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How to Beat the Ranger Challenge in Phasmophobia

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Posted 6 days ago by inuno.ai


Phasmophobia features a variety of different challenges that players can use to test their skills and earn unique rewards for their efforts. Some challenges can seem especially daunting in terms of what they ask for, but sometimes it’s simply a matter of knowing the best tricks to make the process much easier.

One challenge that falls into that category in Phasmophobia is the Ranger Challenge. Here’s the best method to not get stuck in the woods, so to speak, and conquer this gauntlet of objectives.


Phasmophobia: Best Starting Equipment

Before heading into a haunted building in Phasmophobia, players need to choose the 3 best starting items to take with them.

How to Unlock the Ranger Challenge in Phasmophobia


The Ranger Challenge was added as part of Phasmophobia‘s Crimson Eye (0.11.0) update in October, 2024, in tandem with that year’s Halloween event. There are no specifically indicated gameplay-related prerequisites to unlock the Ranger Challenge. However, new players will still need to at least progress until they permanently unlock both the Camp Woodwind and Maple Lodge Campsite maps, which are featured in the challenge itself.

The game’s official Event Board was also added, which helps players track which special challenges (not to be confused with weekly challenges) are currently available in-game, along with their progress in those challenges. The Ranger Challenge can be found in the top center of the Event Board in the game’s main lobby area.

How to Beat the Ranger Challenge in Phasmophobia


The Ranger Challenge is a unique one in that players need to complete a far greater number of investigations to reap its rewards, as opposed to the weekly challenges that only require three investigations.

As per the instructions featured in the Event Board’s brochure for the challenge, you must complete investigations at either Camp Woodwind or the Maple Lodge Campsite, the game’s two outdoor maps. (It’s not required to visit both locations, just whichever you prefer.)

For your investigations to qualify toward completion of the challenge, you only need to correctly identify the ghost, nothing else. Fulfilling the optional objectives listed in the van is indeed optional, as is taking photos or finding the bone item. If anything, it can help you gain some levels and money for your loadouts, as you will need to use your own equipment.

To complete the Ranger Challenge and receive its rewards, you need to complete a total of 50 investigations on either or both maps. You can track your progress in the challenge via the Event Board, and upon finishing your final investigation, you will receive a notification of unlocked rewards.

The Ranger Challenge is a permanent addition to the game, so don’t feel pressured to complete it as soon as possible.

Tips For Beating the Ranger Challenge


While finding ghosts in the woods sounds like a terrifying prospect, there are ways to make this investigation gauntlet much easier and very manageable.

First, between your two map choices, Camp Woodwind is the far better option. It’s smaller than Maple Lodge Campsite, completely open, and visible almost entirely from the entrance. Meanwhile, Maple Lodge can feel like a frustrating maze that’s especially difficult to navigate in the dark. Ideally, you want a map where you have the best control over your surroundings.


Phasmophobia: How to Complete Speedrun! Challenge

This challenge in Phasmophobia allows you to literally speedrun an investigation with ease for big points, so don’t miss out.

Next, when preparing for your investigation, go to your Difficulty settings and set it to ‘Amateur.’ Your credit towards the challenge will not be affected by the difficulty you choose, and this can make finishing the investigation itself far easier and faster.

If you want to prioritize completing these as efficiently as possible for the challenge rewards, regardless of EXP gain, then the easiest difficulty is the best option.

Also, bring the best possible equipment you can for this endeavor, preferably Tier 2 and Tier 3 across the board. Having powerful tools at your disposal again makes things that much easier. You may even want to wait until your loadout is upgraded and well-stocked before taking on this challenge or bring a friend who can supply the best equipment.

While not a requirement, doing this challenge with friends is a win-win situation. With more boots on the ground to ferry equipment and observe ghost behavior, the investigations can go by even faster. Best of all, everyone receives challenge credit.

Ranger Challenge Rewards in Phasmophobia


Completing the Ranger Challenge in Phasmophobia rewards you with a unique ID badge and card background that features a woodlands motif and a campfire badge (as seen above). It also comes with the ‘Ranger’ title at the top.

As with any other ID badge/background customization in the game, you can change it anytime outside of an investigation by clicking on the Edit button in the top right corner of your ID profile. The first row has the Prestige badges you’ve unlocked so far, while the second row features the ‘Special Badges’ you’ve earned from special challenges like this one.

Phasmophobia Tag Page Cover Art


October 29, 2024


T For Teen // Blood, Use of Drugs, Violence


Kinetic Games


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