Players looking to complete the Only Male Deer Grow Antlers achievement in Ale & Tale Tavern will need to keep their eye out for a certain, magical, deer. The mysterious creature provides a specific quest line that players must complete to unlock the achievement, but that quest isn’t ideal for beginners to try.
Ale & Tale Tavern has several quests that will send players off on weird and humorous tasks. The tavern and inn simulator, which has players cooking food and making drinks for diners, combines elements of running a restaurant in a fantasy land and playing the role of an adventurer. Throughout the game’s story, players discover mystical or just plain-odd NPCs that require their help. The majestic forest deer is one of those NPCs.

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Where To Find the Spirit of the Forest in Ale & Tale Tavern

To start earning the Only Male Deer Grow Antlers achievement, players must progress through the main quest line of Ale & Tale Tavern. The quest will appear after players unlock the farm and serve 10 meals to diners. Players will receive a quest telling them to speak to the merchant, who will then suggest they find the glowing creature in the dark forest.
Navigating the Ale & Tale Tavern world can be challenging since a mini-map isn’t available. It’s one of those open-world games that don’t use a traditional map. Instead, players must do their best to recognize and memorize landmarks. To find the glowing creature, players should start by heading to the farm at the back of the tavern. From there, players will notice a trail leading through an open gate and into the forest. Follow the trail until it stops at a road sign.

Look to the right of the road sign with the trail behind the player. In the distance, there should be a glowing light. The glowing creature is there. Approach the creature to discover that it is a forest spirit. Now, one of the hardest parts of the quest is over, but the trouble is only really beginning.
How To Unlock the Only Male Deer Grow Antlers Achievement in Ale & Tale Tavern

Speaking with the forest spirit reveals the area is in great danger from some sort of evil curse. The spirit wants the player’s help removing the curse so that animals can flourish in the forest once more. While there are certainly other games with more intense curses, this one has become a bit of a bother to the forest spirit. Players will need to complete the following objectives:
- Kill 3 Cursed Bears
- Destroy 8 Cursed Nests
- Make and Deliver 1 Boar Steak to the Forest Spirit
How To Defeat the Cursed Bears in Ale & Tale Tavern

The first task that the forest spirit gives to the player is to kill three of the cursed bears. Now, this objective may be too advanced for beginner tavern owners. Bears are one of the toughest enemies in Ale & Tale Tavern. They hit hard and have pretty great reach, too. Waiting to unlock the sword or getting a crossbow is recommended to defeat them. The forest spirit will give you a free crossbow and bolts after killing the bear, but that doesn’t exactly help with this particular objective.
The sword unlocks at level 14.
Players can also wait to unlock and purchase the musket, which deals considerably more damage than the crossbow. However, the musket doesn’t get unlocked until the player reaches level 19, so there’s quite a bit of a wait. As such, the best early-game weapon is the sword and crossbow.
When using the sword against the bears, players should keep backing up while swinging to avoid the bear’s attack. Dashing backward can also help create some distance. Hack enough, and the bear will fall.
For those who got their hands on a crossbow, it’s also important to keep distant. Keep firing backward and dash away when needed to put some distance between the player and the bear.

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How To Destroy the 8 Cursed Nests in Ale & Tale Tavern

After defeating the bears, the forest spirit will have a new objective. The new task is to destroy eight cursed nests. These nests are high up in the trees, but the good news is that the forest spirit will now give you a free crossbow and some bolts. Use the bolts to shoot down the pulsating boils that keep the nest attached to the surrounding trees. Keep in mind that some of these nests will have guards near them. Wolves and bears sometimes spawn below them. Bring some health potions and more bolts to take care of them before taking down the nest. The health potions may not be the best healing items out there, but they will help in a crisis.
Once players shoot the glowing boils, the nest will fall to the ground. From there, just use an axe or sword to hack it to pieces. After defeating all eight, the forest spirit will wish to speak to the player again.
How To Make Boar Steak for the Forest Spirit in Ale & Tale Tavern

The final task: make a boar steak. The forest spirit comes prepared even if players don’t have the recipe already. It will unlock the recipe, allowing players to start cooking boar steak. It’s time to head back to the tavern and start doing what immersive cooking games do best – grilling. To cook boar steak, players will need a grill and the following:
The good news is that defeating a boar is relatively easy. They’re not nearly as tough to take down as a bear, so even if players only have an axe, it should be enough to take down the boar without injury. Use the same strategy as fighting wolves and bears by keeping a good distance from the boar and swinging while backing up. Players must defeat and harvest anywhere from three to five boar to get all the boar pork they need for the recipe.
After the boar steak has finished cooking, grab a plate and serve it to the forest spirit. It will again thank the player and declare that the forest is safe. With the final objective complete, players should have the Only Male Deer Grow Antlers achievement unlocked in Ale & Tale Tavern.