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The Funniest Gravity Falls Characters, Ranked

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Posted 7 hours ago by inuno.ai

One of Gravity Falls’ greatest strengths is its comedy. The show is undisputedly one of the funniest cartoons ever produced by television, relying on various characters and their personality quirks to turn what should be tense or dangerous situations into absolute gold. Whether it be the side characters like Gabe Bensen having an obsession with puppets or main characters like Mabel acting wacky, certain Gravity Falls characters stand out from the others as being the absolute funniest.

While there is no clear way to measure humor, as everyone has their preferences when it comes to the form of comedy, there are certain characters within the show that have made audiences laugh out loud more consistently than others. This is saying something given that the show as a whole is a comedy and is thus jam-packed with hilarious moments and characters. Nonetheless, the one’s that have risen to the top are worthy of recognition.

Updated on March 7, 2025, by Natasha Elder: Comedy is a huge part of the appeal of Gravity Falls, with characters like Bill Cipher and Stan Pines being remembered for their funny lines as much as for anything else. As such, we wanted to highlight more of the funniest characters in the show. We have also adjusted the imagery to provide a better reading experience.


Toby Determined Is the Show’s Comedic Punching Bag

As a Result, He Is Also One of the Most Comedically Iconic

Toby Determined is the owner and lone editor of the Gravity Falls Gossiper, a local but unpopular newspaper. This is a reflection of Toby’s nature as the comic relief of the show whenever he appears. Toby is insecure and, at times, a punching bag for various other characters. He is almost consistently turned into a joke whenever he appears. His attempts to fit in often result in a hilarious twist, resulting in his further embarrassment.


15 Gravity Falls Characters Everyone Forgets About

Gravity Falls is full of so many unique and zany characters that sometimes a few fall through the cracks.

This can be seen in how he tried to fit in with other reporters by pretending a cinder block was a camera or when others mistake his face for a mask or him for an outright monster. Toby is also afflicted with various bizarre physical problems, such as self-described cat whiskers and various rashes. Even when Toby found confidence in himself during the series finale, referring to himself as “Bodacious T,” it is still very humorous to see this character who was little more than a lightning rod for everyone’s abuse suddenly become this hardcore guy sporting a punk look.


Grenda Catches Everyone Off Guard

She Has a Unique Brand of Humor That Always Inspires Laughs

Grenda is speaking on the phone in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

From the moment of her introduction, Grenda has been a goldmine of comedy. Her hilariously deep voice is the perfect way to convey her frankly hilarious one-liners. Grenda has often come out of nowhere with her particular brand of humor. Be it cheering when Mabel punched a unicorn in the face or when she knocked out a troll blocking her path with an armchair.

What truly makes her stand out as a humorous character is both her timing and the sheer bluntness of her statements. Grenda is at times crude with how she behaves, but there is an honesty to her that is refreshing. She represents many who did not fit in at her age, but she wears it proudly, never compromising herself for the sake of others, which is why Gravity Falls is one of the best Disney channel cartoons. For all these reasons, her sense of humor has many in stitches.


Gabe Bensen’s Attachment to His Puppets Is Amusing

Even by Gravity Falls’ Standards, He Is a Bit Extreme

Gabe Bensen is putting on a puppet show in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

A dedicated puppeteer, Gabe Bensen is a bit too dedicated to his craft. When he gives a show about literacy to a bunch of children, his puppets end up in a passionate lip-lock. This doesn’t stop Mabel from developing a crush on him, though. It is as she begins to spend more time with him that she realizes how strange he is, and the audience realizes how funny his obsessive passion for puppets could be.

Gabe doesn’t only have his puppets make out with each other, but also kisses them, himself. This unusual behavior is one of the more humorous aspects of his character. Even when he’s dressed nicely, he has puppets adorning each of his hands. He’s only in one episode in a substantial manner, but he has earned his place as one of Gravity Falls’s funniest characters.


Manly Dan’s Appearances in Gravity Falls Are Brief But Memorable

His Macho Persona Leads to Many Funny Moments

Manly Dan is angrily punching a post that says "Free Pizza" in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

As Wendy’s dad, Manly Dan is one of Gravity Falls recurring characters. His overly macho demeanor lends itself to many funny jokes throughout the show. As his name implies, many of his actions revolve around ideals of machismo, but taken to the extreme. For example, on one occasion, he got increasingly angry when he stood up and hit his head against the ceiling, but kept doing it anyway. He is also almost always yelling his lines in a way that manages to be funny rather than annoying.

One of the things that makes Gravity Falls such a great cartoon is that it manages to add in bits of personality even to characters with as little screen time as Manly Dan. Despite his anger issues, it is clear that Manly Dan also cares for his children, as he is seen spending time with them on several occasions and runs to hug Wendy after Wierdmageddon. These moments aren’t free from humor, either, though, as he is seen engaging in ridiculous actions, such as beating up a fish with his hands instead of fishing in a normal manner.


Sheriff Daryl Blubs and Deputy Edwin Durland Are the Perfect Comedy Duo

Their Chemistry Enhances Their Jokes

Sheriff Daryl Blubs and Deputy Edwin Durland are smiling and waving in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Impossible to separate in the show, Sheriff Daryl Blubs and Deputy Edwin Durland are an amusing pair. Their ineptitude as cops is a large part of why they are so absurd. It is a good thing that the people in town are so amiable, because not much crime solving would happen with these two around. What Blubs and Durland do have, though, is a loving partnership that carries them through difficult times.

Their over-the-top expressions of their love are humorous, even as they also indicate the true love that they clearly hold for each other. Additionally, they have other funny moments related to their job, such as when they make a video trying to bring awareness about peer pressure. Their mistaken understanding of what kids are like is sure to make viewers laugh out loud.


Old Man McGucket Has Many Hilarious Moments

His Backstory Re-Contexualizes Them, Though

Old Man McGucket is smiling and his arms are crossed in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

One of the most complicated characters in Gravity Falls, Old man McGucket doesn’t appear that way for much of the show. In fact, he is positioned to be laughed at when the show begins. He engages in many nonsensical antics that inspire both curiosity and giggles, such as when he creates a fake monster for the lake. His seemingly random utterances also add to zany the character is.


10 Spookiest Gravity Falls Episodes, Ranked

Gravity Falls may be a kids’ show, but it still features a variety of spooky episodes.

When it is revealed that McGucket wiped his memory too many times out of guilt for helping Ford create the Universe portal, his many unusual behaviors gain new context. This definitely lessens some of the humor, as he literally ruined his mind due to his past actions. That being said, he is still one of the most comedic presences, especially in season one of Gravity Falls.


Quentin Trembley Says Some of Gravity Fall’s Funniest Lines

In Fact, One Even Turned Into a Meme

Quentin Trembley has his finger pointed skyward as he speaks to Dipper in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

One of Gravity Falls’s most iconic lines comes from an exchange between Dipper Pines and Quentin Trembley. After helping Quentin out, the 8 ½ President gives Dipper a -12 dollar bill, to which Dipper says, “Whoa, this is worthless!” Quentin’s response of “It’s less than worthless, my boy,” a conversation which became a meme. This exchange is not the only time that Quentin proves to be one of the funniest characters in the show, though.

This is fitting given that he was erased from the history of the United States due to his silliness. This is best visually represented by the fact that Quentin immediately removes his pants as soon as he is freed from the peanut brittle that is preserving him. Moreover, many of the strange laws that govern the town of Gravity Falls are a result of Quentin’s tenure as its founder.


Bill Cipher Uses His Chaotic Personality to His Advantage

His Interactions with Others Bring Many a Smile, Despite His Villainous Intentions

Bill Cipher might be the show’s ultimate antagonist, but he is also one of its funniest characters. Bill is, quite frankly, a chaotic person, and this is emphasized by his sense of humor. One never really knows what he is going to say or do next. He knows perfectly well how unstable he is and uses that to his advantage, keeping his enemies off guard and knocking viewers for a loop with his chaotic sense of humor.

In a lot of ways, what makes Bill so funny is how personable he is with those he is tormenting. He has outright laughed in the faces of others and then explained that he finds how dumb they are amusing, pausing from his levity to give them a frank explanation. Bill knows he is the most powerful person in any room, and he uses that to his advantage for his often-literal captive audience.


Grunkle Ford Is Just an Older, More Experienced Dipper

Thus, He Has a Similarly Sarcastic Way of Speaking

Ford Pines has his hand lifted and an eyebrow raised as he speaks in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

When Ford Pines was first introduced to fans, it became clear that he was essentially Stan’s version of Dipper, more strait-laced and methodical in his approach to things than his chaotic brother. In light of that, his comedic moments are more of a reaction to the surrounding events. Ford can surprise viewers with how quick he is to make a sarcastic comment or reply in an inappropriate way.

This is the consequence of his time outside the main dimension of Gravity Falls. Ford genuinely has a hard time adapting to the modern day and his lack of social interaction with other humans for so many years has hindered his ability to know what is the appropriate response to certain situations. This is especially clear when he interacts with Dipper and Mabel.


Wendy Has a Cool Teenager’s Sense of Humor

This Makes Her Stand Out From Other Characters

Wendy is hanging up a Scary-oke sign in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Easily the coolest character in the show, Wendy is laid-back and friendly but not above gently teasing those around her. Wendy brings a teenager’s sense of humor to the situation, playfully undermining those in authority around her or finding a way to bring Dipper and Mabel in on the fun. In doing so, she adds a special dose of chaotic energy to the humorous moment.

Beneath that laid-back exterior, though, is a girl with a lot of personal problems. Wendy’s attitude is a mask for her often high levels of stress, and when that mask slips, it often leads to some of her best comedic moments. The brutal honesty of the difficulties of being a teenager is expressed through Wendy, and while audiences may laugh, those of a similar age or who have lived through her difficulties know they laugh because there is truth in her words.


Waddles’ Cuteness Makes Him a Perfect Source of Comedy

He Proves One Doesn’t Need to be Human to be Hilarious

Mabel is smiling and patting Waddles as he eats a caramel apple in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Mabel’s beloved pet pig has often been the subject of the most bizarre twists of humor. Most often, it is because of events happening to him and not because of him. Waddles is often the subject of Mabel’s quirky sense of humor, getting dressed up in adorable outfits to support her in her endeavors.


10 Most Iconic Mabel Episodes in Gravity Falls, Ranked

Gravity Falls stars a variety of memorable characters, but few have more iconic episodes than Mabel.

Waddles’ comedic moments rely on how cute he is, often just being the Pines’ precious pet but also providing much-needed levity for them when they are feeling upset. One special moment of humor for him came in the episode “Little Gift Shop of Horrors” when his intelligence was boosted to a level well beyond a human’s average. Waddles wowed characters and viewers alike with his knowledge but still made them laugh because of the limitations of his pig body.


Dipper’s Straight-Laced Attitude Is Commendable and Humorous

His Reactions Are a Great Source of Laughter

Dipper Pines looks awkward as he does the Lamby Lamby dance in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Dipper is often the straight man to Mabel’s chaotic energy, which is why they’re such great siblings, but he has plenty of moments where he shines as a comedian. This is best expressed in how he tries to remain focused and serious in situations that would best be described as absurd. That unwavering dedication to being taken seriously, even when he is being demeaned by others or accidentally by himself, earned him more than a few laughs and plenty of fan sympathy.

Of course, as with any kid his age, Dipper also has his own mischievous and silly side that is allowed to shine through from time to time. Some of his most notable moments of humor are when he has let go of his desire to be treated more like an adult than a twelve-year-old, such as when he performs the Lamby Lamby Dance to save his friends from hostile ghosts. When push comes to shove, Dipper can send viewers into hysterics and still save the day while doing it.


Mabel’s Quirkiness Will Always Put a Smile on Viewers’ Faces

Her Confident Personality Is Something to Respect

Mabel Pines is performing on stage as Grenda and Candy support her in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Mabel is the heart of the show, bringing a childlike sense of wonder to everything she does in her own unique way. This silliness is her greatest strength as a character because it makes Mabel her own person, a lesson she has had to learn many times. Her often bizarre and childish sense of humor can help turn even the darkest moments of Gravity Falls into something that audiences can laugh at.

In many ways, that makes Mabel one of the show’s greatest heroes. The humor she brings to any situation, be it laughing while skydiving during a vital mission to stop the apocalypse or shooting Bill Cipher in the eye with spray paint, Mabel is the audience’s best defense against the darkest moments of the show. She doesn’t only remind the other characters to cheer up, but broader audiences as well.


Grunkle Stan’s Miserly Ways Keep Audiences Howling

His Schemes to Make a Quick Buck Know No Bounds

Grunkle Stan is running away with a cash register full of cash in Gravity Falls.
Image via Disney

Curmudgeonly, greedy, yet loving Stanley Pines is the beloved, if not strange, great uncle of the show’s main characters. Stan’s secret helps propel the show’s plot, but his general stinginess, greed, and willingness to commit more than a few crimes often create the show’s best moments of humor. One can’t help but wonder why Dipper and Mabel’s parents thought he was the best summer guardian for them when they were sent to Gravity Falls, especially considering what is immediately known about his backstory, though perhaps they didn’t know who he really was.

Stan can be just as childish as his niece and nephew, but that actually helps him bond with them, as he wants to form an attachment with his family. His sense of humor is often the best tool he uses to do so, making them smile when they need it the most. His wit is so sharp that it often helps him out of tense situations, too. This balance of humor for humor’s sake and humor for plot’s sake is something that Gravity Falls does really well in many of its characters, but Stan specifically. It is also part of why this cartoon is so popular.


Soos Is the Funniest Character of the Show

He Is Also the Most Loyal

The fan-favorite handyman of Mystery Shack made himself the top source of comedy from the moment he first appeared onscreen. Soos has been known to make random comments so out of nowhere that they throw audiences completely for a loop. Likewise, he has also been the subject of misfortune, which is contextualized as hilarious when watching his reaction to it all. Through it all, Soos maintains a go-with-the-flow attitude that serves him well when he needs to adapt to the bizarre situations he finds himself in.


Everything We Learned From Gravity Falls’ The Book of Bill

Gravity Falls has always been full of mysteries, but now some of the biggest questions have been answered with this new book.

Unlike Toby Determined, though, the main characters have a connection with Soos and genuinely care for him. They go out of their way to assist their much-loved friend however they can, often leading to some of the funniest episodes of the entire series. For his role as someone who is always there to support his friends, be it by making them laugh or just being useful, Soos has more than won the title of funniest character in Gravity Falls.

Gravity Falls TV Poster

Gravity Falls

Release Date

2012 – 2015


Alex Hirsch


Alex Hirsch

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