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Pokemon GO Mega Swampert Raid winners can encounter a Shiny Swampert. You can then proceed to Mega Evolve it into a Shiny Mega Swampert. But to get them, you must first win several Mega Swampert Raids.
Winning Mega Swampert Raid requires extensive meta-knowledge and powerful counter selection. Mega Raids are among the most dangerous challenges, requiring you to band with other trainers. Only strategically selected counters can inflict notable damage on Mega Swampert. That said, this guide details the best way to get Shiny Swampert and Shiny Mega Swampert in Pokemon GO.

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Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Mega Swampert By Winning Mega Raids

Mega Swampert’s Pokemon GO stat spread makes up 283 ATK, 218 DEF, and 225 HP, making it an offensive pick. Its maximum Combat Power (CP) reaches a total of 4975 CP, which increases notably as a Mega Raid Boss. You should avoid solo raids and team up with at least 4 trainers to fortify the chances of winning.
You must analyze Mega Swampert’s type-weaknesses and resistances before selecting the raid counters. Look for monsters with powerful moves that fall under Mega Swampert’s type-weaknesses. It would be even more effective if the selected Mega Swampert Raid counters possessed the Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) potential moves.
Mega Swampert’s type-weaknesses and resistances
Mega Swampert Weaknesses |
Mega Swampert Resistances |
Grass-type moves |
Electric-type moves |
Fire-type moves |
Poison-type moves |
Rock-type moves |
Steel-type moves |

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This guide details all the Pokemon GO Ditto disguises in March 2025 while exploring Shiny Ditto’s availability.
Pokemon GO: Best Mega Swampert Raid Counters
Pokemon |
Fast Move |
Charged Move |
Mega Sceptile |
Bullet Seed (Grass) |
Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy) |
Mega Venusaur |
Vine Whip (Grass) |
Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy) |
Razor Leaf (Grass) |
Leaf Blade (Grass) |
Sky Forme Shaymin |
Magical Leaf (Grass) |
Grass Knot (Grass) |
Zarude |
Vine Whip (Grass) |
Power Whip (Grass) |
Shadow Tangrowth |
Vine Whip (Grass) |
Power Whip (Grass) |
Shadow Venusaur |
Vine Whip (Grass) |
Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy) |
Shadow Torterra |
Razor Leaf (Grass) |
Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy) |
Shadow Sceptile |
Bullet Seed (Grass) |
Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy) |
Rillaboom |
Razor Leaf (Grass) |
Grass Knot (Grass) |
Those who win the Mega Swampert Raid get a guaranteed Swampert encounter. But there is no guaranteed method to get a Shiny Swampert encounter in Pokemon GO. You must use the above-mentioned counters to win several Mega Swampert Raids. The more Swampert you encounter, the quicker you may match its Shiny odds.
How To Mega Evolve Shiny Swampert In Pokemon GO?

After catching a Shiny Swampert in Pokemon GO, you must then Mega Evolve it into a Shiny Mega Swampert. It costs 200 Mega Energy to Mega Evolve Swampert for the first time. After the initial Mega Evolution, the requirement decreases to 40 Mega Energy.
You can collect Mega Energy by winning Mega Swampert Raids.