Stay Wild Seeks Approval for Glamping Pods in Scenic Cotswold Meadow

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Stay Wild, a glamping business located on the outskirts of Winchcombe, is seeking approval from Tewkesbury Borough Council for a development proposal that would introduce four small glamping units designed for short-term holiday accommodation. 

The development, if approved, would be situated on a 1.9-hectare wildflower meadow, approximately 500 meters outside Winchcombe. 

While planning officers have recommended approval, the proposal has faced opposition from the Winchcombe Town Council, which has expressed concerns regarding the potential impact on the nationally designated landscape.

The town council’s objections center on the development’s potential to alter the landscape, particularly through the enlargement of an existing track to provide passing points and the construction of a small car park. 

They argue that these changes would create an undesirable impact on a currently accessible area of the designated landscape, which forms part of the town’s scenic setting. 

Despite these objections, planning officers have pointed out that the development aligns with the goals of the Winchcombe and Sudeley Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2031, which supports the introduction of new accommodation to meet the needs of visitors to the area.

According to a report by Punchline Gloucester, the glamping units are designed to provide an eco-friendly alternative for tourists seeking a rural retreat. 

According to the business’s design and access statement, the goal is to create a sustainable eco-tourism facility that complements existing tourist attractions in the Cotswolds. 

The pods would be relatively small, with a maximum capacity of eight people, meaning they are unlikely to generate large groups or excessive noise. 

Each unit would be self-contained, with its own toilet, shower, cooking facilities, and living space, negating the need for shared amenities. 

Furthermore, the design of the pods includes features such as skylights to allow for natural light, with minimal external lighting to reduce light pollution and ensure integration into the natural landscape.

For industry professionals, this case highlights the importance of balancing development with environmental and community considerations. 

As the glamping sector continues to grow, maintaining sensitivity to the surrounding landscape and local regulations will be key to navigating similar planning challenges. 

With planning officers recommending approval, the outcome of this proposal could set a precedent for other small-scale developments in environmentally sensitive areas.

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