The Tournament of Power was one of the most exciting events in Dragon Ball history. It brought together the strongest fighters in the multiverse, introduced a plethora of fantastic new characters, featured some outstanding fights, and debuted one of the greatest transformations in the franchise, Ultra Instinct. Many fans would love to see a second Tournament of Power, but this may not be feasible, on account of how monstrously powerful Universe 7 has become.
Spearheaded by Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, and Piccolo, Team Universe 7 would be unbeatable in a second Tournament of Power. The growth the Z-Warriors have undergone throughout their fights against Moro, Gas, & Cell Max can not be overstated, and they’ve even picked up new allies more than capable of fighting on their level. Even if another universe had a team consisting of 10 Jirens, they still wouldn’t have a chance at winning.

Dragon Ball: Is Bulma Actually As Important As Goku?
Bulma was the original co-star of Dragon Ball, and Goku’s first friend, and she’s been just as important as everyone’s favorite Super Saiyan since.
Dragon Ball Super’s Five Main Characters Are Complete Monsters
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, and Piccolo Have All Surpassed Jiren
As depicted on the cover of Dragon Ball Super Vol. 24, the five main characters of the manga are currently Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Gohan, and Piccolo. These are not the five strongest mortals in Universe 7, but they do all rank in the top 10, and the mortal who currently stands above them all is not a viable choice to be recruited for their team in a second Tournament of Power. Frieza was one of Team Universe 7’s most important fighters in the first tournament, but as Black Frieza, he now holds power far beyond many Gods of Destruction.
That said, he’s completely untrustworthy unlikely to survive the events of the upcoming Black Frieza Saga, and Goku probably won’t be placing his trust in him again – especially given how many options he now has to choose from. The current strongest member of Universe 7’s dream team is Goku. By accessing True Ultra Instinct, the highest level of the form that won Universe 7 the first Tournament of Power, Goku was able to surpass Gas, after he had used the Super Dragon Balls to become the most powerful warrior in the universe. Close behind Goku are his fellow Saiyans – Gohan, Vegeta and Broly.

Dragon Ball Super Can Give Piccolo An Even Stronger Form – & Dragon Ball DAIMA Holds the Secret
Piccolo is one of Dragon Ball’s most compelling characters and the key to his post-Orange Piccolo success could rely upon DAIMA’s Neva.
While Vegeta’s mastery of his newest form, Ultra Ego, isn’t as great as Goku’s control over Ultra Instinct, he was still able to pummel Granolah with it, after the Cerealian had previously become the strongest fighter in Universe 7. As Gohan Beast, the son of Goku was able to defeat Cell Max, an Android with seemingly more power than Gas. The wildcard of the group, Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan, and he spent all of Dragon Ball Super: Broly beating up Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta, with the two needing to form Gogeta to stand a chance against him.
Piccolo is, unsurprisingly, the weakest member of this quintet. In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, he became Orange Piccolo, and defeated Gamma 2, who he claimed to be as strong as Goku and Vegeta. Piccolo later takes a loss in this film, though, unable to defeat Cell Max. While it’s disappointing that Piccolo still can’t hold a handle to the Saiyans, if anything, his relative weakness speaks volumes about how outclassed every other universe has become. In the first Tournament of Power, the only individual fighters who ever posed a serious threat to Goku were Universe 11’s Jiren and Top. Yet they wouldn’t even be able to beat Orange Piccolo, let alone his Saiyan teammates.
The Rest of Dragon Ball’s Multiverse Only Has So Much Room to Grow
Only a Handful of Universes Have the Potential to Put Up a Fight Against Team Universe 7
In theory, the other 11 universes in the Dragon Ball multiverse should have been able to use the time since the last Tournament of Power to grow significantly stronger, just as Universe 7 has. This very well may be the case, but it simply isn’t feasible that any of them can build a team capable of challenging Team Universe 7. The Z-Warriors and their allies simply have too many advantages that no one else does for any of their competitors to catch up to them. The single-strongest warrior in the original Tournament of Power, by far, was Universe 11’s Jiren.
Said to possess power that rivals the Gods of Destruction, it took the combined efforts of Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta, Golden Frieza, Android 17, and Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku to bring him down. Jiren was the front-runner in the last tournament but, ironically, his status as the ceiling for the multiverse’s mortals is now what dooms them all to continued losses against Universe 7. There are now no less than eight mortals in Universe 7 capable of handily defeating Jiren, as he was during the Universe Survival Saga. Jiren has likely kept up his training, he may still be on the same level as Goku, and the benefit of the doubt can be given to his fellow Pride Troopers, Top and Dyspo, that they too have climbed to his level. But this won’t help Team Universe 11 secure a victory when the rest of the Pride Troopers are laughably weaker than their leaders.

Dragon Ball GT Has Always Been Canon to DBZ – Just Not How You Think
Dragon Ball GT is a contentious entry in the celebrated shonen franchise, but it’s long overdue that fans accept that it’s part of the proper canon.
Universes 4, 9, and 10 may as well not even bother showing up for a second Tournament of Power. Their strongest warriors, Ganos, Bergamo, and Obni, respectively, all turned in pathetic performances during the first multiversal battle royale, with the former even losing to Master Roshi, and they have no clear ways of growing notably stronger. Universe 3 is also hopeless, mainly because of Vegeta. Their strategy in the first Tournament of Power revolved around combining their fighters together to form Agnilasa. Agnilasa was fearsome enough to challenge Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Gohan, and Android 17 all at once, and there’s no doubt Paparoni could improve his death machine to keep up with the Z-Warriors in modern times. However, since his fight bout with Agnilasa, Vegeta has learned Forced Spirit Fission, which he could use to forcibly de-fuse the killer Android.
Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 did not participate in the Tournament of Power due to their high Mortal Levels, but Mortal Levels are not equivalent to Power Levels. They may be the best universes to live in, but Jiren is explicitly stated to be the strongest mortal during the Universe Survival Saga, meaning none of them had a warrior capable of matching his strength. This puts them in the same category as Universe 2, who may be able to catch Team Universe 7 by surprise, but still can’t hold a candle to them. Universe 2 is led by Ribrianne and her magical girl squad, the Kamikaze Fireballs. During the previous tournament, they were held back by their selfish and shallow understanding of the love that fuels their power. If Ribrianne has learned enough about love since her loss to Android 18, she could potentially challenge Universe 7’s Saiyans.

10 Strongest Saiyans The Humans Are Now Powerful Enough To Beat In Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball’s Saiyans are some of the series’ strongest characters, but there are some who would falter against the humans’ growing strength.
Universe 6 Would Be Universe 7’s Greatest Rivals in a Second Tournament of Power
While every other universe combined could only cobble together a small handful of fighters with the potential to fight evenly against Team Universe 7, Universe 6 has five fighters of its own who could do so. Team Universe 6’s Tournament of Power run may have ended surprisingly early the first time around but, being Universe 7’s multiversal counterparts, they’re the only ones with similar potential to the Z-Warriors. Specifically, Caulifla, Kale, Cabba, Hit, and Frost could all have spent the last several years becoming as strong as Dragon Ball Super’s five main characters.
Universe 6’s Saiyan trio are all prodigies beyond compare, immensely powerful in their Base forms, and able to pick up new Super Saiyan forms with ease. Given Champa’s pettiness towards his brother Beerus, it would make complete sense for him to have Vados, train Caulfila, Kale, and Cabba the way Whis trains Goku & Vegeta. The next time these fan-favorite characters appear, they could have access to anything from Super Saiyan Blue to Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego going for them. Similarly, an explanation could be contrived for Frost unlocking either a “Golden” or “Black” form. Hit is unlike any other combatant in Dragon Ball, not focusing his training on developing raw strength. It’s possible Hit’s loss to Jiren in the first ToP could have inspired him to ensure that no one could ever overcome his time manipulation again.
Team Universe 6 could be diabolical in a second Tournament of Power, and they’d have a real chance at winning, if each team only had five fighters. This is not the case, though, as every team in the ToP needs 10 combatants. And, unfortunately for Universe 6, they simply don’t have anyone else capable of keeping up with the weaker half of what could be Team Universe 7. Not only that, but they wouldn’t be able to call upon their strongest fighter from the first Tournament of Power, Kefla. Like Agnilasa, Kefla is a fusion, and thus an easy target for Vegeta’s Forced Spirit Fission.
Team Universe 7 Has a Massive Pool of Impressive Fighters to Draw From
Beerus and Whis Have Many Options When it Comes to Constructing Their Dream Team
It is frankly comical how many warriors Universe 7 currently has who aren’t nearly as strong as their toughest fighters, yet are still superior to entire other universes. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, and Piccolo would be the heart of a second Tournament of Power team, but they would get to pick five other nearly as impressive participants to join them. Examining the roster they have access to, the days of needing to call upon Krillin, Tien Shinhan, and Master Roshi are long gone.
At the top of Goku’s list for recruitment would be Granolah. The Cerealian sniper survived the events of the Granolah the Survivor Saga, is now allied with the heroes and, based on his fights against Goku and Vegeta in this arc, he’s even stronger than Orange Piccolo. Speaking of Orange Piccolo, he may have outclassed the Gamma Androids, but that doesn’t mean the still-kicking Gamma 1 couldn’t make short work of Jiren. Both of these fighters deserve a spot on any new edition of Team Universe 7, but the final three spots are dependent on what type of strategy Beerus would want to run with, and on information fans simply don’t have access to yet.

10 Dragon Ball Fights Where Skills & Smarts Beat Higher Power Levels
As powerful as Dragon Ball’s greatest fighters are, strength doesn’t always determine victory. Sometimes, a weaker warrior can win with wisdom alone.
Based on their performances in the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Majin Buu and Merus would be risky, but potentially game-changing inclusions on Team Universe 7. The strongest demon and a former Angel respectively, it’s unclear how many of Buu’s recent accomplishments should solely be attributed to the presence of the Grand Supreme Kai in his body, or how powerful Merus actually is now that he’s been fully reduced to a mortal. In the case of Buu, there’s also the matter of him having fallen asleep before tournaments he was meant to compete in twice. Fortunately, Beerus isn’t in a position where gambles like these two are necessary.
Stoic and fueled by infinite energy generators, Androids 17 and 18 are as strong and reliable as ever. They’ve continued to fight alongside the Z-Warriors since the first Tournament of Power, and it would only be right for the reigning champion to defend his title. Of course, the safest bet of all that Beerus could make would back to stack his team with even more Saiyans. At the time of the first Tournament of Power, Goten and Trunks were already leagues stronger than the human Z-Warriors, and they were only left behind due to them being little kids. Now, they’re learning responsibility as superheroes, and there aren’t too many fighters in the multiverse capable of handling their fusion, Gotenks. Depending on when the next Tournament of Power takes place, Pan would also be an excellent inclusion.
Within the original animated continuity, the daughter of Gohan and Videl was capable of slapping around Goten by the time she was 4, and able to injure enemies even stronger than Majin Buu by the time she was 9. While not a Saiyan, a timeskip could also enable Goku’s future apprentice, Uub, to get in on the action. Short of Zeno reviving the previously erased universes, and revealing them all to be far stronger than any others, it’s hard to see how a second Tournament of Power could be a competition. Goku and his friends are already too dangerous to be contended with, and this is without the inevitable power-ups they’ll no doubt receive during the Black Frieza Saga. If their other option is fighting against Team Universe 7 directly, the other universes might be better off challenging them to games of rock, paper, scissors.
Dragon Ball tells the tale of a young warrior by the name of Son Goku, a young peculiar boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns of the Dragon Balls, when, once all 7 are gathered, grant any wish of choice.