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The Best Destruction Spells In Skyrim

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Posted 3 hours ago by inuno.ai



  • Destruction spells in Skyrim are powerful, with different elements offering unique effects like damage over time or lines of fireballs.
  • Magic builds are versatile, especially for players who want to focus on destruction spells for combat and crowd control techniques.
  • Players should experiment with different spells like Fire Storm and Ice Spear to inflict massive damage on enemies or control the battlefield with AoE effects.

Combat is pretty consistent in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Different builds have their strengths and weaknesses, but pretty much everyone can agree that the most diverse and adaptable playstyle is a magic build. Each type of magic holds a special niche, with spells focused on healing, summoning, defense, or attack. The most consistent damage-dealing spells in the game are Skyrim‘s Destruction spells, which are rather tame early on before turning into something truly impressive that can sweep most enemies off their feet in no time at all.


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While some mods add a plethora of new spells to the game, the base game has enough spells for any play style. Each element has its place, with fire dealing extra damage over time, frost draining stamina, and shock destroying enemy Magicka. However, contrary to popular belief, the most powerful Skyrim Destruction spells aren’t all higher mastery levels, and some of the most useful ones can be cast right out of the gate. Players who have played as stealth archers too many times in this game will certainly enjoy embarking down a path of pure and utter destruction as they use the best Destruction spells in Skyrim.

Updated on February 28, 2025, by Gerardo Molina: One of the greatest things about Skyrim is that it has lots of different spells for players to try if they want to pursue a Magic build. While some are really forgiving with Magicka consumption, others will deplete half or more of players’ Magicka bar if used too quickly—at least at the beginning of the game. Destruction spells are completely devastating, especially in the Expert and Master levels, as they can quickly decimate large groups of enemies in the blink of an eye. Sure, wielding a massive sword and taking down enemies in a few swings is also fun, but it’s nothing compared to becoming the ultimate Mage in the land of Skyrim.



A Fancy Way To Absorb Health

Strangulation, a Skyrim spell

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 84 Magicka
  • Effect: Absorb 16 Health from the target for 3 seconds

Once a part of the Creation Club, Strangulation is a fun addition to the Destruction spell tree that players can check out early on in their journey to become the strongest Destruction mage in the game. Absorbing health from a target early on is a great way for players to take out enemies while also healing themselves up.

Strangulation may become irrelevant as players unlock higher tiers of Destruction magic in Skyrim, but it’s still a great way to toy around with enemies for those who want to understand why so many people love to sling spells to damage their foes in the game. Players can have a ton of fun with this unique spell before moving on to bigger and better things. As players explore the land of Skyrim, they will often have the chance to have the Strangulation Spell Tome pop up on their journey. This will greatly be determined by their Hero level and Spell level. That said, players’ best chance at finding a Spell Tome containing this powerful Destruction Spell is by searching boss-level chests in Necromancer and Conjurer lairs.


Vampiric Drain

A Vampiric Spell That Allows Players To Drain An Enemy’s Health

Skyrim - Vampiric Drain

  • Requirements: Vampire transformation unlocked
  • Cost: 6-17 Magicka per second
  • Effect: Drains health proportional to the player’s Vampirism level

Players who choose to become a vampire in Skyrim can make the most of their powers to show their enemies who’s boss. Sure, this may come at the cost of the freedom to traverse locations by day, but that’s a price players are often willing to pay to check out the unique content added in the Dawnguard DLC.

Along with the numerous vampiric powers that players gain access to, the Dragonborn can also drain enemies of their health with Vampiric Drain. This is an obvious power to include, given how vampires operate, and players with a high Vampirism level can transform Vampiric Drain into one of the best Destruction spells in Skyrim. Targets of this spell can also contract Sanguinare Vampiris, which can quickly lead to Vampirism unless the affliction is cured within three days. Although some Spells benefit from wielding them with both hands, this is not the case for Vampiric Drain, as its power remains constant regardless of whether it’s equipped in one hand or both. Players looking for a projectile spell that has long range might want to seach elsewhere, as Vampiric Drain, like the Flames Spell goes out in a stream, which considerably decreseases its area of effect and reach. As a fun piece of information, the NPC Serana can continue to use this spell, even if she’s cured from Vampirism. Talk about being lucky.


Fire Rune

A Fiery Trap That Players Can Set Up For Fun Results

Fire Rune, a Destruction spell in Skyrim (1)

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 234 Magicka
  • Effect: A trap that hits for 50 Fire Damage when triggered by an enemy

It’s easy to see why some people would scoff at the thought of setting up magical traps to deal with their enemies when it’s just easier and more convenient to deal damage from the shadows. However, doing so would prevent players from making the most of Fire Rune, one of the best Destruction spells in Skyrim that players can use to turn the tide of battle against their opponents and punish those who are overzealous and try to charge the Dragonborn.


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The 50 points of fire damage can be deadly for opponents out of their depth. However, one major reason why players don’t use this spell all that often is the ridiculously high Magicka requirement, which can prove to be a major pain for low-level builds who don’t have too much of this resource to spare. Players who are forced to wait for ages before placing another Fire Rune would likely prefer to just use regular direct spells instead.


Frost Rune

The Dragonborn Can Catch Enemies Unawares With A Frosty Trap

Frost Rune, a Skyrim spell

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 293 Magicka
  • Effect: A trap that hits for 50 Frost Damage when triggered by an enemy

It can be a ton of work, but players willing to put in the effort to set up traps for their enemies can make the most of one of Skyrim‘s best Destruction spells. If the Dragonborn loves to operate from the shadows, then using distractions to lead enemies into traps can be a great way to make the most of the runes that players can set up in hostile areas.

Watching an enemy step into a trap only to breathe their last is a move that players won’t get tired of no matter how many times they pull it off. Sure, the amount of magicka required to cast Frost Rune can be tremendous, but players setting up these traps in stealth have all the time in the world to replenish their magic resources, as enemies are caught in these high-damage traps over and over again.



A Fire Missile That Burns The Target

Firebolt, a Destruction spell in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 41 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals 25 Fire damage

Sometimes, the simplest spells are the ones that end up being the most effective. This is the case with Firebolt, a powerful Destruction magic in Skyrim that does a great job of burning enemies to a crisp. In the right hands, even something as simple as Firebolt can be an efficient way to demolish the Dragonborn’s opponents.

High-level enemies can take way too many shots from this spell to make it viable in such encounters, but players who are dealing with foes well below their pay grade will love what the Firebolt spell brings to the table. It can be unlocked early and can become a mainstay of the Dragonborn’s arsenal in no time. Unlike Flames or Vampiric Drain, Firebolt is not released in a stream, but rather as a projectile, which makes it ideal for casting it towards enemies that are standing far away from the Dragonborn while still inflicting considerable damage.


Ice Spike

An Iconic Spell That Damages Both Health And Stamina

Ice Spike in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 48 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals 25 Frost Damage to Health and Stamina

To this day, there’s something hilarious about watching an enemy functioning like normal with a massive Ice Spike in their abdomen. The novelty of this spell coupled with its iconic imagery is why so many people continue to remember this spell fondly even now.



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Sure, it may not be the most effective Frost damage dealer in the game, but it’s great at lower levels when players don’t have a lot of Magicka to spare. Impaling enemies with multiple ice spikes makes for a rather cool image that players won’t forget anytime soon.


Lightning Bolt

A Quick, Easy-To-Cast Spell That Shocks Enemies

Lightning Bolt in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 51 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals 25 Shock Damage to Health and half of that to Magicka

There’s something oddly satisfying about unleashing a torrent of lightning magic at a steady rate and watching an enemy’s health bar fall. While Lightning Bolt may not seem like the most effective spell the Dragonborn can use, players need only level up their Destruction a bit to witness the true power of this magical technique.

It shaves off an enemy’s health and Magicka at a steady rate, making it perfect to tackle any enemy that uses magic in battle. Until players unlock bigger and better spells, the Lightning Bolt will be a trusted and loyal servant, especially during the early game.


Elemental Bolt

Combines Fire And Shock Damage

Elemental Bolt in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 62 Magicka
  • Effect: Deal 20 Fire & Shock damage while also depleting the target’s Stamina

While some players may love to stick to one element when spamming spells in Skyrim, there are times when the Dragonborn will see great results by combining elements and overwhelming their opponents. This is where the Elemental Bolt spell comes into the picture and does a great job of showing the Dragonborn’s foes who’s boss.

Elemental Bolt combines both Fire and Shock damage for a deadly package that makes it one of the most underrated and best Destruction magic in Skyrim. Once players have the Magicka pool required to spam this spell, most enemies will be toast in no time.



Stops Enemies In Their Tracks

Freeze in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Ahzidal’s Ring of Arcana equipped
  • Cost: 30 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals 20 Frost Damage to Health & Stamina and slows down the target for 15 seconds

No matter what video game players check out, there’s something oddly satisfying about freezing an enemy in their tracks if the playable character has access to Frost magic. In Skyrim, this can be enjoyed relatively soon if players manage to get their hands on Ahzidal’s Ring of Arcana.

It gives players access to both Ignite and Freeze, with the latter being perfect for slowing enemies down and potentially stopping them in their tracks. If the Dragonborn is lucky enough, they can potentially dispose of an enemy in a truly humiliating manner with this spell.


Elemental Flare

Extremely Broken And Incredibly Cheap

Elemental Flare in Skyrim

  • Requirements: No rank requirements, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 45 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals 15 Fire Damage, 15 Shock Damage, and 15 Damage to Stamina in an area of effect

Elemental Flare is extremely cheap to cast with devastatingly powerful effects. Elemental Flare deals 15 Fire Damage and 15 Shock Damage at the same time for only 45 mana – almost four times the amount of damage as the Flames spell in a single bolt.


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It has an area of effect, too, meaning that a mage can cast this over and over again into a group of enemies and hit each for near-full damage, even if they aren’t hit directly. It’s one of the most powerful Skyrim Destruction spells, but Elemental Flare and its upgraded versions are only available with the Arcane Accessories pack, included with Skyrim Anniversary Edition.


Choking Grasp

Steal Health From Enemies

Choking Grasp in Skyrim

  • Requirements: No rank requirements, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 39 Magicka
  • Effect: Absorbs 8 Health per second for 3 seconds, for a total of 24 Health absorbed

Choking Grasp is a powerful Novice spell with three stronger versions at higher Destruction levels. This spell absorbs health from a target at a rate of 8 health per second over three seconds, which adds up to 24 health absorbed in total with each cast. It only costs 39 Magicka to cast, too, making it a cheap source of regeneration.

Choking Grasp and its higher-level versions are part of the Arcane Accessories pack, which vastly expands the number of Skyrim Destruction spells. This spell allows non-vampires to absorb health from their enemies with a spell rather than a vampiric power and is available right from the get-go.


Unbounded Flames, Freezing, And Storms

True Master-Level Power

Unbounded Flames in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Master Destruction unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: Flames costs 118 Magicka per second, Freezing costs 89 Magicka per second, and Storms costs 69 Magicka per second
  • Flames Effect: Casts a line of fireballs at the target dealing 50 Fire Damage per second and leaves foes burned
  • Freezing Effect: 50 Frost Damage per second to nearby attackers, knocks down nearby enemies, too
  • Storms Effect: Short-range 40 Shock Damage and 20 Magicka damage, can summon random Lightning to hit enemies, too

The three master-level Destruction spells included in the base version of Skyrim are a bit underwhelming. Fire Storm, Blizzard, and Lightning Storm are powerful, but the delayed cast time means they aren’t as effective as simply dual-casting a lower-tier spell. The Arcane Accessories pack rectifies this by adding three additional Master-level Destruction spells worthy of the rank.

Unbounded Flames, Unbounded Freezing, and Unbounded Storms are concentration-based spells that deal incredible amounts of damage to enemies despite the wind-up. Unbounded Freezing acts as an extremely strong Frost Cloak, dealing 50 damage per second to nearby enemies, while Unbounded Flames and Storms are cast in a stream of fireballs or lightning, respectively.


Hangman’s Noose

A Great Spell To Absorb A Target’s Health

Hangman's Noose in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Adept Destruction magic unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 143 Magicka
  • Effect: Absorb 26 Health for 3 seconds

One of the best Destruction spells in Skyrim that players can use to turn the tide of battle in any conflict is one that damages enemies and helps the Dragonborn regain health at the same time. After all, mages tend to be rather fragile in combat, so any spell that helps the Dragonborn restore their vitality is a useful one. With such spells, both offensive and healing options can be combined for a superb strategy.

Hangman’s Noose is one of the many powerful spells players can acquire via the Creation Club. The benefits of this spell are quite palpable, with the amount of health absorbed being pretty massive. The fact that this effect lasts for three seconds is also something that needs to be highlighted.


Mara’s Wrath

Turn Undead And Set Them Ablaze

Mara's Wrath in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Expert Destruction magic unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 329 Magicka
  • Effect: Deals Flame damage in melee range, turns undead, and grants immunity to freezing water

One of the most powerful spells given to players via the Bethesda Creation Club is Mara’s Wrath. It deals 16 Fire damage to melee opponents, forces the Undead to run for 30 seconds, and allows the player to swim care-free in normally damaging water.


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It’s an Expert-level Destruction spell that can quickly change the tide of an overwhelming battle, especially if the mage is surrounded by draugr or skeletons. The Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit is priced at 100 CC credits, though, so players should be sure to stock up and install this pack before starting up the game.


Elemental Burst

A Powerful Multi-Elemental Projectile

Elemental Burst spell in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Adept Destruction magic unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 96 Magicka
  • Effect: Unleashes a projectile that deals 30 points of magic damage and 15 points of stamina damage; targets also receive a burning effect that deals 6 magic damage and 3 stamina damage for 2 seconds

Any spell that stacks multiple forms of elemental damage is something that needs to be pointed out and admired for how useful it can be. Such is the case with Elemental Burst, an excellent spell that players can access once they become Adept in the use of Destruction magic.

This spell is so powerful because it was added via one of the many packs players can download from the Arcane Accessories Creation Club pack. The projectile hits like a truck and has an even stronger variant players can use if they want to completely obliterate their opponents from a distance without expending too much effort.


Touch Of Death

Essentially Just Better Vampirism

A skeleton outside a house in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Expert Destruction magic unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 316 Magicka
  • Effect: Steals 40 health per second for 4 seconds (160 total health absorbed)

Similar to Mara’s Wrath, the Touch of Death spell is only accessible through the Arcane Accessories Creation Club pack, which costs 100 CC credits. Touch of Death is a close-to-mid-range spell that turns enemy health into personal healing.

It’s an expert-level spell, so players should be prepared to spend a lot of time developing the Destruction tree before picking it up. It’s the most powerful absorb-type Destruction spell in Skyrim, though, and well worth a try for any mage looking to enhance their survivability.



Low Tier But Effective

The Ignite spell in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Apprentice Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 30 Magicka
  • Effect: Sets target on fire for 4 damage per second over 15 seconds (60 damage)

The over-time damage from fire is one of the most consistent forms of damage in Skyrim. For a low cost, the Ignite spell sends out a blast of flame to set targets on fire. With a one-time cost of 30 Magicka, this spell pays dividends as gamers can set enemies ablaze and then switch to other better spells for big damage while the fire does its work.

Overall, this spell isn’t the most powerful of the Skyrim Destruction spells, but it’s a useful tool for any enterprising practitioner. Players who switch around spells quickly and want their attacks to be diverse and enjoyable to use should keep Ignite handy.



A Mage’s First Taste Of Fire

A mage using the Flames spell in Skyrim

  • Requirements: None
  • Cost: 14 Magicka per second (channeled)
  • Effect: Sets target on fire, deals an additional 8 damage per second while casting

Flames is the first spell any Destruction mage has and should be using. With solid damage and the ability to set enemies on fire to deal increasing damage over time, this is the Destruction spell any early player should certainly be using. It’s very useful for crowds of enemies at higher levels as well, as the spell functions through concentration.


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Holding down the cast with one hand creates a steady stream of flames to pour over unsuspecting melee enemies, whittling away their health and sending them to Sovngarde.



A Massive Fiery Blast

Fireball in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Adept Destruction magic unlocked
  • Cost: 133 Magicka
  • Effect: An AoE fire explosion that deals extra damage to enemies already set on fire

The Fireball spell is pretty self-explanatory — it allows players to unleash a powerful AoE attack that hits like a truck and causes damage to multiple enemies if the user places it correctly. Dual casting this spell allows the Dragonborn to overcharge this attack to make it even more effective in battle.

The best part about this spell is that it deals extra damage to an enemy who is already set on fire, humiliating them even more. It’s a really fun spell that players can whip out in combat at a moment’s notice to take out a group of enemies in no time at all. With enough Magicka, players can burn their enemies to a crisp and look incredibly cool while doing so.


Elemental Blast

Toughest Variant Of This Unique Projectile Spell

Elemental Blast in Skyrim

  • Requirements: Expert Destruction magic unlocked, Arcane Accessories Creation Club kit downloaded
  • Cost: 144 Magicka
  • Effect: Unleashes a projectile that deals 40 points of magic damage and 20 points of stamina damage; targets also receive a burning effect that deals 8 magic damage and 4 stamina damage for 2 seconds

The most powerful multi-elemental projectile spell players can obtain from the Arcane Accessories Creation Club content is Elemental Blast, which hits for both health and stamina damage. Not only is this a great way to take out opponents, but it also reduces the threat they pose by ensuring that they can’t unleash powerful attacks over and over.

The added benefit of this spell being ranged is that players don’t have to struggle too much to fight against certain enemies. They can simply pick their shots from a distance and turn most enemies into mincemeat in no time.

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