Keto supplements claim to induce ketosis without requiring a ketogenic diet. One type of keto supplement touted for its effects on energy and metabolism is keto gummies. They are widely available and have varying ingredients. Though keto gummies have become widely available, limited research exists on their effectiveness and safety.
Keto gummies affect your body differently than a ketogenic diet does. A ketogenic diet increases blood ketone levels within seven days compared to ketone supplements that raise levels immediately following ingestion. Ketosis from supplements may not last as long compared to a keto diet.
Potential Benefits
Keto gummies may offer the following potential benefits that might support a ketogenic lifestyle. However, the evidence supporting this is relatively limited and inconsistent. If you’re considering a ketogenic diet or keto gummies, be sure to check in with your healthcare provider and follow their guidance.
1. They May Change Appetite
There isn’t much data specifically on how keto gummies may impact appetite. However, some evidence shows that keto diets and keto supplements that contain specific ingredients may suppress appetite.
A ketogenic diet may be higher in protein, depending on how you do it. Protein is very filling, and higher-protein diets tend to reduce appetite and food intake.
Reduced appetite on a keto diet may be due to increased circulating ketones, which are produced when stored fats are broken down for energy.
Drinking a ketone ester supplement raises levels of the ketone beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), suppressing appetite and reducing hunger levels and the desire to eat. However, ketone esters reduce satiety signals, so their effectiveness for long-term appetite control remains unclear. Some keto gummies may contain ketone esters.
2. They May Impact Muscle Gain
Minimal research supports a ketogenic diet or the use of ketones from supplements for muscle gain.
Other lab research suggests that ketone supplementation may improve muscle protein synthesis. Ketone esters may enhance muscle-building with exercise and a high-protein diet. Still, additional research in humans is necessary (for keto gummies in particular).
One small study among men observed no increases in muscle mass following eight weeks of a ketogenic diet and strength training. Participants consumed a high-protein, low-carb diet but did not observe muscle gains.
A high-protein diet—at least 0.73 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily—supports muscle gain. A ketogenic diet may be higher in protein than a carbohydrate-containing eating pattern. However, going on a keto diet or consuming keto gummies to reach the recommended protein levels for muscle gain is unnecessary.
3. They May Provide an Energy Boost
Some keto gummies may contain ingredients, such as ketones or MCT oil, that may give you an energy boost to an extent. Ketones may provide an alternate energy source when you are keeping carbohydrate intake low. However, the ability of keto gummies to keep you in ketosis is largely unsubstantiated.
Potential Limitations
While keto gummies may offer a few benefits, it’s essential to be aware of their potential limitations. Listen to your body and check in with your healthcare provider for any questions or concerns.
1. They May Not Contribute to Fat Loss
Insufficient evidence supports keto gummies for fat loss.
Some research suggests that a keto diet may lead to greater fat loss than a carbohydrate-containing control diet. However, it may also result in the loss of lean tissue.
Other research shows that a ketogenic diet, combined with weight training, reduced fat mass and abdominal (visceral) fat tissue more than a non-ketogenic diet.
2. They May Not Impact Athletic Performance
Limited research exists on keto gummies for athletic performance.
Supplementing with ketones during exercise is thought to reduce how much stored glucose (glycogen) the body uses for energy. However, insufficient evidence supports ketone esters or ketone salts—types of ketone supplements—for athletic performance.
The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) discourages a ketogenic diet for athletes due to its neutral or negative effects on athletic performance. The ISSN defines a ketogenic diet as consuming 50 grams (g) of carbohydrates (or less) per day. Although a keto diet significantly increases the body’s use of fat during exercise, it does not necessarily enhance athletic performance.
3. They Are Not Safe for Everyone
The sugar alcohol content of keto gummies may cause stomach issues in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Although evidence yields mixed results, the apple cider vinegar in keto gummies may affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. People with kidney disease or diabetes should exercise caution with these supplements. Check product labels. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, avoid the product.
4. They Can Interact with Medications
Minimal research exists on keto gummies and their potential interactions with other medications. Consuming a meal or a carb-containing meal with keto supplements may attenuate their effects. Ingredients in keto gummies, such as MCT oil, may interact with other supplements, such as caffeine. However, more research is needed to understand the specific relationship.
5. They Can Have Side Effects
Potential keto gummy side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. In general, some people may also experience headaches, tiredness, and/or “keto flu” as their body adjusts to a ketogenic diet and supplements.
Keto gummies and supplements increase blood BHB levels but are not ketogenic and may inhibit some of the body’s natural ketone production. Keto supplements provide ketones without requiring the body to enter a state of ketosis. They can have significant safety concerns.
What’s In Keto Gummies?
Many keto gummies contain apple cider vinegar, an ingredient popularized for its effect on blood sugar levels. Some keto gummies even contain glucose syrup and glucose—carbohydrates that act counter to ketosis. Many keto gummies are more like candy alternatives than vitamin supplements.
Several keto gummy products exist with varying ingredients that push the boundaries of what “keto” means. Common keto gummy ingredients include the following:
- Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil: MCTs are fatty acids that contain six to 12 carbon molecules. Unlike long-chain triglycerides, the liver absorbs MCTs and breaks them down quickly. MCTs induce the process of making ketones for energy (ketogenesis) with lower fat intake and without requiring carbohydrate restriction. For its ketogenic benefits, it is recommended to start MCT supplementation at a dose of 5 grams daily and gradually increase it to 20 grams daily. Keto gummies generally don’t have enough MCT oil (100 to 500 milligrams (mg)) to make a difference alone.
- Ketone esters: Doses of 395 mg per kilogram of body weight significantly increase BHB levels. Some studies use higher doses to elicit health benefits.
- Ketone salts: A form of ketones that combines ketone acids with sodium or other electrolytes to enhance their effectiveness. Some preparations may provide too much mineral (electrolyte) intake and cause gastrointestinal distress.
- Apple cider vinegar: Small studies show the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar on weight loss, but not all research agrees. Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may contribute to satiety and slow gastric emptying, impacting blood sugar and hunger.
- Nonnutritive sweeteners: Nonnutritive sweeteners like monk fruit and stevia sweeten foods without providing calories or carbohydrates, meaning these ingredients do not affect blood sugar and can support weight loss.
- Sugar alcohols: Low-calorie sugar alcohols like mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol contain about half of the calories of sugar. The body absorbs sugar alcohols more slowly than sugar. Sugar alcohols are considered a good alternative to sugar for people with diabetes. However, they may cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
- Gelatin and/or pectin: Gelatin is an animal-derived compound that gives gummies their chewy, rubbery texture. Pectin is a plant-based compound used to make vegan gummy products. Larger quantities of gelatin are sometimes used as a dietary protein or collagen source.
Combining ketone salts with MCT may be a promising supplement preparation because it provides ketones and induces ketogenesis at lower ingredient levels. Additionally, combined ketone salts and MCTs may reduce potential side effects associated with the individual compounds. However, keto gummies contain small amounts of MCT oil or ketone esters that are unlikely to provide much health benefit.
Keto Gummies vs. Other Keto Supplements
Keto gummies and keto supplements may be similar depending on the product. Keto supplements, including capsules, powders, and liquids, are more likely to contain ketone esters or salts. Some evidence exists for keto supplements, and research on keto gummies is even more limited.
Oral ketone ester supplements can significantly increase circulating levels of BHB regardless of overall diet. Keto gummies are less likely to contain ketone esters or ketone salts. Or, if they do contain these forms of ketones, the dosage is small.
Instead, keto gummies rely on MCT oil that may enhance ketosis. Whether MCT oil in the amount present in keto gummies has a ketogenic effect is unclear. Still, many other keto gummies contain ingredients with no demonstrated impact on raising ketone levels in the body or inducing ketosis.
Other Ways to Support Healthy Body Composition
Research on the effectiveness and benefits of keto gummies may be mixed, but diet, exercise, and sleep are tried and true methods for supporting healthy body composition. Consider the following:
- Diet: Protein recommendations vary for body composition depending on your activity level and goals. A healthy eating plan with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy supports body composition. Diets high in saturated fat and added sugar make it harder to maintain. Aim for a balanced plate in which half is non-starchy vegetables, a quarter is protein, and a quarter is whole-grain carbohydrates or starchy vegetables.
- Exercise: A mix of aerobic and resistance training supports a healthy body composition. The U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise plus two sessions of strength training each week.
- Sleep: Not sleeping enough can influence appetite and increase insulin levels, inflammation, and body weight. Sleeping seven to nine hours every night supports a healthy body composition.
- Support: Healthy group support—either via apps and/or in-person interventions—may greatly enhance your exercise and nutrition journey. A registered dietitian nutritionist can also provide more specific recommendations about your nutrition, movement goals, and more. Ask your healthcare provider for a referral.
There is no magic bullet for enhancing athletic performance or altering body composition, and keto gummies are no exception. Limited evidence exists for keto gummy benefits.
Keto gummies are unlikely to provide the same benefits as a ketogenic diet. They may have little effect on individuals looking for the benefits of keto without following the strict diet. Instead, to boost your athletic performance or body composition goals, consider focusing on the three pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, and sleep.