Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is one of the most popular Mario Kart games that is available on the Nintendo Switch. It has various unlockables such as gold kart parts, achievements, and even unlocking the DLC for a battle mode with other gameplay modes as well. The most recent DLC was released in March 2022, which was a booster course pass that added 48 circuits and unlocked eight more characters for the player to choose from.
On top of unlocking gold kart parts as mentioned above which can be found here. Many players often find it hard to race other players when they are behind and the reason for this is that many players forget the basics. One of the best moves to help players get a defined edge is to drift around corners. Drifting is one of the most important basics that the player should know. Learning and knowing when to drift can help ensure the player can pass other players when the corners get very tight.

Mario Kart 8: 23 Best Characters
The best characters in Mario Kart 8 range from visual style to secret stats that give them an advantage against the rest.
How To Drift And When To Drift

Understanding how to drift in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch is quite simple. When the player begins to round a corner, they should hold down the R button while turning and press the A button on their Nintendo Switch joy-cons. Doing this will help the player round the corners without lowering the speed the player earned. Another key important note is that the player should always look at the upcoming bend. If the corner is considered tight or very close, that would impact your position if players need to slow down. That is the perfect time to do a drift and to keep the drift long enough to make the corner. When you lower your speed, it allows other players to catch up. This is why drifting is so important in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Doing these different moves in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will help them show off their best tricks to their friends, as well as possibly win the race. Drifting is super easy and players will want to take a short time to learn how to do it so that they can get possible achievements done. Not only that, but mastering the drift technique is essential on races at a higher CC. So, if you want to beat those tracks at faster speeds, then you will want to become familiar with drifting first. That is everything to know about drifting in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

- Released
April 27, 2017
- Developer(s)
- Publisher(s)
- Engine
Unreal Engine 4
- OpenCritic Rating