21:46 GMT - Wednesday, 19 March, 2025

IHE’s Student Success Newsletter Goes Weekly

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Posted 2 hours ago by inuno.ai

Dear Student Success readers, 

Inside Higher Ed launched our Student Success platform at the beginning of 2023 because we saw a need for service journalism that would help people who directly impact the outcomes and well-being of students on campuses across the country. 

Our vision was to build an audience of like-minded student success advocates and practitioners through short, easy-to-skim case studies and practical guidance across four pillars: mental health and wellness, academic life, the college experience, and life after college. We wanted to create a space for a community to grow around shared goals of improving student belonging, mental health, degree completion and success after graduation.

I can say with confidence that we achieved all those objectives. In two years, Student Success’s daily newsletter subscribers have quadrupled. We have dozens of submissions a month from community members eager to share their good work. We conduct annual surveys of hundreds of student success administrators, and more than 5,000 students responded to our annual Student Voice survey in 2024. We’ve also launched a dedicated Voices of Student Success podcast that is downloaded by thousands of our community members a month.

There have, however, been other objectives that we haven’t quite met. Building an audience of new readers that we weren’t already reaching with our news journalism has been challenging. At the same time, more than ever before, our newsroom is being drawn to cover the growing higher education news cycle, from the new Trump administration’s moves to fundamentally change higher ed to the financial uncertainty across the sector, threats to academic freedom, the near-impossible job of university leaders and the growing influence of governing boards.

In response to the shifting interests of our readers and to stay focused on our core mission as a news organization, we have decided to take the Student Success Daily Update from a daily to a weekly publication. We will continue to report on programs and ideas that come directly from our community. We’ll also continue to produce insightful and relevant annual surveys of administrators and students, as well as flash surveys of students.

As a subscriber, you don’t need to do anything. The final daily edition will be sent March 21. You’ll receive the first edition of the Student Success Weekly Update on Wednesday, March 26, and every Wednesday thereafter. It will be a roundup of the week’s content and will still feature our popular “Number to Know” section. There will be a slightly different look and feel, but still the same service journalism we’ve been providing readers for the last two years.

Thanks for your support and for your readership.

Sara Custer is editor in chief at Inside Higher Ed.

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