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Things That Could Happen In Stranger Things Season 5

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Posted March 21, 2025 by inuno.ai


Stranger Things Season Five is gearing up to be the most intense chapter that fans have seen yet, and everybody is talking about what might happen and how it could possibly end. Most of the Stranger Things cast are returning, prepared to take on Vecna for one last battle.


6 Characters Who Will Likely Not Return In Stranger Things Season 5

Season 5 of Stranger Things is set to wrap things up, though not all characters are guaranteed to be there to see the story concluded.

The predictions below are based on everything that’s happened and what the show has hinted at so far; however, things could also turn out differently. So, as fans eagerly await an announcement about the Stranger Things 5 release date, here are some things that are likely to take place in this much-awaited season.

Potential spoilers below for viewers who have not finished Season Four, proceed with caution.


Hawkins Will Be the Main Setting Once Again

The Upside Down bleeding into Hawkins at the end of Stranger Things season 4

The town of Hawkins has always been the heart of Stranger Things, and now that the Upside Down is bleeding into it, it’s obvious that the final battle between Vecna and Eleven will happen on home grounds. The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that Stranger Things Season Five will wrap up the storylines of all the main characters, and this also means that the characters will most probably spend most of their time in Hawkins.

In previous seasons, other locations were briefly explored – California and Russia being two of them – but the show somehow always returns to Hawkins as the epicenter of supernatural events. With Vecna as the prime threat and the town almost in ruins, fans can expect it all to go down in the very place where it began.


The Other Hawkins Lab Test Subjects Will Return To Help Eleven

Kali with Eleven using her powers in Stranger Things

Stranger Things Season Two introduced viewers to Kali Prasad, who was also known as Eight – she possessed unique psychic abilities that were similar to Eleven’s, hinting that there may be other Hawkins Lab test subjects who have also survived and are still in hiding. Kali’s storyline has been sidelined since, but fans are still hopeful that other gifted individuals, along with Eight, will return to give Eleven a helping hand during the final battle against Vecna.

In Season Four, it was revealed that Henry Creel, also known as One, had eliminated most of the test subjects – it’s possible that a few of them might have escaped, like how Kali did. The stakes are now higher than ever, so this theory actually being played out is a logical possibility.


Steve And Nancy Will Rekindle Their Romance, But Nancy Will End Up Alone

Steve and Nancy looking at each other in the Upside Down in Stranger Things season 4

If there’s one thing fans of the show can agree on, it’s that Steve Harrington has become a much, much better person since Stranger Things Season One – he deserves a second chance with Nancy, especially since it’s very evident that he still has feelings for her. In Stranger Things Season Four, their chemistry was strong, and Steve even confessed that his dreams for the future included Nancy.

Plus, Jonathan is considering staying in California for college – something that he was hiding from Nancy, and this is most probably going to drive a rift between them. If this happens, it is going to make room for Nancy and Steve to briefly rekindle their romance, but, in the end, she might just choose herself over both love interests.


The Upside Down Will Be Explained, Especially Why It’s Stuck in 1983

Nancy's diary entry from 11.06.1983 in the Upside Down

Stranger Things 5 may finally give fans an answer to why the Upside Down remains frozen in 1983 – this was revealed in Stranger Things Season Four when Nancy found her old diary unchanged since that year. Will Byers also disappeared in 1983, and this suggests that the Upside Down is permanently tethered to that moment.


Stranger Things Season 5: Fans Want These Upside Down Storylines Before The Show Ends

Stranger Things season 5 will definitely feature the terrifying setting of the Upside Down, and viewers have ideas about what should happen next.

Moreover, Vecna is able to control the Upside Down, and this could mean that either his arrival or an experiment at the Hawkins Lab is what probably locked the Upside Down in time. Fans are waiting for more Stranger Things 5 news so that they can piece things together and at least know something about what lies ahead.


Mike Will Finally Prove His Love To Eleven

Eleven and Mike sharing an emotional moment in Stranger Things

In the upcoming season of Stranger Things, Mike may finally prove to Eleven how much he loves her – all through the previous seasons, he has struggled to express his true feelings for her. In Stranger Things Season Four, Eleven was very upset about not receiving any verbal assurance and affection from Mike, especially since he kept hesitating to say “I love you” until the very end.

An announcement for the Stranger Things 5 release date is soon approaching, and in the meantime, fans have been talking about how they wish that Mike would openly declare his love and devotion to Eleven, believing that this would strengthen their bond even more. One thing that could satisfy those who ship the couple would be a heartfelt moment teased in the Stranger Things 5 poster – only time will tell if it will be a reality.


Eleven Will Make The Ultimate Sacrifice

Eleven in Stranger Things

It is very likely that Eleven is going to sacrifice herself to save those she loves the most – to win the battle against Vecna, she, someone from the gang, or all of them together, might have to travel back in time and undo everything that happened on the day that Will Byers disappeared. Through all four seasons so far, Eleven has been the only one capable of facing the Upside Down’s horrors, and her connection to the place hints that she might have to erase her existence from her loved ones’ lives to close the gate for good.

Time travel has also been heavily hinted at, especially with the grandfather clock motif in season four. So if the Stranger Things season five cast are forced to reset events, Eleven might cease to exist entirely – she may choose to die for them or be wiped from this reality – either way, it’s going to be heartbreaking.


The Series Will End with Hawkins Being Reset

Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas in Stranger Things season 1 Episode 1

All through the hit Netflix series, the Upside Down has remained frozen on the day that Will Byers disappeared, and this can only mean that a time reset may undo all the damage that Vecna has caused. In Stranger Things 4, viewers witnessed Eleven reviving Max, and this suggests that her powers are evolving – she may be able to manipulate time or reality on a larger scale.

Now that it’s known that Vecna is the one who has been manipulating events from the beginning, it is quite likely that to make things right, Eleven will have to travel back in time, rewriting history and breaking the loop they’re potentially stuck in. This will come at a devastating cost though, as mentioned before – Eleven might have to erase herself in the process. For now, all fans can do, is continue asking the question, “When is Stranger Things season 5 coming out?”.

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