clay Stone, Associate Production Director of WoW Classic, reiterated that the company will not revive characters lost to server disconnects, lag spikes, gameplay bugs, or similar issues.

Blizzard Revives WoW Hardcore Characters Killed By DDoS Attacks

world of warcraft hardcore wow ddos attack blizzard

WoW Hardcore remains an unforgiving game mode, where any technical disruption can lead to the permanent death of a character. These DDoS attacks have driven players away from WoW Hardcore, as many are unwilling to risk losing hours of progress due to technical issues beyond their control. While the decision to restore OnlyFangs members’ characters has been generally welcomed by the WoW Hardcore community, some players argue that Blizzard’s intervention only came about because OnlyFangs members are popular streamers.

Blizzard’s decision to revive WoW Hardcore characters affected by the DDoS attacks gives some hope to those afraid to lose their hours of gameplay due to technical issues. This move gives OnlyFangs another chance to tackle endgame content and bring new players to WoW Hardcore. Moreover, it shows Blizzard might be willing to bend the rules in extreme cases, which sends a positive signal to the WoW Hardcore community.

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November 23, 2004


T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)

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