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Scientists trace our flexible joints back to the jaws of ancient fish

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Posted 3 hours ago by inuno.ai

Silky sharkSilky shark

Up close with a silky shark. (CREDIT: Pelayo Salinas de León)

In a nutshell

  • Synovial joints—the flexible, lubricated connections that allow smooth movement in our bodies—first appeared in the common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates but are absent in jawless fish.
  • The same joint architecture and developmental process found in human joints is present in sharks and skates, showing this biological design has remained largely unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.
  • Movement plays a crucial role in proper joint formation. When researchers paralyzed skate embryos during development, their joints failed to form properly, demonstrating a principle that applies across species from fish to humans.

CHICAGO — Every time you bend your knee, rotate your shoulder, or nod your head, you’re using a remarkable piece of biological engineering called a synovial joint. These specialized connections between bones let us move smoothly while still supporting our weight. But where did these sophisticated structures come from? When did they first appear in our evolutionary history?

A new study published in PLOS Biology has the answer, and it takes us much further back in time than previously thought. Researchers from the University of Chicago have discovered that these specialized joints first appeared in the common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates but were absent in jawless fish. This pushes the origin of our flexible joints back millions of years.

“The origin of mobile joints in our fish ancestors enabled them to move about and feed in new ways,” study authors write, in a statement. “This study shows that the developmental processes that are responsible for these joints arose deep within the fish evolutionary tree.”

What are synovial joints and how do they work?

What makes a joint “synovial” is straightforward. There’s a fluid-filled space between the connecting bones, shaped surfaces that fit together, and lubrication to keep everything moving smoothly. Think of your knee or elbow; these are classic synovial joints that allow for free movement while maintaining stability.

Bamboo sharkBamboo shark
One of the fish that were analyzed in the study, a bamboo shark. (Kim_Briers/Shutterstock)

The research team studied joint structure and development across several key animal groups. They analyzed little skates and bamboo sharks (cartilaginous fish), sea lampreys and hagfish (jawless fish), and even examined fossils of ancient armored fish. Using advanced scanning techniques, they were able to look inside these joints without destroying the specimens.

Sharks, rays, and skates had joints that looked remarkably similar to our own, with fluid-filled cavities, matching surfaces, and specialized cells that produce lubricating substances. When they manipulated a stained skate specimen, they could see the bones sliding against each other, just like in human joints.

Jawless vs. jawed fish

These synovial joints provide cartilaginous fish with remarkable mobility. Anyone who has watched sharks or rays swim can appreciate their fluid, precise movements. Skates, for example, can elegantly maneuver their wing-like pectoral fins for both powerful swimming and delicate adjustments. Their jaws also have impressive mobility, allowing for varied feeding techniques.

Lampreys and hagfish, on the other hand, showed no signs of these specialized joints. Their cartilage pieces were either continuously connected or joined by simple tissue bridges without the hallmarks of true synovial joints. This more primitive arrangement limits their movement capabilities. Lampreys, for instance, swim with undulating whole-body movements rather than the more nuanced fin-based propulsion seen in jawed fish.

Since lampreys and hagfish represent the most primitive living vertebrates, their joint structure likely reflects the ancestral condition of all vertebrates. The presence of synovial joints in all jawed vertebrates, from sharks to humans, suggests this innovation arose in their common ancestor after the evolutionary split from jawless fish.

Sea lamprey close-upSea lamprey close-up
Sea lampreys are just one of two vertebrates without a jaw. (Credit: T. Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission)

How joints develop

The researchers dug deeper, looking at how these joints develop in embryos. They found that skate joints form through a process remarkably similar to what happens in human development. Starting as a continuous piece of cartilage, a specific area called the “interzone” eventually hollows out to create the joint cavity. The team even identified the same key molecular signals guiding this process in skates as those known from human joint development.

For decades, scientists have studied joint formation in mice, chickens, and other laboratory animals. Finding the same fundamental process in a cartilaginous fish suggests that the basic molecular recipe for building synovial joints has remained largely unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

The proteins involved in this process serve multiple functions. Growth differentiation factor-5 (Gdf5) helps establish the interzone where the joint will form. β-catenin, part of the Wnt signaling pathway, plays a role in determining cell fate in the developing joint. Both were found in developing skate joints, just as they are in mammalian joints. This molecular conservation across such evolutionarily distant animals reinforces the idea that synovial joints evolved just once in vertebrate history.

Knee jointKnee joint
The same basic architecture of lubricated surfaces and joint cavity seen in this human knee joint first evolved in ancient jawed fish millions of years ago. (SvetaZi/Shutterstock)

In a clever experiment, the researchers paralyzed skate embryos using a mild anesthetic to prevent muscle movement during development. Without the physical forces from muscle contractions, the joints failed to develop properly and remained fused. This shows that movement itself helps shape our joints during development, a principle that holds true from fish to humans.

The interplay between mechanical forces and molecular signals is not a new feature of land animals, but rather a fundamental aspect of joint development that predates the origin of tetrapods by millions of years. This integrated system of mechanical feedback was already in place in early jawed vertebrates.

The oldest known synovial joints

The team also examined fossils from an ancient armored fish called Bothriolepis, which lived about 380 million years ago. Using CT scans, they found evidence of what appears to be the oldest known synovial joint. This suggests that the capacity for sophisticated joint movement first appeared with the origin of jawed vertebrates, a key innovation that changed how animals could interact with their environment.

Bothriolepis belonged to a group called antiarchs, one of many extinct lineages of armored fish that dominated aquatic ecosystems in the Devonian period (359-419 million years ago). Finding synovial joint morphology in this ancient fish provides a minimum age for this innovation and confirms that it was present in some of the earliest jawed vertebrates.

Skate jointsSkate joints
Immunostaining depicts collagen-2 (cyan) and nucleus (magenta) at the articulation in the little skate embryo’s pelvic joint. (Credit:
Neelima Sharma, University of Chicago, CC-BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Why synovial joints matter for evolution

The authors say that we owe much of our mobility and agility to synovial joints. These joints allow for an extensive range of motion and heightened stability compared to simpler joints that just bend.

This evolutionary innovation likely contributed to the remarkable success of jawed vertebrates, which today make up 99% of all vertebrate species. The ability to move more precisely and powerfully opened up new ways of feeding, escaping predators, and interacting with the environment.

For us humans, these findings create a direct line of connection to our distant aquatic ancestors. The same basic joint design that allows a shark to maneuver through coral reefs enables us to throw a ball, play piano, or swing a golf club. Who would hae thought our most fluid movements rely on engineering principles established hundreds of millions of years ago in the sea?

Paper Summary


The researchers used CT scanning to examine joint structures in various animals without dissection. They also studied thin tissue sections and used molecular techniques to detect specific proteins and genes in joint tissues. To test the role of movement in joint development, they raised skate embryos in an anesthetic that prevents muscle contraction and compared them with normal embryos.


In skates and sharks, the researchers found all the key features of true synovial joints similar to our own. These animals’ joints develop through the same process and use the same molecular signals as human joints. When skate embryos couldn’t move their muscles during development, their joints failed to form properly.

Lampreys and hagfish lacked these specialized joint features, while fossils of ancient armored fish showed evidence of the earliest known synovial joints, dating back over 380 million years.


The study worked with a limited number of specimens for some species. The tools used to detect specific proteins and genes don’t work perfectly in unusual species like skates and lampreys. With fossil specimens, researchers could only examine preserved hard structures, not soft tissues.

Funding and Disclosures

The research was supported by the Brinson Family Foundation, the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Foundation, and the Human Frontier Science Program (grant number RGP0010/2022). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors declared no competing interests, ensuring the scientific integrity of the findings.

Publication Information

The paper, “Synovial joints were present in the common ancestor of jawed fish but lacking in jawless fish,” was published in PLOS Biology on February 25, 2025, by Neelima Sharma, Yara Haridy, and Neil Shubin from the University of Chicago.

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