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Does Atom Eve Cheat on Mark? What Fans Can Expect in Invincible Season 3

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Posted 2 hours ago by inuno.ai

The love triangle between Amber, Mark Grayson and Atom Eve (aka Samantha) is one of Invincible‘s most engaging arcs. In Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley’s comics, Mark left Amber to be with Eve. The TV series, however, added more depth to Amber and Mark’s romance, rather than just having him lust for Eve. It made it more difficult for both to part ways, citing how Amber couldn’t remain in Mark’s life due to his dangerous lifestyle.

In Invincible Season 3, Amber and Mark are broken up, but they remain friends in a healthy relationship. It allowed Mark and Eve to finally begin dating. There is a lot of purity to their bond, but given what transpired in the source material, fans who have seen social media clips or stumbled across other tidbits online have begun to ask one big question regarding fidelity with the couple.

Did Eve Cheat On Mark In the Invincible Comics?

Eve Had a Fling With Kubian When Mark Went Missing for Five Years

Kubian and Invincible talk in front of Atom Eve
Image via Image Comics


Invincible Once Killed an Important Ally In a Dystopian Alternate Reality – And It Had Dire Repercussions

The Invincible comics had a scary arc unfold 17 years ago that saw Mark Grayson kill a colleague and nosedive into a depressing identity crisis.

In the comics, Mark and Eve had many battles that brutalized them. They fought evil variants of Mark in the Invincible War, and later, they battled Viltrumites in the first Viltrumite War. In between that, Eve got pregnant. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to keep the baby, but Mark made it clear they would be good parents, despite being so young.

As time passed, they took the girl (Terra) to Talescria, as Mark preferred to work with the Coalition of Planets rather than deal with Cecil Stedman and the Global Defense Agency. Mark had one big mission left: to kill Thragg, the Viltrumite who wanted the throne that Nolan (Omni-Man) and Mark took as they were the royal bloodline. It led to Mark ending up in a cave, only to be teleported to an alternate reality.

Atom Eve Voice Actor Details

Actor Name

Gillian Jacobs

Date of Birth

Oct. 19, 1982

Place of Birth

Pennsylvania, USA

Notable Movies

The Contractor, Injustice

Notable TV Shows

Community, Love

This world presented an alternate history where Mark could save many lives. He also rehabilitated Nolan before his father turned against the planet. However, Mark told the alien that offered him this “perfect” alternate reality that he wanted to go back home. He couldn’t sacrifice his happiness and miss out on Terra growing up. It was understandable, despite the being calling the decision selfish. When Mark got home, five years had passed.

Mark lost so many years with Terra, but he was still optimistic about the future. One major bombshell was dropped, however: Eve had a relationship with an alien, Kubian. Some fans would call it cheating, others would say it was an illicit affair that Eve used to cope. In truth, however, Eve thought Mark was dead. Most criticism came from an unfair place, as it was her life and her right to choose how to deal with her grief.

What Is the Status of Mark and Eve In Invincible Season 3?

Mark and Eve Are In Love and Planning a Future

Animated Invincible and Atom Eve with romantic comic moments in the background
Image by Scoot Allan


Invincible’s Most Unhinged Enemy Helped Create the Ultimate Victory

The Invincible comic had one key event occur that proved Mark Grayson’s most insane ally was the one who helped the Coalition of Planets the most.

Eve and Mark are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship in the Prime Video series. They have currently set up a business to protect prisons, among other things. It would allow them to use their powers, level up, make money and stay out of the grip of the GDA. They want to be real with each other and experience freedom, which is why they even entertain the idea of moving in together. Eve’s father is very judgmental and bitter towards her godlike ability of creating matter from scratch. Mark, on the other hand, doesn’t mind some space so he can explore his relationship with Eve.

Mark is weirded out about having sex with Eve at home. His mother, Debbie, knows about his relationship, as does his little brother, Oliver. Invincible just wants his privacy, especially since he has a lot to shoulder. Eve also has great responsibility, so Mark thinks their own space would work better and be conducive to their ambitions. On top of that, he doesn’t want to keep walking in on Debbie and her new boyfriend, Paul. This season will focus on the couple trying to ensure no one disturbs their intimacy, which will be tough given they aren’t moving in until they make more money.

Given the timeline of the show and the eight-season order, it’s likely this season will end with the Invincible War now beginning. It has been teased with Angstrom Levy assembling evil Invincibles, which would mean the pregnancy arc and the alternate-reality arc could only happen way down the line. Kirkman has said he’d like seven to 10 seasons of Invincible. Ottley has also said that would be a sweet spot, meaning this potential Kubian arc could take up to three years to manifest. But this still isn’t a guarantee for one key reason.

The Invincible Show Has a More Mature Mark and Eve

Kubian Needs to Be Better Developed To Form a Love Triangle


Invincible Season 3 Gives the Guardians of the Globe a New Enemy at the Worst Time

The Invincible Season 3 premiere creates a dangerous new enemy that arrives at a time when the Guardians of the Globe are in dire straits.

The Invincible TV series has a more mature and loving Mark and Eve, which could see the show avoid certain arcs that might be considered problematic. It has toned down some gory sequences, for example, including violence towards women. It may well end up having Eve waiting for Mark, never giving up hope he’s gone. Seeing as she had a bad childhood, she may want to be a role model for Terra and show that her and Mark’s love is timeless.

That would be nuanced and avoid the soap opera-style drama of the comics. It’s worth noting that Eve and Kubian broke up before Mark came back. The Kubian was arrogant, however, leading to Eve punching him out. Mark let it all go, understanding his wife could handle things and didn’t need to intervene. But readers had consternation over how trivially the entire debacle was treated. Kubian was thrown in as a plot tool to stir up domestic trouble. No one saw depth in him or Eve at all.

It was revealed to be a hook-up that Eve’s friend, Telia, pushed, as Kubian was her brother. Telia even blamed Mark and deemed this his fault. Given Telia was the girlfriend of Allen the Alien (Mark’s close friend), it didn’t feel organic that Telia would do this to Mark, or that Allen would be cool with it happening. It was all rushed and resolved in an unsubstantial way. Following this arc wouldn’t fit the trajectory of the couple right now. It’s all about true love, which the comics took time to get to. The comics did the opposite: overly focusing on Mark and Eve in a juvenile manner, solving problems through sex.

As the show continues, they are as adult as can be. It therefore wouldn’t be surprising to see the series nix this arc. If Kubian is made a main character, however, then it might be more palpable. He was a cameo in the comics, so it would be tough to see Eve just moving on with someone as a fling. Ultimately, for this arc to work, it has to be better-mapped out visually for viewers to see. In the end, audiences are eager to see how Mark and Eve evolve, how strong their romance will remain, and how Mark’s disappearance will test his marriage. If Eve’s brief fling is included, Kirkman’s team does need to pad it better, or it will feel as cliché as can be.

Invincible Season 3 debuts new episodes Thursdays on Prime Video.

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