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Glamping Pods Set to Open Southwest of Llangybie Following Planning Approval

Home - Outdoors & Camping - Glamping Pods Set to Open Southwest of Llangybie Following Planning Approval

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Posted on January 16, 2025 by


Monmouthshire County Council has approved plans for three glamping pods in a field located next to Ton Road, southwest of Llangybie, despite objections from the local community. 

The pods, described as “basic” and of a bunker-style design, will be placed in a sloping field across from Brook Cottage, approximately one mile from the village.

The local community council objected to the proposal, citing concerns about potential environmental impacts, including the effect on nearby wildlife, such as doormice, at a site of special scientific interest. 

They also questioned the suitability of the location for holidaymakers due to limited access, a lack of electricity, and the area’s high water table. 

Two local residents further raised concerns, particularly about the increased traffic on the narrow, single-track access road, which they argued could pose safety risks. 

According to a report by Herald Wales, they also expressed worries about the possible impact on the local ecology, as well as the potential for noise and light pollution.

However, planning officer Kate Young, in a report for the council’s delegated planning panel, noted that there were no objections from either the highways department or the council’s ecology officer. 

The highways department acknowledged limited visibility along the access lane but pointed out that the entrance was part of a cluster of similar openings. 

As a result, they concluded that traffic movements, expected to be infrequent and slow, would not warrant an objection.

Regarding environmental concerns, Young’s report stated that the pods would be situated on slanted ground, with a base to be cut into the earth, mitigating any risk of flooding. 

A condition will also be imposed to control lighting, and the distance of the nearest residential property from the site, combined with its higher elevation, was considered sufficient to avoid noise disturbance.

While acknowledging that tourism in rural areas is not entirely sustainable due to the need for vehicles, Young emphasized that the glamping site could attract visitors who would likely explore the local area, benefiting the local economy. 

She also addressed concerns over the lack of power by confirming that the pods would be equipped with solar panels, although these may not fully meet the needs of guests. 

Concerns raised by the community council regarding previous unauthorized changes to the land were deemed irrelevant to the current application.

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