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How To Increase Elemental Resistance In Monster Hunter Wilds

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Posted 12 hours ago by inuno.ai



  • Boost elemental resistances with armor, Talismans, and decorations in Monster Hunter Wilds.
  • Craft Talismans to acquire elemental skills such as Fire, Ice, Thunder, Dragon, and Water in the game.
  • Enhance defense and resistances through cooking with veggies items like Hot Drinks, and healing potions.

Elements play a big part in Monster Hunter Wilds, as they do in the previous entries. Players can infuse their weapons with elements, for example, to get an upper hand on the various monsters in the game, of which there are a lot. After each battle, players can collect data that will detail what elements will work best on their targets, making the next hunt against them easier.


Single-Player vs Co-Op: Which Should You Choose In Monster Hunter Wilds?

Monster Hunter Wild features a plethora of ways to hunt monsters alone or with friends but is there a best way?

It will also detail the element that monsters use the most against hunters, which may be obvious based on their location. For example, all of the monsters encountered within the Iceshard Cliffs will be Ice-based, and therefore, presumably weak to fire. Let’s go over the various ways players can protect themselves from the elements in Monster Hunter Wilds by increasing their hunter’s elemental resistances.


Craft Better Armor

From Stats To Skills

Hirabami Vambraces in Monster Hunter Wilds

The easiest and most obvious way to boost elemental resistance in Monster Hunter Wilds is through armor. Every set of armor comes with various stat boosts, featuring Defense as the main draw, but elemental resistances will come with it. This also includes decreasing other elemental resistances, so the choice can be hard sometimes. For example, the second main monster players will face is a fire-infused bird called Quematrice.

Armor made from this monster, like the Quematrice Mail, will bestow players with the Fire Resistance skill, which will boost their resistance to fire beyond the armor’s natural stats. Likewise, the Piragill Greaves will grant Water Resistance, while the Hirabami Vambraces come with Ice Resistance built-in. For the low-ranking versions of armor in Monster Hunter Wilds, the Quematrice, Piragill, and Hirabami monsters are the ones to look out for.


Craft Corresponding Talismans

All Five Elements Have Easy-To-Craft Charms

Dragon Charm 1 in Monster Hunter Wilds

Players can eventually craft Talismans once they get to the third area of the game, Oilwell Basin. Their overall name is “Talismans,” but everything that can be crafted is labeled as Charms. It’s confusing. Regardless, all five elements in the game—Dragon, Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Water—have a corresponding Talisman in Monster Hunter Wilds.


Monster Hunter Wilds: 6 Best Changes From Previous Games

It’s still not a completely easy game, but these changes are for the better.

Like armor, each Talisman grants a corresponding elemental skill. To bring up Quematrice again, players need its materials to craft the Fire Charm 1, which has Fire Resistance attached. For the Dragon Charm 1, players need to face Lala Barina. The Ice Charm 1 is crafted by getting Congala parts. The Thunder Charm 1 can be crafted from the remains of Rompopolo, and slaying Balahara is good for the Water Charm 1.


Craft Corresponding Decorations

Blinging Out Your Armor

Fire Res Jewel [1] in Monster Hunter Wilds

Like the Charm-based Talismans, every element in the game has a corresponding Decoration. Decorations come in the form of Jewels, which will start to appear toward the end of the first playthrough of the game. Players will have a random chance to score Decorations from a hunt, which can be attached to weapons or armor that have Decoration slots.

Fire Res Jewel [1], of course, will boost defense against Fire damage. There is also a vendor in Suja, Peaks of Accord, named Vio, who can craft random Decorations for players in Monster Hunter Wilds using unwanted Jewels as the catalyst.


Bard It Up With The Hunting Horn

Become A Supportive Musician

Born Horn 1 in Monster Hunter Wilds

Most weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds will boost one of three things: Attack power, Affinity, and sometimes an associated element will be bestowed. There are exceptions, like weapons made from Doshaguma, which will boost Defense.

For example, Bow users can get the Dosha Fearbringer 1 in Monster Hunter Wilds. There is one weapon that is special overall, though: Hunting Horns. They are a supportive weapon type. If players craft the Bone Horn 1, they can use their weapon’s melody to boost defense and elemental resistance during combat. Hunting Horns are hard to master, but they are great for four-player parties.


Cook With Veggies

Iceberg Lettuce Can’t Be That Healthy

Veggies + Kunafa Cheese meal in Monster Hunter Wilds

Players can cook in Monster Hunter Wilds to gain stat bonuses before a hunt. No matter what else they use, starting a recipe with Veggies will boost both their defense and their elemental resistances.


Monster Hunter Wilds: 6 Tips For Solo Players

It’s easier now more than ever to play this series alone, so here are some tips for the latest entry.

Adding something like Kunafa Cheese to the mix will boost their defense further, but only at random intervals. Another good add-on is Sild Garlic, which can grant a skill to revive players if they die in battle. While these latter two examples won’t help with elemental resistances, they are nice bonuses to using Veggies in meals.


Make Use Of Some Small Item Boosts

Drink Up Me Hearties

Cool Drink in Monster Hunter Wilds

Finally, there are no items to directly boost elemental resistances on the level of armor or accessories. There are, however, adjacent defensive items like Armorskin, through which players can temporarily boost defensive stats in Monster Hunter Wilds. Also, two areas in the game will cause players to lose stamina from overheating or cold exhaustion.

In the Iceshard Cliffs, players need to stay warm by crafting Hot Drinks, and in Oilwell Basin, players need to stay frosty by consuming Cool Drinks. Both drinks can grant elemental resistances, technically. Overall, it’s worth noting that players should bring an ample supply of healing items, like Mega Potions, on hunts. No matter how high a player’s elemental resistance stats are, they are going to need to heal.

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February 28, 2025


T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor

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